Sunday, September 8, 2024

Post Newspaper Liquidation Doesn’t Mean I am Dead-Fred M’membe


Fred M’membe arriving at Muchinga Police Headquarters for questioning1
Fred M’membe arriving at Muchinga Police Headquarters for questioning1

Fred M’membe says the provisional liquidation of the Post doesn’t mean he is dead.

The Socialist Party 2021 presidential candidate said this after a seven-hour long questioning at Muchinga Province Police Headquarters.

When Dr M’membe entered the police station at about our 08:25, one of the officers, Oscar Phiri, availed him a statement of complaint by Post provisional liquidator Lewis Mosho.

The complaint states that police were making inquiries in the offence of possession of property suspected to be proceeds of crime contrary to section 71 (1), a, b,c (2), (3) of the forfeiture of proceeds of crime Act Number 19 of the laws of Zambia.

“It is alleged that Dr Fred M’membe on unknown dates but between the year 2012 and June 19, 2019 acquired land and build structures in Mwika Village, sub-chief Mwaba Nkulungwe, chief Nkula’s area in Shiwang’andu district of the Muchinga Province of the Republic of Zambia.”

“These structures, the complaint continues, are alleged to be from resources suspected to be proceeds realised from some Post Newspapers Limited shares and Assets which Dr M’membe is further alleged to have concealed and undeclared to the provisional liquidator of the Post Newspapers Limited in liquidation.

Dr M’membe was then asked if he understood the allegations levelled against him.

“You’re further warned and cautioned that you’re not obliged to say anything in answer to these allegations unless you wish to do so. But whatever you say shall be taken down in writing and may be used in evidence in the courts of law,” Mosho told Dr M’membe through the police. You’re also reminded that you have a constitutional right to legal representation.”

Dr M’membe chose to speak.

“Unless, they kill me physically I will still be here smiling, laughing. I came into this world with nothing and I will leave with nothing. As long as I live and in good health, I will be able to feed myself,” Dr M’membe said.

“This year, I produced maize at Mwika, a huge harvest which nobody in the entire history of Nkulugwe has ever produced.”

He then addressed Mosho.

“Mr Mosho is provisional liquidator of The Post Newspapers Limited, he is not a provisional liquidator of Fred M’membe,” Dr M’membe said.

“Fred M’membe has a life separate from and beyond Post Newspapers Limited. The provisional liquidation of Post Newspapers Limited does not mean death of Fred M’membe. Post Newspapers Limited was a creation of Fred M’membe. Fred M’membe is not a creation of the Post Newspapers. But it would seem when they placed the Post into provisional liquidation, they thought that was the end of Fred M’membe’s life; they thought he was dead and buried. They can’t believe he’s still alive today smiling, laughing. And even built a huge house in the village.”

He said they wanted him to die.

“They wanted me to die. They took away my investments of 25 years. I’m in Mwika village not because I have nowhere else’s to go; I am there because that’s the land of my birth. The land my ancestors left me with, collectively with my relatives. It is not land curved for me by some benevolent sub-chief,” Dr M’membe continued.

“I went to Lusaka after finishing my form Five at St Francis Secondary School, Malole, P.0. Box 49 Kasama, Northern Province of the Republic of Zambia in 1976. I went to Lusaka to attend the University of Zambia. After that I started work in Lusaka.”

Dr M’membe said he went to Lusaka from Mwika alone.

“But today I return with a big family comprising of a wife, children and grandchildren. In Lusaka, I am simply a guest of Chief Nkomeshya who has been very kind to give us some land to build on and even settle there. But Mwika Royal village is my home and nobody will take me out of that,” he said.

“My plea to you officers is that search your conscience; do the right thing regardless of the consequences. And the right thing is to vacate my house. Treat me fairly, respect my human rights and my rights as a human being.”

He said he was not asking for any favours.

“I ask for no favours from you but please, please do the right thing by vacating my house. Here I am being expected to legitimise an illegality and an unlawful act. The Police are not there to protect some of us; only God is there for us. If not stopped, the bell tolling on me today will toll on you tomorrow,” Dr M’membe spoke further.

“My response to Mr Mosho’s complaint is that I have not committed any crime and I have not procured any form of proceeds of crime as complained. And any honest investigation will prove that. This is simply a political ploy by Mr Mosho and his political masters to try and curtail my political work for 2021.

Fred M’membe arriving at Muchinga Police Headquarters for questioning
Fred M’membe arriving at Muchinga Police Headquarters for questioning

Armed police officers have cordoned off Muchinga Division headquarters in Chinsali to stop people from accessing the police station as Socialist Party 2021 presidential candidate Dr Fred M’membe was being interviewed.

