Friday, March 7, 2025

President Lungu reiterates his calls for Zambians to rejects Homosexuality


President Lungu speaking to Journalists before departure at KKIA
FILE: President Lungu speaking to Journalists before departure at KKIA

President Edgar Lungu has continued talking about the need for Zambians to reject homosexuality.

speaking at the ZAF Lusaka Airport base shortly after arriving from New York where he went to attend the United Nation General Assembly, the President said that people aspiring for political leadership should be of good moral standing and not those encouraging alien practices in Zambia and called on the church to pray for politicians aspiring to be leaders.

President Lungu said he will not push investigative wings to carry out their duties on the matter lest he is accused of interfering with their operations.

The President said investigative wings need to carry out their duties and that the law only allows him to a certain extent.

Meanwhile, the president is expected to be on the Copperbelt today

According to the statement issued by the provincial leadership, President Lungu will be in the province on a working visit amd all party officials have been invited to welcome him when he lands at the Simon Mwansa International Airport in the afternoon.

The statement further urged party members to be at the airport by 16:00 hours and show up in huge numbers to give the President a huge thunderous welcome.


    • Akainde’s infant political career is finished. Homosexual?
      Kakoma never knew the Under 5 was at a gay party.
      Last time Akainde sneaked out at night to meet secretly with President Lungu and the church. Kakoma never knew.
      Kainde can do anything to pursue his selfish dreams.

    • Tasila looks like a lesbian, an she is very hotty.
      I can’t wait to she her kissing her Eswatini girl-fiend in front of her father. Such romantic.

    • When are we holier than thou 18th of October xtians going to stop begging for donations from the western nations that have regalised same sex marriage,because this hypocritical on one hand accepting funds from them on another hand denying them three times like Peter.

    • UPNDEADS are same s3x thug swag s.h.a.g.g.e.r.s as if being thug tribals was not enough.
      Privatizationism, Anti-developmentalism Tribalism, Homosexualism, Arsonism, Corruptionism, Tree Mansionism, Ethnic Cleansernism, Hooliganism, Armageddonism, Stagnationism, Envism, Fake Newsaim, Treasonism, Satanism, Sabotageousm, Antihomophobiaism are all their label, their tag, their ticket, their tab their sticker, their marker, their docket, their chit, their chitty, their flag, their stamp and they document.

      At least I am Homophobic. All Zambians are and must be Homophobic.

    • Lungu was not even recognized in New York…no character…no charisma….just wasting benzene with his private jet…where to next after copperbelt???

    • In New York Lungu was just provided with one NYPD car to help him get through traffic because of Yellow taxis and Uber…plus the a State Department Lincoln SUV period….and when he gets to Zambia the entire cabinet and PF Cadres at the Airport

  1. This guy lungu is a waste of space and proteins by his father. Surely this country has a lot of challenges at the moment caused by his own failure and lack of vision. He then chooses to talk about gay people. He thinks this will take people’s attention away from the main problems they face. He gladly accepted aid and was begging from countries that allow and promote gay rights. If you feel so strongly about gay people why not stop taking support from such countries? Lungus politicking is so childish. He thinks by associating hh with gay rights it will help him win election. What a dull dog.

  2. I would rather have a gay leader who manages the country effectively and positively than a dull homophobe like lungu who has failed to run the country and lacks a vision or capacity.

    • Sodom and Gomorrah is HaUNELCTABLE! He wants to win by crook and by looting from the treasurer. We will send him to RETIREMENT in 2021 and he will be replaced by MUTINTA since only a TONGA can lead UPND.

  3. What are all those people doing milling around the plane aimlessly? Is it state house officials and workers? What for really? When he arrived at his hotel in New York the picture showed a quiet private affair received by Malanji, Jean Kapata and a handful of other officials. I must say though that the president seemed embarrassed that no one else was interested in him.
    Now look at the picture at ZAF airport lusaka, a crowd of aimless people milling around, police officers trying to outdo each other and feeling very important at it. And, oh, the boss looks like he is feeling very important once more.
    When Trump arrives from somewhere, you don’t see any halabaloo about it and yet he leads the most powerful nation on earth. The things that our leaders consider important in Zambia! Even…

    • @Junior jj
      I agree with Spaka….thats the only employment Lungu is providing for them..loitering aimlessly…a true contrast from what Lungu saw in New York…everyone is always busy doing something constructive….people dont rush to JFK Airport to receive or see off the President here in the USA……only in Zambia and and the entire African continent

  4. #3 Neez, regardless, I would rather have a first lady in state house, NOT a Male “wife” to the president!
    Is that how low you have sunk in UPND? Trible is not enough curse at upnd leadership? Now you want gay leaders?

