Saturday, February 1, 2025

Chishimba Kambwili – The reincarnation of a leopard


Chief Government spokesperson Chishimba Kambwili
Former Chief Government spokesperson Chishimba Kambwili

By Chimwemwe Mwanza

The narrative in our politics has been fluid like a pendulum on steroids. Understandably so, Zambia has such an unusual talent of swinging from one crisis to another; from battling to identifying an owner of 48 houses that sprang from nowhere, to experiencing a prolonged load shedding streak and now the sky-rocketing price of our only staple commodity, mealie meal. It’s all becoming too familiar a pattern.

Amidst all this muddle, a clumsy opposition leader emerges from nowhere and purportedly throws epithets at the President. This mud – throwing incident was deemed grave enough to deflect from the core issues affecting the country. In the ensuing diversion, a warrant of arrest is hastily effected against the perpetrator, subsequently leading to his incarceration at the hands of the police. This pretty much surmises a charade that was last week.

Make no mistake, politicians are masters of deception, precisely why confusion is their best friend. Like a bolt from the blue, nobody saw this one coming. But here we are, suddenly saddled with a Chishimba Kambwili problem created by this politician’s lack of civility and use of uncouth language.

To begin with, never kick a man when he is down and screaming for help, so goes a refrain. However, Kambwili’s case is a curious one. At this point, he will do very well to heed a warning by former US President, Woodrow Wilson – who during a moment of reckoning invoked this famous quote: “If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.”

Ideally, this should be his moment of reflection on his conscience especially in the wake of the bizarre de-registration of his party and the single night’s incarceration which he recently experienced at the hands of police. As a matter of caution, he will soon find out that, it is one thing to stand defiant against a brutal regime and another to be a pariah of the ruling PF government. If he dare argue, he should ask GBM?

Yet, Kambwili is not your average politician, some might argue. A great orator with an acerbic tongue that often speaks with an unmatched bravado, this political animal has been a consummate shape-shifter on the Zambian political landscape. He is not only cut from the PF cloth but his entire political genealogy is firmly rooted in the governing party. Ever fearless, his cunning ability to spot opportunity, led him to become one of the first opposition politicians on the Copperbelt to jump on the PF bandwagon.

The businessman turned politician built his reputation by railing against corruption. Together with his contemporaries such Mukanga Yamfwa and Anthony Mumba among others, they resolutely stepped up to address challenges of their time – which by then focused largely on removing MMD from power. And this, they achieved with greater efficiency – dispatching MMD to near oblivion.

How ironic that the fall from his perch was precipitated by an investigation into alleged corrupt activities instituted by his own government. Not surprising that he was quick to dismiss the alleged malfeasance. Do we believe him? It’s only politicians of his ilk that can speak with a forked tongue and lie eloquently while holding a straight face.
Thus, it’s not a stretch that he is partly responsible for the creation of this repressive and intolerant political environment that is allergic to truth and objectivity. Until recently, he was government’s hatchet man threatening the media fraternity with reprisals for reporting negatively on government. His mischaracterisation of the media as an adversary, largely prompted him to make such irresponsible threats. In fact, the annihilation of critical independent media from our discourse counts as his single biggest achievement of his tenure as Information and Broadcasting Minister.

Now, contrary to his posture, Kambwili did not resign from PF out of his own volition but was rather kicked out of the party. If it were up to him, he would still be a parliamentarian, representing Roan constituency under the PF. So, by threatening to increase his volume in his crusade against corruption and other ills, he wants to make us believe that duplicity is a norm that should be accepted in politics? This is rich especially coming from a paragon of questionable virtues.
Hence, his transformation from the biblical Saul – who saw light on his way to persecute Christians in Damascus – to Paul the great apostle of the word, should be treated with great circumspect otherwise we risk the possibility of creating a political martyr out of a rogue.

Whatever the perceived persecution by government, Kambwili’s circumstances should best serve as an apt reminder of what could easily become of those that are drunk with and abuse power. In short, this man has just fallen on his sword. Kwasu kwa kapatamoyo, tikuti chawona munzako, mumawa chili pali iwe.

Mwanza is an avid reader of political history and philosophy. He loves Nshima with game meat. The only thing he supports is Liverpool Football club.


