Sunday, October 13, 2024

Today’s Message: Prospering In Everything


Today’s Scripture

“They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper…”

(Psalm 1:3, NRSV)

Prospering In Everything

Large trees represent power, majesty, and stability. Have you ever noticed the difference between a tree planted by the water and a tree far away from water? The tree next to the water is much more healthy and vibrant. Its fruit and blossoms are more beautiful.

In the Scripture, the Word of God is compared to water. When you are “planted” in the Word of God, your spirit is fed, and you grow strong just like the tree planted by the water. Trees planted by the water will yield fruit at the right season and will not lose strength. Today’s verse tells us that those who love and obey the Lord will prosper in whatever they do.

Do you want to prosper in your relationships? Seek God’s Word regarding relationships. Do you want to prosper in your health? Seek God’s Word about healing. Do you want to prosper in your finances? Seek God’s Word regarding finances. As you seek God and His Word and follow His commands, you will grow strong and prosper in everything you do!

A Prayer for Today

“God, thank you for your Word which is the truth and refreshing water to my soul. Thank you for teaching me to seek you in all that I do. I trust you today and choose to commit my every decision to you so that I can grow strong like the tree planted by the water. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”


  1. Unfortunately, Zambia is not prospering in everything because where there is no visionary leadership, people perish and Zambians are perishing in slow motion! If people who are called by God’s name can humble themselves and forsake their evil ways and embrace righteousness, then the land of Zambia can begin to heal! Alas, it is contaminated with bloodshed, evil surmising and lawlessness in high places! How can we prosper in sin?

  2. Seek God’s word!
    This ‘nice God’ hypothesis does run into some knotty problems.
    Take mosquitoes for example. What kind of nice God would create blood sucking, disease spreading needles with wings?

  3. Thank God for Your Word. My life planted in Your Living Waters and I’m a living testimony of everything I touch prospering to the glory of Your Name LORD! Amen

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