    • It seems the reading culture in pf is getting worse. My post clearly states I would rather have an effective leader who is gay than a dull visionless cretin who has failed this country like lungu. That statement means irrespective of party affiliation I would prefer to have a gay leader who knew what he was doing. Gay could refer to a lesbian too. What has sexual orientation got to do with leadership competency? Lungu is supposedly heterosexual but the chap is daft and failed this nation. So what is your point again?

    • @junior jj, this is what has destroyed African countries – this fixation on aesthetics at the expense of function. Look, no one is talking about the Irish Prime Minister’s sexual orientation because he is running his country well. I agree with @N.eez; we must look to efficiency and effectiveness of government before we go raiding peoples’ bedrooms. After all a lot of heterosexual couples do practice that which you are persecuting so-called gay people. Address the crippling load shedding, feed the people and address other urgent matters; not measuring the width of whatever to prove homosexual acts. Ifyabupuba fye.

    • @ junior jj. So, this Christian Nation led by wameno has the audacity to receive aid from countries that accept their gay citizens and yet condemn it’s own?!? You fake Christian’s are all going to burn in hell!

  5. You don’t have to interfere in ACC, it is too crude and old fashioned, the new way is to employ incompetent investigators and prosecutors, and withhold vital evidence in court, much smarter than the crude gold transparent way. Just look at the recent acquittal, and they are still trying to “figure” out the owners of the 48 houses!

  6. I also agree with ne.z and kalok……

    You can tell from people’s responses….some of us need things to work like clockwork unlike some pompwes who see medicracy , corruption and failour as normal.

    If a homo can run and develop the country better than these corrupt thieves , bring him on.

    • Indeed spaka. You are right. The sad part is that many people in Zambia will fall for this gay rhetoric as a reason to not vote for alternative parties. It is sad that a president can stoop so low as to use sexual orientation in such a discriminatory way. It will be interesting to see the western world take measures against homophobes like lungu through travelling bans to that part of world.

  7. Trying to catch HH on a weak point
    Will not stop Zambians from asking
    For better zambia.Lets sort people’s
    Problems.loadshedding, high mealiemeal,highfuel,dollar rate etc.
    Dont divert people demands to homosexuality.

    • This is not the topic to waste time on. Facts are there in Zambia where some people practice same sex affairs. Its not right to burry our heads in the sand and divert our attention to issues that are non important in Zambia. Truth be told the rights of people need to be respected. Why are we painting other attrocities darker and we paint others whiter. We seem to forget that he who practices corruption, extra marital affairs, drug trafficking, abuse of authority etc is not different from he who rapes, defiles a young person, murders. Lets address the mischief cassinos are bringing. They are havens of drugs, money laudering and these are vices that weaken our economy and we have many of our political leaders in activities that a lethal to the growth of our country and are highly immoral…

    • This is the pettiest dullest and most inept president on the planet and you seriously expected him not to open his gap-toothed mouth to talk about it??

    • The fact he commented on que, means it was a deliberate propaganda ploy by the PF and their surrogates. Up to now, they have failed to provide proof of where HH had the so called interview. AFP have denied ever interviewing HH.
      That a Head of State can stoop so low, means that he has nothing to offer his country and it is time to move over and let the same man he does not want to take over, HH, lead us forward.
      Kuya bebele!

  8. This is disturbing just after the UN General assembly in New York, PF leaders issues these Kinds of sentiments contrary to what they were conveying to us at the UN. Why it feels like they use the office to gang up on the dissent?

  9. Dear Zambian,

    Let us be serious with the way we do politics in Zambia. The issue of homosexuality is not yet a big issue in Zambia and does not even need the attention of His Excellency but may be just the minister of Religion. In case we dont know how to priorities issues the following are the issues needing urgent attention or presidential intervention: Corruption, Tribalism, Unemployment, hunger, lack of industrialization, expensive unviversity education in view of withdrawn meal allowances, prostitution( Where even married people are now involved in the trade due to hunger ) etc.
    I dont even know of anyone, whose life is affected because of homosexual related issues. No one has ever complained of losing a husband or wife to the same sex marriage or relationship. Let us use our…

  10. #6.1 Neeez, nothing wrong with my reading culture but everything wrong with your statement. This story emanates from the gay story about HH, so English comprehension demands that we interpret your statement to mean that you would rather have HH in the highest office despite his beliefs on LGBT. And you have not hidden the fact that for you it’s only HH that should be in that office.
    Come on Neeez, this is simple english, dont be a cretin or undeveloped embryo.