    • I’ve been saying the same thing even when Kambwili was in PF, this guy is a plain opportunist why and how any normal thinking person can support such people who were in positions of power but did nothing of worth to the masses and only enriched themselves beggars belief.

      A Leopard can’t change its spots.

    • Iwe Mwanza being from Kapatamoyo you must understand that Kambwili doesn’t translate into leopard. Kambwili is a hoe in both chewa and bisa so stop misleading your readers. Chishimba is a bisa name so his parents did not mean leopard when adopting that name

    • What is troubling is the polarisation which out comments. It is easy to tell who is writing. Objectivity has been thrown through the window to the wind.

    • @Malambo Man,
      The writer of the article does not mean to say Kambwili means Leopard.
      He is trying tell us the saying “a leopard never changes its spots” which means that it’s impossible for one to change their character, even if they will try very hard.
      Kambwili started as Scrap Metal Dealer with doggy deals compounded by theft etc. He fought for Political Power which he managed to attain then graduated to big money laundering using his new found power as Minister.
      Now he is chucked out and is crying fowl while condemning the rest as criminals YET HE IS ARCH-CRIMINAL HIMSELF – and will never change his spots like a leopard.

  1. Mr. Mwanza, you have deliberately left out the dearly need of such politicians, in the opposition realms. truth be told, “there is no clean politician.” maybe that’s one reason you and me aren’t politicians yet. but my point is, Chishimba Kambwili’s stupidity and uncouth ed behavior, philosophically speaking, is ‘a necessary evil.’

    • Leave co alone he has democratic right to stand in any election ,after he has won parliamentary election 3times yet some of you dull chaps u have never won any election by only erection

    • @Kaite III, I take it you are just a youngster. There’s no lesser of an evils. This bafoon in Kambwili will learn soon amatumba nga yatulika. Let him ask GBM a thousand times richer than him. Ulufumo no mukoshi will both shrink. Wajula maji weo kaboke.

  2. To even dare to think this 1d!ot can be president of this country is madness on its own!! Zambia deserves better opposition.

  3. u are making him popular. every day its kambwili, to tell u the truth he is gaining ground especially lusaka and copperbelt,as at now if elections ar called he can manage to get 15% on those two provinces. by next year that figure will double

  4. Kambwili said UMWINE WACISUSHI TAFWISA MATE….What Kambwili knows is only ifisushi. He is a specialist of ukununsha abanankwe. So what do you expect from his ifisushi?

    • Just watch the way Imbwili will become popular. Sata was insulted left right centre like they are doing to Imbwili. It doesn’t mean that when you hate him everyone hate him as well. Just wait and see.

  5. Kambwili can not get 15% in Lusaka and CB, that’s a blue lie, how many did he manage to get during ward bye election in Kitwe? Even UPNDEAD beat him by far. For you who support Kambwili continue but you will be shocked after 2021 how his results will be…

  6. Why are Africans proud to show that they support Liverpool or Chelsea or whatever English team but not Nchanga Rangers? Is it for the same reasons that they can’t speak their own languages? The reason why they think they are more Christian than the people who introduced them to the religion? Or for identifying more with their conqueror the British than with themselves? Are Africans like Chimwemwe Mwanza still colonised in the head by the British?

  7. Why are Africans proud to show that they support Liverpool or Chelsea or whatever English team but not Konkola blades or Nchanga Rangers? Is it for the same reasons that Africans like Chitambala Mwewa think they are more English than the English? Some of us can’t speak their own languages? The reason why they think they are more Christian than the people who introduced them to the religion? Or for identifying more with their conqueror the British than with themselves? Are Africans like Chimwemwe Mwanza still colonised in the head by the British?

