Monday, September 16, 2024

NCC proposal to pay allowances of up K5 billion to Lusaka based MPs irks FODEP


National constitutional Conference delegates
National constitutional Conference delegates

Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) has expressed displeasure on the proposal by the National Constitution Conference (NCC) to pay Lusaka based Parliamentarians facilitation allowances amounting to K 5 billion.[quote]

FODEP Information Officer Chipenzi McDonald said in a press statement released to ZANIS today that the proposal demonstrates the misplacement of priorities by those entrusted with the management of public resources.

Mr. Chipenzi said the proposal is both ill-conceived and a clear manifestation of imprudent financial management of public resources.

He said government should refrain from the tendency of utilizing public resources for the benefit of few elite individuals.

He suggested that the K5 billion should assist government to hasten the implementation of projects particularly those that address the needs of the majority poor.

Mr. Chipenzi stressed that FODEP expects Cabinet and President Rupiah Banda to ultimately reject the proposal to save government’s integrity and retain people’s confidence in it as regards to financial management.

He has since implored the Zambian people to take keen interest in the management of their resources and demand for accountability from their leaders.



  1. awe i wont say anything. my father who for security reasons i wont mention is chewing a large sum of this money. let it just come through. ninshi natampa nafuti popping moet for random people. awe guys if u are poor now blame your father. just know ati ale yangala ku skulu. dont blame govt. deuces:)>-

  2. Plunder at its best, i have questioned a lot of brains and composition of this gathering, its a shame. ni sebana wikute arrangement.

  3. Honestly are we just going to sit back and watch these political opportunists loot our Country just like that. May God help us. Firstly RB increases salaries which LPM had said he wasn’t going to increase and, the Simon Miti saga and many other thefts of hard earned peoples tax. Something must be don.

  4. Zambians are too docile, always hard earned taxpayers money is meant to benefit few self individuals and the entire country is watching without protest. Anyway what would you expect from people who claim to be leaders that graduate from poverty, uneducated political cadres,peasant farmers to been a president, MP and civic leaders? of course nothing, so they are using their opportunities to harvest were they did not sow, come on zambians wake up and protect the country from this nosense of injustice and misplacing priorities in a poverty striken country Zambia.

    Revolutionary salutation.

  5. number 5, why ule ponta so? dont be like this. some of us our parents depend on this. this is their job. deuces:)>-

  6. The K5B is the litmus test for the MMD. Should they get this money, Zambians maynot stop it but they will talk loudly by ballots in 2011.

  7. This is a poorly written story. Constitutionally, there are only 5 Lusaka-based MPs, that is, Chawama, Lusaka Central, Munali, Mandevu and Matero. None of these, except 1, sits on the NCC. So how can NCC pay K5 billion (about US $1m) to 1 MP? What type of “journalism” is this?

    Can LT please clarify this story.

  8. numba 8 use your common sense wawumfwa mune. this is not grade 5 comprehension.deuces you ka multi millionare who has time to blog with the average person.:)>-

  9. # 6 Walai fimo fimo, why cant you just one day spare us from your irrelavant contributions on this blog? We know you have been to school and since your father is also benefiting from this scrap happening in NCC and Zambia, as you have put it, am sure you can post very good and postive contributions defending the subject of discussion. That’s just my advice to you, so please help us.

    For the marginalized Zambians

  10. number 10 mune, how am i affecting you? is it hard everytime u c the name walai to ignore any comments under that name? is hard to ignore some one, ok i am goin to ignore you now, watch and learn. deuces mune:)>-

  11. Where is Akapondo bwamber bwakwe? He must be an MP`s son who see no wrong as long as he is a beneficiary. Aba kawishi ka MP with no heart for the poor. Chi nina ububi cha nunka aka bwamber.

  12. #5 I agree with you. Zambians are very foo lish people who will still get up and vote for MMD next year as long as they are given Chibuku na sugar.

  13. mmmm kale chibuku na sugar. ah love it bane. i remember ninshi nilika budo those days mu grz pajero nafigelo bad, but nilenwa shake shake.. just to make the hard triers feel bad. haha. ya back in the day. awe nomba we are married. deuces bane:)>-

  14. # 8 this is not for 5 MPs but meant to be paid to lusaka MPs and ministers staying in lusaka that why the number is coming to about 50. so get it right,

  15. So the issue here is that these guys stay in Lusaka and have houses here why get allowances from NCC. This 1st came to light when LPM was alive and it was agreed that it was not right now this guy Kunda wants to get the money coz he knowns Banda will say yes.

    Lets learn as Zambian to say no to wrongs, if someone father thinks this is money from God than they are in wrong positions and should not work pretending to be working for mother Zambia.