  11. ….That is why you have a big problem you guys in upnd. For example, instead of apologising for what you said in 2006 about your party being led by one of “your own” you expect us to forget or blame us for repeating your own statements. What kind of thinking is that? It certainly will NIT get you into state house.
    Now HH has added LGBT to an already equally damaging trible mantra! Sorry guys fake news or not, the two mantras have to stay. After all you started the fake news culture yourself.
    You made your bed so sleep in it.

    • Don’t forget RB campaigning in Mfuwe: “Wako ni wako wamumala”.
      Tribe means nothing. Competence is everything. If Lungu has failed, as it appears, let us try HH. Simple.
      I can assure you lam from Eastern Province. My children will not eat tribalism, but what the economy ptoduces. PF have failed.

    • KD, have you been in the midst of the PF mouthpieces we call PF cadres? Can’t teach them a sensible thing I tell you. Only languages they speak revolve around free t-shirts, circumnavigating tender processes, violence and booze. I predict 2 years of continued excessive theft under Lungu, followed by immature rhetoric in the hopes of 5 more years at the helm. You know, the “Christian values” often emphasized in the 3rd testament. We are a product of an education that frowned upon critical thinking, and a culture that regressed to rewarding “loyalty” over productivity. I suspect we go through years of paying a hefty price for these things. I doubt Lungu et al succeed at rigging any more elections. Can dupe the Zambian voter, but not their But they will try to convince us Lungu is the only…

  12. ….That is why you have a big problem you guys in upnd. For example, instead of apologising for what you said in 2006 about your party being led by one of “your own” you expect us to forget or blame us for repeating your own statements. What kind of thinking is that? It certainly will NOT get you into state house.
    Now HH has added LGBT to an already equally damaging trible mantra! Sorry guys fake news or not, the two mantras have come to stay. After all you started the fake news culture yourself.
    You made your bed so sleep in it.

  13. Stiff naked fools!!!! We will not be distructed from real issues. Hunger,loadshhedding,high fuel prices,42fire tenders,43 unclaimed houses,23million in one year, overpriced road works eish cry my beloved country

  14. Now HH has lost everything that he thought he had gained on his futike photo campaign to gain popularity by “donating” mealie meal in the wrong places. LGBT has locked his doors.

    • Badala….. hh has not anything….he is still one of the richest men….

      It is the Zambia masses losing everyday these lungu pompwes are in power with their cheap childish distractions such as the above…..

  15. The president is not one of the brightest. Christianity is foreign to Zambia than homosexuality . Homosexuality was practised in Zambia before Christianity came to Zambia. Christian country my foot!!

  16. Watch Sata’s Interview on gay rights and laws in Zambia you PF fools, load shedding, corruption, hunger when is your drunkard President Lungu is going to address those things. You want to talk of sin, HH doesn’t drink and Lungu drinks, which is a sin. You are all fools in PF, no power for 6 to 8 hours and you busy support this lazy fool president mwanya

  17. ECL, a supposed lawyer that stoops so low, together with a host of PF supporters here. Failure to deliver and failure to articulate on more important matters. This is really low – returning from a high level world summit that has it’s creation roots in values about tolerance and respect for all humanity, only to blabber about sexuality that belongs to personal private pursuits by consenting adults.

    While he is at it, what has he done about the depravity that is carried out by his ‘saintly’ heterosexuals? Se.xual abuse, rape, defilement, violence against women, etc. Talk about general se.xual crimes, not who has feelings for whom.

  18. ECL, a supposed lawyer that stoops so low, together with a host of PF supporters here. Failure to deliver and failure to articulate on more important matters. This is really low – returning from a high level world summit that has it’s creation roots in values about tolerance and respect for all humanity, only to blabber about sexuality that belongs to personal private pursuits by consenting adults.

    While he is at it, what has he done about the depravity that is carried out by his ‘saintly’ heterosexuals? Se.xual abuse, r.ape, defilement, violence against women, etc. Talk about general se.xual crimes, not who has feelings for whom.

  19. This is the low caliber of president that Zambia is saddled with. We should have had a statement on the key engagement and achievements from the very costly mission to New York.

    Instead he chose to anchor his returning statement on what is most on his mind – putting down HH.

    Dear ECL, can you please focus your thought and actions on uplifting the livelihoods of the poor Zambians – many of which are truly struggling under your leadership. Just work and the votes will follow if there are results.

  20. its a big shame that from a tail to the head this fish called pf is rotten. afp and ap has refuted the story. the foreign affairs minister has leaked what he was forced to say. very embarrassing indeed these are the people still want to force themselves on people. may all the people of the land shake off this dust from their bodies, 2021.

  21. its worrying when the entire president resorts to cheap lies. very quick to comment on useless matters when real issues such as corruption, hunger, unemployment, huge debt are on his table but he keeps running away from them. surely is gayeism that serious in this country that a president can travel all the way to USA to talk about such. very fun indeed.

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