    • I do not know why you have restricted the watching of the English Premier League to Africans alone because it has huge followers all over the world and everyone supports their favorite team. When it comes to fan following, EPL is well ahead of other football leagues like La Liga. On average an EPL game is watched by over 12 million people from around the world. This number is well ahead of other European leagues which have average views between 2-4 million. Geographically Asia & Oceania is where the bulk of the EPL audience resides and its distribution is as follows:
      • Asia & Oceania – 32.5%
      • Middle East & Africa – 22.6%
      • Europe – 19.5%
      • UK – 16.1%
      • South & Central America – 5.7%
      • North Caribbean – 3.6%
      Most of us have a favourite EPL team and a local team, Liverpool and…

    • So you can’t see the reason for the huge following? Britain was the biggest coloniser of the world and now the mind too. All ex colonies want to identify with their masters
      Stop making excuses for mental enslavement. You don’t say because my neighbor is a slave I should be enslaved too

    • So you can’t see the reason for the huge following? Britain was the biggest coloniser of the world and now the mind too. All ex colonies want to identify with their masters. Just look at the stats you have provided and ask yourself why a continent with the kings of football Brazil not to mention Argentina Uruguay does not follow English soccer like you Africans. They were colonised by the Spanish and Portugal so that’s where their focus is
      Stop making excuses for mental enslavement. You don’t say because my neighbor is a slave I should be enslaved too

  8. Mr Mwanza, Mbuya, the Bembas have a saying “icalo tacitalala ngo musunga” or the world does not grow cold like porridge, a saying which was made popular by the late PK Chishala in one of his songs (swinging from one crisis to another as you have put it). In the UK, they have Brexit, in the USA they have a president who lies everyday and hurricanes, in China, Hong Kong and trade wars, in South Africa, xenophobia and endemic corruption, the list is endless. We had shortages and the queues and liberation wars and a lot of mysterious deaths of prominent people under KK, under FTJ we had HIPC, third term and a few mysterious deaths, under LPM, a relatively quite period, perhaps the porridge was cold, under RB and MS, the period was too short and lastly under ECL, the period you have…

  9. 1.1 Malambo, nowhere in his article does Chimwemwe Mwanza imply or even remotely state that Kambwili means leopard. Just a misunderstanding within your mind. Or maybe poor knowledge of English grammar, just perhaps?
    Otherwise brilliant article by Chimwemwe Mwanza, I score it as Outstanding! Another breath of fresh air, like Jackson Kungo’s article on one HH.

  10. Yes ba tactician. This is the same attitude we had even on sata. The same person we called foolish, locked several times in police cells etc became president. He won by a wide marging and we were all shoked. This writer may be on point but how many of us who vote have a chance to read such long pages about an individual. Are people in the remotest reading this? ….and are the ones who vote heavily.

  11. Chikambwili, just another dull ruthless ex -Jerabo P.F Cadre, who fell out of favour with his fellow visionless, thieving Goon’s, & has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to offer Zambia, but more violence, corruption, & stagnation, but knowing docile Zambians, they may put this loudmouthed brute into Plot #1.
    You then wonder why you are in a FAILED Cholera Sh1th0L3 Republic?

  12. Chimwemwe, it’s
    “chaona munzako chapita, mawa chili pa iwe”
    I hate writing on or even having Chishimba Kambwili in any conversation. This rogue gives African and in particular, Zambian politics a bad name. His party was set up without a Constitution! Do you think he can even come up with a proper plan to take the majority of the populace out of abject poverty that past leaders have plunged us into?
    Anyone can insult but not everyone can be president! C’mmon, Chimwemwe don’t give prominence to cretins. Your literally skills are best put to enlighten the voters on how to choose wisely if they are to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

    • This Chimwemwe is a fake Chewa. He doesn’t know chichewa words and can’t even recite our sayings ati nine waku Kapatamoyo??

  13. Imbwili vigorously campaigned for PF in the 2016 elections and so to have been fired immediately after is what makes him fume that like. So it’s fully understandable why he comes out in that manner against the PF.

  14. @Malambo Man,
    The writer of the article does not mean to say Kambwili means Leopard.
    He is trying tell us the saying “a leopard never changes its spots” which means that it’s impossible for one to change their character, even if they will try very hard.
    Kambwili started as Scrap Metal Dealer with doggy deals compounded by theft etc. He fought for Political Power which he managed to attain then graduated to big money laundering using his new found power as Minister.
    Now he is chucked out and is crying fowl while condemning the rest as criminals YET HE IS ARCH-CRIMINAL HIMSELF – and will never change his spots like a leopard.

  15. Clearly a tribal inspired article. Whether you like Kambwili or not, his recent political form is good as far as keeping checks and balances is concerned. I don’t understand tribalists because as much as they try to promote their tribesmen, most of them don’t even benefit apart from carrying a label that their tribesman is the president at the expense of development.

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