Monday, October 14, 2024

Unlike EFF the ANC has a lukewarm approach to xenophobia – ZANASU


File:President Edgar Lungu with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa

The Zambia National Students Union (ZANASU) has officially written to South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, warning him that the inaction by the ANC Government over the ongoing xenophobic attacks against foreign nationals is threatening the South African investment and business interests in other countries.

In his letter delivered on Monday at South African Embassy in Lusaka during the demonstrations by students, ZANASU Vice President, Steven Kanyakula, said the patience by students is faster running out against inaction from the administration of the African National Congress since the party resumed power at the end of Apartheid.

“We believe that, unlike the opposition Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) who have come out strongly against these barbaric attacks by those ruffians, your administration had taken a lukewarm approach to dealing with xenophobic attacks which may be due to political expedience,” said Kanyakula

He reminded President Ramaphosa that and the people of South Africa that their country is not an Island and the actions of South Africans is posing a serious risk to the South African investment and businesses in countries like Zambia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria and everywhere as discontent continues to grow among our students.

He said students will be tempted to respond with equal militancy so as to send a strong message to the South African Government and leaders in the region whom he accused are treating South Africa with kids’ gloves that people are losing patience against your inaction

Mr. Kanyakula told President Ramaphosa that the people who are being killed today in South Africa are the very people from countries who sacrificed for its liberation and hosted them as brothers and sisters.

However, Zambia’s Republican President Edgar Lungu has restrained students against engaging in similar criminal acts as South Africans by looting and causing any public damage to property. He said it was sufficient for students to deliver their petition to the South African Government and no Zambian must be engaged in criminal acts against South Africans or any foreign national.


    • That student demos where cool, when they counted 1 to 10 and then push the police was awesome. Even Zambia Police enjoyed that!!
      And after that busy morning they all went to Heroes Stadium to watch Under 23’s Fashion and Patson in action.
      I love Zambia!!
      Primitive South Africa need learn from civilized Zambia.

    • Did the university students write this?
      “said the patience by students is faster running out against inaction from the administration”

  1. lungu has no confidence when he’s among others. that’s why he can’t stand up to nobody. he’s got no b alls.
    body language speaks louder than words

  2. I think Zambia is mature enough and has a long history of a peace maker. But what is evident now is that Zambia needs to reposition herself More assertively by making sure that she develops her economic capacity to cushion the effects of having unacceptable behaviour from her Neigbours. This is the time to double up our effort to building a resilient economy using our given comparative advantages & natural resources. These things ( conflicts) will not go away un acceptable as they ma be. People always change, leaders change too.

  3. At the end of the day what you notice about Zambians is we really do love one another. In fact it is unusual to find separated or divorced couples killing their children like what the South Africans are now doing (one fool even hanged his stepdaughter recently). We must brand this lifestyle and share it as a standard for Ubuntu. We also need to ask our ECL to come back to his country and stay for a longer period than those short times he stops by to raid his guest house wardrobe before trotting off… awe mwe.

    • We are not trashing anything, even with the Free trade parameters we can still sanction mischievous
      nations like hooligan South Africa. Africa moves on.

  4. Let’s just get out of South Africa. Why waste time with these angry people. Leave their country folks. Come home. We have plenty of everything.

  5. It’s sad that amongst all of you can be so narrow minded and I’ll informed about South Africans, all this years foreign nationals have lived in This country amongst its people’s, because of some stupidity of a few, no man, African will not survive any war against its self. Stop this nonsense and engage the self righteous individuals with narrow minds, for the sake of the generations after us. peace!!!!!

  6. In South Africa they are killing and burning foreigners in the presence of policemen. Imwe kuno Kambwili tells one Indian ati, you can’t be driving chi tractor here, leave this job for Zambians. Mwamwikata. Mwangala shani?

  7. I fully agree with you fellow brothers and sisters.this senseless barbaric acts of selfhate could have been stoped if our goverment could have had strong laws that prevents this criminality actions.
    This country has lost its values of Humanity.Shame is written on our faces.
    Shame on us People of South Africa.

  8. Pupils of South Africa are very angry with the private company which employed the foreigners all South African truckers operated by the foreigners which is not good to South African citizens all drugs filled Our land is the sauce of foreigners South African can’t did own business foreigners undermined it’s business where is South African go to live better life

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