  16. # 13 mine are big, i gat you bro, Zambians will never learn,its time to unity in hearts and heads and take actions, say no to some things.

    for the marginalized Zambians

  17. You people which money is big? What about money PF MP are getting from Parly? Lubinda talks a lot of rubbish who does he share the money with for two terms?? what poor people, the poor were there during the time of Jesus and shall always be there. Any one of you the money you get from cleaning plates, guarding etc who do you share with???Ma rubish

  18. 🙂 Number 19 Solomon tell people that God has already blessed them with a mineral and human resource rich Zambia. Yes indeed God always helps, but Zambians have to repent dearly now. Then work hard and stop the laziness. I clearly see your point. Only country were goverment steals in broad day light with the masses approving. The gov. need not even setup zamtrop accounts, gratuition and things like these and zambians wont even cry.

  19. Thieving addiction (buLazo or buNatolel is a controversial concept not currently recognized as an official diagnosis in the Zambian Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, considered the definitive word on psychological disorders. Dr. Sansakuwa of the University of Sangomaz, who heads a working group dealing with “de-Lazorization”, said he expected “hyperLazorization disorder” to be listed as a sickness. “Certainly a lot of Sangomas believe there is a clinical phenomenon of people who experience a lot of sansamcation or get into a lot of trouble from excessive plunder. Anything in the thieving arena just like in sex and gender domains is controversial, just like Chiluba’s plunderous ways, for state coffers and other people’s wives, sick in…

  20. If FODEP our kleptomanian septuagenarian President Rupiah Banda to ultimately reject the proposal then they deserve to have their heads examined for ‘masalamusi’. Any Zambian in their right frame of mind would clearly know that Banda was all the time aware of Kunda’s proposals and they have his full blessings. The only way to treat thieves like these is to do what the soldiers in Niamey did the other day, seize all the thieving delegates, Bwezani and the Red Lipped snake and deposit them in Mukobeko and throw the keys in the middle of Lake Mweru-Wanthipa.

  21. 2011 HERE WE COME
    As long as the issue is in favour of MMD you would defend it! Please try to analyse issues. I remember SHIKAPWASHA(Information Minister) had one time objected the payment to R CHONGWE, but u with your coll Veteran etc supported. The issue here is not 4 yo party but National.Even the PF MPs SIYANGWE, FDD CHIFUMU BANDA etc will get out of this 5B.
    Cant you survive without defending your fellows. Thats why I will never be a carder, Kuibombelafye. Kalibalika

  22. Sorry for being out of topic because i missed the Degree clause.Is a degree in tailoring or plumbing better than ACCA? Zedians dont you think next time we will only be asking for guys who went to ridgeway campus? Moreover there are people like lungwangwa, in books they are experts but general reasoning nefi BeiBe ‘amabele’ might be the weekness.Please help my head

  23. # 24 you are forgiven, but what you need to understand is that comparing what sort of education one has to another does not does not guarantee that when you have ACCA then you will make a good leader. A person with a degree in tailoring may actually be a great leader. The point is this whole degree thing is utmost nonsensical and will not last. Bill gates is a school dropout but headed one of the most successful companies in the world. Mugabe is among the most educated leaders in the world and………….

  24. Some bloggers are supporting this purely because their parents are benefitting what a shame. The lure of money is why we are seeing anything progressive being thrown out or being rejected in this constitution making process. At times I have to say it’s not good to be poor because you’re so vulnerable to many vices & this is a ploy by RB to have these commissioners deliver him a Consistution that will institutionalise his UNIP autocractic way of governing Zambia. MMD should galvanise themselves & boot this UNIP chap out. It’s a shame that Mpombo’s is being criminalised but he will be vindicted when MMD perform poorly next year. 46-years of independence & we are still failing to have a proper constitution? How can we develop when we don’t even have a great constitution?

  25. We need to learn from what happened closer to us in South Africa. This is a country that was on the brink of a full-fledged civil war but negotiated a constitution making process under extremely difficult conditions and today that consititution has won South Africa much admiration globally. In the 15-years after apartheid ended, South Africa has moved much faster than the entire 46-years of Zambia’s independence and we still are failing to agree on the supreme law & document that will govern, guide & take us to that promised land? Are you saying we Zambians have been jinxed to come up with a document that will unite us all regardless of our political affiliations? The answer is a simple one and that off course has to do with the lack of resolve to develop and progress. We love mediocrisy

  26. #25 ibange.. thank you and i can now even go for my beers.Now I realize it will not last because it was targeted on one individual forgetting the views of the majority of 11 million plus citizens,this includes the graduates themselves.

  27. By making such dubious financial decisions it shows that the ‘cancer’ destroying africa is not just its debt but wickedly selfish, overly arrogant and diminutive minded African politicans with the me, me, me and some more for me syndrome. When the capital Lusaka is drowning because of poor draining systems, UNZA students are living in pathetic squalor conditions, hospitals are short of doctors and medicine etc, it is treasonable that the Vice President should root for a motion that would see millions symphoned from state coffers for an utterly useless NCC busy inserting “ifwabo” into our constitution. Surely, if AIDS does not kill Kunda, let someone put him out of his misery by “helping” him over the edge.

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