Friday, September 20, 2024

Typhoid breaks out in Luanshya


Typhoid has broken out in Luanshya and one person is reported to have died while 25 others have been hospitalized.

Luanshya District Health Environmental Technologist Raymond Mukonde disclosed the development during an urgent epidemic preparedness committee meeting held in the District Commissioners office on Jan 15th.

Mr. Mukonde said Roan hospital has 9 cases while Luanshya mine hospital has 19 adding that Thomson hospital has no facilities to diagnose typhoid.

He, however, said that there were two suspected cases at Thomson hospital.

He said that epidemic is likely to spread to all the parts of the district if Kafubu Water and Sewerage Company does not chlorinate and repair the leakages on their supply pipes.

Mr. Mukonde said his office had carried out tests on samples of tap water in the affected areas of Mpatamatu and Roan townships and discovered that the water was not fit for human consumption because it had bacterial contamination.

And Luanshya mine hospital chief medical officer Dr. Borniface Zulu said the water utility company should strengthen chlorine dosages, unblock sewer lines and repair leaking pipes to avoid the spread of the disease.

Luanshya District Commissioner George Kapu said there was need to sensitize residents in the district over the need to boil and chlorinate their drinking water.



  1. I’m quite lost,especially that it’s been a long time since i heard about typhoid.Can somebody help me,what causes typhoid and what are the symptoms?

  2. Typhoid fever, also known as Salmonella Typhi or commonly just typhoid,[1] is an illness. Common worldwide, it is transmitted by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with feces from an infected person.[2] The bacteria then perforate through the intestinal wall and are phagocytosed by macrophages. Salmonella Typhi, more correctly called Salmonella enterica enterica Typhi, then alters its structure to resist destruction and allow them to exist within the macrophage. This renders them resistant to damage by PMN’s, complement and the immune response. The organism is then spread via the lymphatics while inside the macrophages. This gives them access to the reticuloendothelial system and then to the different organs throughout the body. The organism is a Gram-negative short bacillus…

  3. Symptoms:
    Typhoid fever is characterized by a slowly progressive fever as high as 40 °C (104 °F), profuse sweating, gastroenteritis, and nonbloody diarrhea. Less commonly a rash of flat, rose-colored spots may appear.[3]

    Classically, the course of untreated typhoid fever is divided into four individual stages, each lasting approximately one week. In the first week, there is a slowly rising temperature with relative bradycardia, malaise, headache and cough. A bloody nose (epistaxis) is seen in a quarter of cases and abdominal pain is also possible. There is leukopenia, a decrease in the number of circulating white blood cells, with eosinopenia and relative lymphocytosis, a positive diazo reaction and blood cultures are positive for Salmonella typhi or paratyphi. The classic Widal…

  4. There are rhonchi in lung bases. The abdomen is distended and painful in the right lower quadrant where borborygmi can be heard. Diarrhea can occur in this stage: six to eight stools in a day, green with a characteristic smell, comparable to pea-soup. However, constipation is also frequent. The spleen and liver are enlarged (hepatosplenomegaly) and tender and there is elevation of liver transaminases. The Widal reaction is strongly positive with antiO and antiH antibodies. Blood cultures are sometimes still positive at this stage. (The major symptom of this fever is the fever usually rises in the afternoon up to the first and second week.)

    In the third week of typhoid fever a number of complications can occur:

    Intestinal hemorrhage due to bleeding in congested Peyer’s patches; this…

  5. Flying insects feeding on feces may occasionally transfer the bacteria through poor hygiene habits and public sanitation conditions. Public education campaigns encouraging people to wash their hands after defecating and before handling food are an important component in controlling spread of the disease. A person may become an asymptomatic carrier of typhoid fever, suffering no symptoms, but capable of infecting others. According to the Centers for Disease Control approximately 5% of people who contract typhoid continue to carry the disease after they recover.

  6. Thank you ba number 3 even though i did not grasp much in your paragraph due to prominence of biological terms.Anyway,i have to count myself lucky because when i was young we used to go ku tufi dam but we never suffered from this typhoid.

  7. # 7, you are welcome. kafubu water and sewerage company management should be made answerable, for failing to put a quality control and monitoring system in place. This kind of inhuman negligence by the company should not be condoned.

  8. It’s really sad that people should be forced to drink unclean water due to maintenance deficits on the side of the Water & Sewerage company. If it was in Haiti where disaster struck, one would even dare to understand – but where is the problem Zambia?

  9. Ifiko ubwingi no wonder! Most shanti compounds (slums) in Zed are floating in sewage water (amafi) especially in rainy season…. suwa all that money spent on holidays from tax payers money can help fix this problem.. and much more:-?

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