Dr M’membe was recently issued with a call out to report to Chinsali Police in connection with a house he built in his Mwika village in Shiwang’andu district.

Muchinga Police Division issued the call out to Dr M’membe via Police Headquarters in Lusaka where he was summoned to appear last Thursday.

Dr M’membe arrived at the Muchinga Police Division in the provincial headquarters, Chinsali, at 08:15 Hours and the interview lasted for over seven hours.

Police recorded a warm caution statement from Dr M’membe at 14:25 Hours.

Some sympathizers greeting Fred M’membe at Muchinga Police Headquarters after questioning
Some sympathizers greeting Fred M’membe at Muchinga Police Headquarters after questioning

And Muchinga Police commissioner Joe Njase has praised the Socialist Party and Dr M’membe for not taking along disruptive supporters to the police station during Dr M’membe’s interview.

And Muchinga Police commissioner Joe Njase has praised the Socialist Party and Dr M’membe for not taking along disruptive supporters to the police station during Dr M’membe’s interview.

Mr. Njase praised Dr M’membe and the Socialist Party for cooperating with the police.

“I just wish to commend Socialist Party for not coming with disruptive supporters. I have seen a few outside outside and they are well-behaved. Thank you very much for cooperating,” said Njase who was not part of the interrogating team.

Dr M’membe was ushered inside with only two-party officials while the rest of his delegation were ordered not to come out of their motor vehicles.

On June 22 police officers staged an attack at Dr M’membe’s village in Nkulungwe area of Shiwang’andu district, chased the workers, vandalised ornaments, cooked and ate the food before occupying the house.

As this was happening, Dr M’membe was addressing a Socialist Party maiden public rally at Nsansa Grounds in Kitwe’s Race Course compound.


  1. freaking pf afraid of it’s shadows
    they think their intimidation silly tactics will work, docile as most Zambians are, the storm is blowing, Zambia is heavily pregnant, wait and see what it’ll give birth to. you can only push people so far before they get fade up and risk whatever little they have and it won’t be a push back, but a push over

    • @FTJ You will be next.
      Police summon journalist for reporting Lubinda’s attack.
      Muvi TV Journalist Kalani Muchima has been summoned to by police at the Zambia Police Headquarters tomorrow.
      Police sources who leaked the summon to the Watchdog said that government and PF leadership were annoyed that the attack was exposed as it exposed their dwindling popularity.
      After beating Lubinda last week, PF thugs vowed to continue beating more PF leaders and ministers. Among those threatened to be beaten are Lusaka province Minister Bowman Lusambo and PF Secretary General Davies Mwila.

  2. Mmembe no longer has the political clout he had as kingmaker when he was having the influential post newspaper.

  3. The only problem here is that silly boy Stephen Kampyongo the former Katondo St Currency Dealer now Head of Police…he is area MP for Shiwang’andu district and it ekes him that M’membe is right in his clans backyard and has sympathizers. He is there misusing officers instead of attending to other matters!!

  4. It is good to see that monkeys like jayjay still spend all their time on this forum. I would rather spend time with my swiss white wife than mingling with low lives here. Lusaka times you will block me muzalema. I have the unblocking mechanism. My wife elisa thinks most of you here are just useless maggots

  5. If only he paid his taxes in the first place all this will not be happening. He took advantage of previous governments who were afraid of him and the International community. If Mmembe did not owe ZRA, he would be fighting for his Post Newspaper back. He would not have formed the Mast and started building houses in Villages. Musho next is Mmembe’s mothers house in Mongu. It is just near Radio Liseli.

  6. The worst things have been perpetrated by ZP under this current IG, and how he still remains in that office is shocking!
    What justifies the Police invading a private property without a warrant, chase the workers, cook the food and occupy it indefinitely?? Bwana Minister if your IG is sleeping, which he is, please do the right thing and bring sanity to the Police service NOT police force! That house is an immovable asset, do your so called investigations and you will find it.

  7. Mwaba wa Nkulungwe was Chitimukulu’s uncle, his daughter Lukonde was the latter’s first wife Mukolo Lukonde. She’s the custodian of babenye. No Chitimukulu ascends to the throne without Mukolo Lukonde. Fred Mumembe royal blood flows in you. You’re Chikabalelola despite your Lozi blood. However, you’re also from the Lozi Royal Clan. Find time to sit with me Mwanawandi. Bachepa sana ba kalume

  8. Fred Mmembe is one of the worst Zambians to ever exist period. We need to worry about bettering Zambia than thinking about this sociopath.

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