Sunday, September 8, 2024

University of Zambia is the best University in Zambia


Exams at UNZA
Exams at UNZA

One of the world’s leading research entities, the Spanish National Research Council, has ranked The University of Zambia the best University in Zambia for the year 2019.

And UNZA Vice-Chancellor, Professor Luke Mumba, says the best ranking status reflects UNZA’s commitment to its role as a premier University of choice in Zambia.

According to data published by Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, UNZA ranked 45th in Africa and 2256 in the World has consistently held the number one position since 2015 when the ranking website launched its Africa research component.

Webometrics Ranking of World Universities is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group belonging to the Spanish National Research Council –the largest public research body in Spain.

The leading research council states that the aim of the ranking is to promote academic web presence reflective of university activities, supporting Open Access initiatives for increasing significant transfer of scientific and cultural knowledge and promote the excellence of universities worldwide.

The research council follows an independent, objective, free, and open scientific exercise carried out twice a year. It provides reliable, multidimensional, updated and useful information about the performance of universities from all over the world based on their impact and web presence which are reflective of the universities.

Welcoming the ranking which has also ranked Copperbelt University 2nd, Mulungushi University 3rd and Cavendish University 4th among others, Professor Mumba, says UNZA’s outstanding track record in teaching, learning, research, consultancy, and community engagement have demonstrated to the nation and the world at large, the values of its diverse range of educational programs in the higher education sector.

Professor Mumba has thanked all the Staff that contributes to academic excellence.

UNZA is the first university in Zambia established by the University of Zambia Act Number 66 of 1965 and consequently opened in 1966. The University boasts of over 300 undergraduate academic program offerings in its thirteen schools.

This is according to a statement issued to the Media by Brenda Bukowa, the University of Zambia Spokesperson.


  1. 45th in Africa that is shocking considering the fact that there are 54 countries in total We are better than only 9 countries and some ***** is proud?? Anyway what do you expect from a University that is leading in terms of closures

    • Its 45th among the total of Universities in Africa. If Zambia has on average, 10 Universities it means UNZA is 45th among 540 universities in Africa

  2. This I agree with. And let me go further and say UNZA is the only University on Zambia… hold on… the ONLY University in Zambia that was built from the ground up to be a University. Not ZIT or the House in Nkana West where Kambwili did his MBA and walked away with a PhD.
    Everybody who was anybody in Zambia contributed to the construction of UNZA Boys.

  3. You still living in the past ba spokesperson. What makes a university better is the quality of graduates it is producing and the innovation and research programmes they are involved in to address daily challenges of citizens. Now we import razor blades, pins, tooth picks, bolts and nuts, shovels, indicator bulbs, door locks, the list is endless of small items a country with a university worth their sort should never import. Stop blowing grammar and get those students to innovation instead of burning tyres and breaking properties. To be brutally honest with you, street vendors are more enterprising than your faculty and students. This may not sit well with but its the truth.

  4. Overall ratings are different from specialization ratings per se. When it comes to architecture and the built environment, then CBU is undoubtedly the best at the moment. Similarly, when it comes to business and management, UNILUS has proven itself as a force to reckon with. The statement about being No. 1 could easily mislead youngsters away from their rightful institutions, such as Mulungushi for Development Studies or ZAOU. Please avoid making sweeping statements about sensitive issues in the country. The Higher Education system needs to grow from strength to strength. The role of private sector must be institutionalized. At the same time, the public university responded to the cries of the country’s Founding Fathers.

  5. What state Universities in Zambia need is not more handouts from Govt. We need inovative staff to attract funding from pulic and international agencies. Universities such as cape town, Stellenbosch, Pretoria and wits are not handout based. They depend more on inovative lecturers to attract funds other than the Government grands for students. Zambia is endowed with vast land and good climate. Is there a reason why the University of Zambia should not be number one in Agro production and processing just to mention a few? Many other Universities in Zambia must change their models to be relevant and contribute positively to the GDP of Zambia as well as the development of high human development index (HDI), which in my view is quite low in our country.

    • Innovation by universities are a reflection of national economic cultures. Industry and citizens must be indigenous and be prepared to invest in research and manpower. Industries in Zambia are all foreign and have no inclinations towards much for innovation

  6. Was the outside appearance and dirty taken in consideration. Ladies and gentlemen do not celebrate mediocrity. UNZA surroundings show nothing about the brilliance of the students or lecturers. All it would take is sinking 5 boreholes to supply water to the institution. Irrigate the place. Install solar panels on all roof tops and build garages with solar roof tops. We are not even asking you to invent any of these. They have already been invented by graduates from the top 2255 universities in the world. Application, Application and Application of knowledge. You can read a driving manual for years but if you don’t get out there to drive, you are not a driver. Paint the place, mordernize it. Those are just basic things. The engineers that are churned out from UNZA are all about wearing…

  7. It doesn’t matter what number it is anywhere. The Zambian Degree is now worthless. I can’t do my masters in UK despite having an UNZA degree because its considered lower….am not taking my children there. Zimbabwe is much better in education despite their poverty.

  8. 45 is a very good number. It is actually very good. Africa has more than 3000 universities. COMING out number 45 means quality education.
    Those who are saying a Bachelor’s degree at UNZA is equivalent to a Diploma in the UK are most likely graduates of some night school. Finish a science degree at UNZA and you will see that you will just be as well baked as one from Oxford. UNZA is a great University. All the three arms of the Zambian government are headed by UNZA graduates.

  9. We should focus on making UNZA & CBU have international recognition and appeal. To be best in Zambia is like picking the low-hanging fruits – almost anyone can. But an international appeal can attract foreign international students which can improve the university’s revenue base and lessen dependency of GRZ grants.
    Na pita mukwai!

  10. @Jacob M its not about passing with distinctions. The universities in Zambia, by their approach have made it seem like the number of students getting distinctions is the criteria for being the best university. This notion is flawed, firstly because people can memorize concepts without really understanding, but are focused on passing exams.
    What counts is the quantity and quality of published and peer-reviewed research. This component is very weak in Zambian universities, despite some isolated achievements. This is were innovation and creativity stems from. This is what makes a university better & make a mark on the international arena.

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