Monday, October 14, 2024

Zambians should reject politicians and individuals who are in the habit of ridiculing the Office of the President-Siliya


Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya has called on Zambians to reject politicians and individuals who are in the habit of ridiculing the Office of the President.

Briefing journalists in Lusaka Thursday afternoon, Hon Siliya indicated that it does not pay to insult the sitting president saying he deserves the respect of citizens.

She further indicated that it is unbecoming for some politicians or individuals to use unpalatable language against the President each time they want to put across a message.

“And this also goes to the young people in the country, can you ensure that you use the cyberspace responsibly. It is a dangerous path to use insults in politics, so let’s ensure that we refrain from such acts and respect the Office of the President,” she said.

“Yes we have the freedom of speech, media freedom and so on, but it comes with responsibility. We have set October 18th as a day of national prayer and fasting, because we are a Christian nation and we should be responsible”.

In reference to the video that has gone viral where de-registered NDC leader Chishimba Kambwili allegedly used defamatory language against the president, Hon Siliya said there are a lot of Bemba proverbs that Mr. Kambwili could have used unlike insulting the sitting president in such a manner.

Hon Siliya, who is also Information and Broadcasting Services Minister, stated that Zambians should start shaming those that have opted to use insults as a way of communicating.

The minister also emphasized that the Government has not given its position on the National Dialogue Forum (NDF) resolutions.

She said other stakeholders including the Patriotic Front, United Party for National Development (UPND) among others have given their positions over this issue but that the Government has not done so as it wants to do it from an informed point of view.

She said stakeholders will be able to make submissions to the Select Committee which will be getting views from 2nd September to 27th September, 2019 at Parliament Building.

Hon Siliya said after getting submissions, the committee will then give a report to the House.

The Chief Government Spokesperson further stated that after the committee presents its report to the House, then the Government will give its position on this matter.

On the hunger situation in the country, Hon Siliya maintained that the government has not declared the hunger situation in the country a national disaster.

She said this is the more reason why stakeholders should work closely with the government in responding to the effects of climate change.


  1. Know the Power of Your Words
    “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” Proverbs 18:21

    “There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Proverbs 12:18

    “When I say our words have power, I don’t mean they have creative power in the same way that God’s words do. Rather what we see Solomon say in the Proverbs is that our words can tear down and destroy another person or they can build another person up. Notice the imagery Solomon used in 12:18. Words can act like sword thrusts, making sharp cuts into the soul of our friends and neighbors when we speak thoughtlessly. The offense may not have been intended, after all Solomon chooses the word “rash,” but thoughtless words can have the…

    • … same effects as words spoken with malicious intent. When we speak without thinking, we can bring discouragement, frustration, and pain into the lives of people around us.”
      ~Scott Slayton

    • What did Kambwili say kanshi?
      Kambwili once said “uwanya ichisushi tafwisa mate.”
      – Ba Edgar also told Mulongoti that “he eat too much beans, acho alenyela amasushi”. And Mulongoti died.
      – Ba Edgar told Kambwili that “.. alebwata bwata fye, Ni mbwa yakalyelye”.
      – Kambwili hit back that imbwa Sha ku Chawama.
      All these words of ifisushi and dogs all came from Ba Edgar.
      Ba Sata like muli Filipina.
      KK like styupid idyots.

    • Am pretty sure that the president does far more than anyone else in riduculing his own name.
      He is alway running around like a headless chicken. No vision, no direction, no idea. Does the man ever sit in the office to review reports, come up with strategies, find solutions. I bet the permant secretaries are on holiday, because there is no one to give an account to for poor results.
      And what about unseen levels of corruption? I have lived through the tenure of KK, FTJ, LPM, RB, MCS, and I have NEVER seen these levels of corruption and incompetence. I could do a detailed analysis but this isnt the place.
      The man is lazy, corrupt, incompetent, directionless, ruthless, and a carward. There is very great darkness over the horizon for Zambia.

  2. … same effects as words spoken with malicious intent. When we speak without thinking, we can bring discouragement, frustration, and pain into the lives of people around us.”
    ~Scott Slayton

  3. Politics of Defamation riding under the the skin of the richness of the Bemba Proverbs, CK claims his innocence
    Don’t Mix Anger with Your Words
    “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Proverbs 15:1

    “A f00ls lips walk into a fight, and his mouth invites a beating.” Proverbs 18:6
    A quick temper can lead to a verbal bloodbath. When we get angry and start venting, we speak without any consideration to how what we are saying will affect the people around us. Our anger blinds us to anything but the thing we didn’t get, the situation that didn’t go our way, or the person who disappointed us. In our blowing off steam we do not spend one second thinking about how our words will wound those in our hearing. Instead we make ourselves feel better in a…

    • … tirade that leaves destruction in its wake. Think about your last angry tirade. You probably don’t remember the things you said in the heat of the moment, but the people around you do. End of qoute
      ~Scott Slayton

      Notice how deflated CKinsultor becomes when in custody.
      Free the nigga. Warn and caution him, we are bearing witness.

  4. … tirade that leaves destruction in its wake. Think about your last angry tirade. You probably don’t remember the things you said in the heat of the moment, but the people around you do. End of qoute
    ~Scott Slayton

    Notice how deflated CKinsultor becomes when in custody.
    Free the nigga. Warn and caution him, we are bearing witness.

    • Quote:
      THE Kabwe Magistrate’s Court has jailed Collister Progress Shimunzhila, a member of the UPND, for four months for defaming President Lungu.
      Resident magistrate Sibaleya Chikuba sentenced Shimunzhila on Wednesday when the matter came before him for judgment.
      “I conclude finally that the prosecution has proved its case beyond all doubt and I find the accused guilty of the offence of defamation of the President contrary to Section 69 of Penal Code, chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia, and I convict him accordingly,” End of quote.

  5. What did Kambwili say kanshi?
    Kambwili once said “uwanya ichisushi tafwisa mate.”
    – Ba Edgar also told Mulongoti that “he eat too much beans, acho alenyela amasushi”. And Mulongoti died.
    – Ba Edgar told Kambwili that “.. alebwata bwata fye, Ni mbbwa yakalyelye”.
    – Kambwili hit back that imbbwa Sha ku Chawama.
    All these words of ifisushi and dogs all came from Ba Edgar.
    Ba Sata liked muli Filipina.
    KK liked styupid idyots.

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