Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Proliferation of small arms among PF cadres putting public safety into serious jeopardy-Msoni


PF Cadres with Guns in a public place Guns
PF Cadres with Guns in a public place Guns

All People’s Congress Leader Nason Msoni has challenged the Patriotic Front to seriously reflect on their erroneous behaviour and decision to arm criminals.

Mr Msoni says the proliferation of small arms is endangering and putting public safety into serious jeopardy.

He insisted that the party in government must act and behave more responsibly.

Mr Msoni said the conduct is illegal and is setting a very dangerous precedent that can easily be emulated by other stakeholders.

He added that the conduct seriously breaches the societies’ act and indeed the electoral act pertaining to the operation and conduct of a political party.

Mr Msoni has denounced the transformation and the creation of an armed wing in the strongest terms, the behaviour he says is a prelude to lawlessness in the country and gravely breaches the Republican constitution with impunity.

Mr Msoni was reacting to the pictures of a PF cadre brandishing Pistols that have gone viral on social media.

PF Cadre openly displaying a Gun
PF Cadre openly displaying a Gun


  1. Why should criminals be armed?

    Please save the country Zambia from these overzealous good for nothing *****s

    A day of reckoning will come

    • Even sharon is now failing to defend the useless pf party. This is really sad. What is a party of fires? You are even failing to write kiki things are bad. Just enjoy the states and pray you are not deported from the states where you are comfortably living off the state .

    • The picture reminds me of rapists that used to roam the streets in once failed states like Liberia and Sierra Leone. They did not become failed states overnight. It was a slow descent and the people who planted the seeds of failure never actually saw the last stages which were characterised by mass rape, murder, amputations and displacement of people.

  2. We are now back to the vigilantes era, where we have state-sponsored thugs terrorizing innocent citizens.

    Well done PF. we are very close to the one-party state that we rejected in 1990. I guess the result is not hard to predict.

  3. Comment: The fact is no one should be above the law regardless of the party he/she belongs too.lawlessness should not be tolerated.

  4. If you have ever met these thugs blocking roads then you know first hand how out hand things are right now, they have so much power over even lungu himself

  5. Enjoy the lawlessnes and confusion you thought hh was power hungry. Greetings from safe and sound London with my white wife

  6. Enjoy the lawlessnes and confusion you thought hh was power hungry. Greetings from safe and sound London with my white wife x

  7. On their way to Mumpanshya for a by-election they used 2 Rosa minibuses. They were led by the Deputy PS who was armed with a pistol. The Police were informed that they had pangas on the buses but they refused to be searched. The OIC was surprised that a senior man like the Deputy PS could behave in such a money. A life was lost at Airport turnoff and another life at Mumpanshya. Those who sat on these dockets are no longer in Govt, but for as long as the Police Command shy away from these cases cadres will continue to endanger people’s lives then one day they will turn those guns on their leaders. Control these thugs now. Given Lubinda was recently humiliated by his followers. That’s the kind of Zambia we’re heading to, Very shameful

  8. This is common among political players inclusion of UPND.Keith is now behind bars for killing his watch man .Keith was a honorable man in UPND.Jack Mwiimbu fired gun shots in the air claiming that he was scaring off PF thugs.HH is always surrounded by so called muscle men in slovenly (obvious with dangerous weapons increased pistol guns)coats.Nowday wherever HH goes they hide in tints cars to hide their identity probably 200m off the scene of their leader.
    Msoni was suppose to advise all political players not only PF that is his hypocrisy of the worst kind.

    • Precisely the point Mr Musoni was talking about, that other parties including citizens will follow suit in order to protect themselves. We may end up like USA where shooting is the order of the day, or nearby RSA where murder rates is in thousands every year. Where is the police command in this? May we have a statement by the police please or by PF party leadership?

  9. Opposition MPs should strive to table legislature that will mandate training and back ground checks for owning firearms. Then again in Zambia the opposition and ruling PF have 83% nonsensical MPs.

  10. ….last week a BBC report said of Tanzania and Zambia “..it will take years to restore the (governance, judicial, investigatory and democratic) institutions that have been destroyed…”.

  11. ….i.e. if such countries do not go through civil wars first before they restore normalcy. Pity that Magufuli’s Tanzania is tops and BBC says Zambia could be heading the same direction.
    God forbid, our politicians owe us posterity.

  12. With all this lawlessness, you want to amend the constitution. That’s the scariest thing about the amendment PF is trying to shove down our throat. We’ll be in deep trouble if we allow them to amend our good constitution, cadre will be super powerful with their supreme leaders

  13. Almost if not all close associates of ECL are known thugs or have thuggish behaviour. Hence the state of thugs Zambia is.
    As it stands now the PF is sponsored by thugs.

  14. People with little education are a problem. Showing off this non-sense in public. This mentality is retrogressive, reminds me of old Western Clint Easthood function movies.

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