Sunday, September 8, 2024

UPND ward elections candidate withdraws from the race and joins PF


Opposition UPND Kanabilumbu Ward by-election candidate in Kaoma District in Western Province Misheck Mundandwe has withdrawn from the race and joined the Patriotic Front.

Mr. Mundandwe has resigned from the opposition political party with immediate effect and said the electorate who are UPND supporters in Mangango Constituency have advised him to do so as everyone has resolved to work with President Edgar Lungu.

He said his decision has also been prompted by the resignation of the opposition UPND Kaoma District Council Chairperson Bindundu Mutti earlier this week.

The Kaoma Council Chairperson resigned on Monday, following his suspension by UPND President Hakainde Hichilema for welcoming the Head of State in the district when he officiated at the Zambia Correctional Service Pass out on 11th July, 2019.

And Mr. Mundambwe said more resignations are expected as it is clear that there is a paradigm shift across Western Province towards the PF government.

He said this is because President Edgar Lungu has continued to develop the nation without leaving anyone behind.


    • Thats democracy… its not like us soccer funs who stick to the team come what may…win or loose ifintu Chipolopolo

    • Ati “Lungu has continued to develop the country without leaving anyone..” how many Lozis or Tongas are in Lungu’s cabinet? Just go and enter the brown envelope

    • @Djs. Lungu had appointment people from southern province. Hh blaxk listed them

      Even Hamukale is a condemned person in southern province because he accepted to work with govt.

    • @dj, the majority of Tongas and Lozis prefer to follow HH blindly just because he is either a tribes mate or a tribal cousin. That is why ECL is avoiding them like cholera or syphilis. Who would be so dull as to put someone who doesn’t recognize your authority into cabinet?

  1. Double H has a very unattractive persona, dry sense of humour, self-centred attitude and an uninspiring leadership stye l. Its for these reasons he has no veep currently and councillors are leaving him.

    • He has been given money. You can now see how PF is messing the tax payer ‘s money on useless bye elections in the name of popularity. Come 2021 the Candidate to be voted for in the same ward will be UPND so what are you achieving for now.

  2. PF is very fertile.2021 general elections in four provinces (Eastern,muchinga,Luapula and northern)PF will have tallying 40%.

  3. “He said this is because Lazy Lungu has continued to develop the nation without leaving anyone behind.”

    This is flawed thinking here…they think its Lazy Lungu who takes money out of his pocket pays for overpriced projects not knowing its themselves.

    • You have always described the president as “Lazy Lungu “. You may not agree with him, or you may not like him but the scriptures encourages us, you inclusive to respect the worldly authorities. It will not take anything away from you sir. Offer alternatives where you think things have been done wrongly, remember you’re a regular blogger on this site. It will do us good if you could tone down and be civil in your posts.

    • @ Mauya, you quote “Scriptures”. Don’t the same scriptures advise against Corruption, Greed, Gluttony, Adultery, could go on all night, which Ba Jona is Guilty of.
      Was embezzling a widows cash recommended by your so called scriptures? These P.F Bandits are pilfering whilst asking you to close your eyes & pray to imaginary Gods in the sky.
      MUZI NKHALAKO SERIOUS PLEASE as we watch the Nation ROT under the stewardship of these Corrupt dishonest P.F Brutes.

    • @7.2 I wonder why and how you responded to an appeal meant for someone else. My appeal is for civility. Your own question will be “what has your vulgar language achieved in addressing your allegations?
      It is possible for you to put across your message without being vulgar or disrespectful.

  4. This is sad. We all know that successive governments in Zambia have chosen to take development to other regions of the country leaving Western province behind. I’ve heard that Western province is actually rich in minerals but our leaders have been discouraging investments and mineral exploration in Western province for reasons only known to themselves. Some guy even told me that people from Western province don’t want any development because they refuse to avail their resources such as land to investors. Is this true people of Western province? I’ve never been to Western province but my friends who’ve been there tell me that the place is very behind in terms of development. I’m very surprised that a councillor is claiming that ECL is developing the whole country.

    • @Popolyongo
      Stany0k0, n0k0 ichinyo ukununka ****** iwe, muk0ng0 wan0k0. Who told you that writing something as reported by others is a crime? What’s wrong with just saying that the information is wrong?

  5. Such people should be arrested for wasting party’s resources. They are a let down to democracy. This is an erosion to tenets of democracy. It is high time we changed constitution to reprimand those who are willingly pulling out to frustrate the programme of democracy. They are chickens who are supposed to be caged.

  6. When you are in opposition does that mean you don’t work with government? HH you have a problem why every time you suspend your members? You are losing your popularity.change the leader of UPND you will win 2021 . believe me if upnd can remove HH people will celebrate like they have won presidential votes

  7. Malilo niku lilana,just unfortunate that he resigned after nominations.Are these the signs of things to come in 2021?Bena baza fenta!

  8. Western Province is not any less devlpd than others. Actually WP has indeginous people running its economy. Mongu is a thriving upcoming city with beautiful roads and so are other towns like Kaoma, Kalabo,Senanga ect. WP is changing and Govt shud continue to facilitate development.WP has from time immemorial been economically independent and the people work hard for themselves and never depended on Govt food handouts. Govt shud quickly look at fish farming,cattle restocking and rice schemes. For roads we need Lukulu–Kaoma, Lukulu–Mongu, Kasempa–Kaoma,Senanga–Sesheke and of course feeder roads. This wont be done in a day. So any talk of so called least developed is untrue. The People of WP like their brotheren across the country must continue to pressure Govt and their MPs for their…

    • So you are not aware that Senanga Sesheke road was done sometime back. Problem imwe Filozi you don’t appreciate no matter what Govt does for you


    United Party for National Development (UPND) Kanabilumbu Ward by-election candidate Mundandwe Misheck in Kaoma district of Barotseland has refuted some social media that suggested that he has withdrawn from the race, aswell as resigned from UPND and joined PF.
    Read Zambian watch Dog

  10. Serious thinkers are able to read through the scheme. The other day, it was some council chairperson who came all the way from Kaoma to announce his resignation and subsequent defection to ruling party. The guy was failing to read his own speech, what does that tell you? If at all someone is using money to buy people, why not use that money to reduce poverty?

  11. This is a fake media and when one say he has resigned you need to call,
    UPND Kanabilungu Ward By-election Candidate Rubbishes Resignation Rumour,calls It Silly And Acts Of Scared (VIDEO)
    July 24, 2019 22 0

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