Friday, March 14, 2025

Archbishop Chama concerned over the abuse of social media among some Zambians


Archdiocese of Kasama Archbishop Ignatius Chama
Archdiocese of Kasama Archbishop Ignatius Chama

Archdiocese of Kasama Archbishop Ignatius Chama has expressed concern over the abuse of social media among some Zambians.

Archbishop CHAMA says it is sad that people have become pre-occupied with negative use of internet at the expense of God’s word and other progressive issues.

He said this during a priestly ordination for Conely Musonda, Modest Muleba and Staphord Mulamba held at Santa Maria Parish in Chilubi.

Archbishop Chama urged the newly ordained priests to be wary of the trend of abusing social media and preach against it.

And the priest has urged politicians to embrace political harmony, co-existence and Godly morals.

Archbishop Chama said political leaders must endeavor to rise above their differences.

Meanwhile, Northern Province Minister Brian Mundubile implored the church to partner with government in addressing vices that are against both Christian and national values.

Mr. Mundubile said government under the leadership of President EDGAR LUNGU considers the church as an agent and partner in creating positive change in society.

He said church leaders must continue to speak against vices that are detrimental to national development.

Other notable guests at the ordination were Chief Matipa of the Bisa people, Chilubi Member of Parliament Rosaria Fundanga, Democratic Party leader Harry Kalaba and some government officials.


  1. It laughable how some people in Zambia including the lazy one in State house are concerned with abuse of something like social media which can easily be countered by being transparent and accountable…why are you as a Priest not concerned about workers not getting paid for 6 months!!

    • Old people from Northern Rhodesia should come to terms with the fact that Social Media is here and now. Stop living in the past. If you don’t like it then continue reading Daily Mail paper edition which Kaunda left you. Why do you read it if you don’t like it?

    • Archbishop are you for Satan or what? Get I talk about real issues… ask yourself why people have taken that turn and what is causing it…

      You will learn that it is the leadership you are so conveniently leaving out in your silly little convo here… come on Archbishop, don’t be childish…

    • When people kindly advise you misconstrue it as social abuse. Let us encourage to express their opinions freely

  2. Let the people freely express themselves, enough of this control thing. If they were abusing social media Jeff Bezo would have banned them, but he has not because he knows people have a right to express themselves. A good leader will listen to what the people are saying on social media instead of calling it abuse. Businesses pay for people’s views and you call it abuse how else will these lazy leaders get better.

  3. The Archeological Bishop has not defined what he terms “Abuse” of Social Media. As the saying goes, every observation is a matter of perception! One will say the cup is half full and another will say the cup is half empty! Nothing wrong with Social Media! News papers and Post mail are now extinct with the coming of technology!
    If you can’t embrace change don’t blame change! Failure to embrace change is what caused extinction of the dinosaurs! Don’t be rigid! Many businesses have moved from brick and mortar shops to Social Media platforms! Moreover, give people space to decide according to their God-given free will! People have the right to be different! What is wrong is imposing one’s values on others! Values are relative!

    • Tell your debarred lawyer to hold a press conference and answer questions from a free press , questions that the nation needs answers and assurances for….then maybe we would not speculate on SM….

  4. When I read the article what came to mind is that the Bishop is concerned about the recent explicit (audio and video) that has been doing the rounds in Zambis. Surely no one can fault him for condemning such? However, it seems many people think he was speaking up against free speech!? Surely can we have such diverse interpretations?

  5. Why not just put your Word of God on social media and allow free competition in the market place of ideas? Belief in Catholic superstition has been dwindling because its growth relied on ignorance, suppression of alternative beliefs, and threats of abnormal punishment. You cannot stop secularisation of which social media is just a catalyst via free flow of info and exposing thieving, corrupt, defiling, and pedophile priests and bishops.

  6. Your holiness what is being abused is human rights.You are quiet when people are retired in national and public interests.

  7. Social media in most countries is a mirror image of the general feeling of the population that are able to access that media, if anger is being portrayed within the writing or submissions of the general population through media then it is a reflection that the general population is not happy with something, clumping down on such feelings will not change the feeling of the people hence if you have an intelligent government, it can actually use the general feelings as seen on social media to address pertinent issues arising from the general feeling of people, of course for those that were brought up before computers they tend not to really understand Social media and to them clumping it down is the solution but doing that is actually a problem because you block the only simple way in which…

  8. People can express themselves, in a society where freedoms are guaranteed people generally find other means of expressing themselves away from social media but in societies where freedoms are not guaranteed people will always express themselves through social media in order to take out the frustrations within themselves,
    an example of failing to guarantee peoples freedoms is when they want to demonstrate over something, here in Zambia the police will be instructed, I repeat instructed not to grant such permit so where else are they going to express themselves, by not grating people the right to demonstrate dull governments think they have solved something when in fact the opposite is the case.

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