Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Its impossible to rig polls through mobile NRC issuance – Tembo


The Anti Voter Apathy (AVAP) says it is not possible for the MMD to rig elections through the ongoing mobile issuance of national registration cards (NRCs) exercise.

And AVAP has expressed shock to learn that government has allowed opposition political parties in Mazabuka to go round and carry out mobile announcements instead of the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) to undertake the programme.

AVAP Director, Bonnie Tembo said this in reaction to callers when he featured on a live phone in programme at Mazabuka’s community radio station dubbed Live Wire.

Several callers accused government of planning to rig elections through the mobile issuance of NRCs which they said was being done without the knowledge of the community.

Callers complained that they are aware of the programme as the department of national registration has not publicised its programme to rural communities.

But Mr Tembo challenged callers to take an active role and get involved in ensuring that they obtained necessary information about the programme to clear suspicion of rigging elections.

And Mr Tembo has urged home affairs minister, Lameck Mangani to seriously address the challenges facing the department of national registration in Mazabuka if potential applicants are to obtain NRCs and participate in next year’s general elections.

He said the situation where all political parties are asked to ferry their supporters in trucks to obtain the cards is a danger to national security.

Mr Tembo said government should also protect its officers as the development could lead to chaos.

He said registration officers should be directed to visit rural areas and not to sit in their ofices to issue NRCs.

Mr Tembo said government has allocated K 22 billion for the programme adding that there is no justification for officers to conduct the exercise at the BOMA.


  1. It is either that Bonnie Tembo is dull and cannot adequately analyse given any senario or that he is being paid to say this. Most people think election rigging happens on election day, that is a minor component. The entire electrol process must be examined. If the issuance of NRC’s is concentrated in MMaD stronghold areas, then the electrol process is being designed to give the MMaD an upper hand and that act alone constitutes election rigging.

  2. Term of office for AVAP director is for how long kanshi? Mr Tembo and his organisation has for longtime failed to address, educate and advocate against iregularities that occur during every elections between MMD and its opposition parties.And these are organisation sitting in NCC just to get allowances.

  3. Bonnie, nabakupisha muli cash bululu. Are we singing from the same hymn sheet?

  4. Mr.Tembo, what are you telling us,did’nt you hear the areas were Registration has teken place overwelmingly,those are MMD strong holds,why? MMD has since 1991 never won any clean Election.If you have noticed in most populated Areas they Loose and win at last in less populated rural areas.This is the trend even in the so called Mobile Registration.So far on Copperbelt the Registration is Silent why,they know it is not their Area. AVAP you are finished and you are not doing your Job,if I was to be president I would Deregister useless Organisations like yours.

  5. If u people do not knw wat AVAP has done,just keep quite…Stop condemning wat u don’t know , instead try 2 get an insight of wat da organisation is doing & has done.WELL DONE BONNIE!

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