Sunday, September 8, 2024

UPND Youths urged to defend the party and it’s sole presidential candidate for 2021 Elections


UPND Copperbelt Provincial Chairman Mr. Elisha MATAMBO
UPND Copperbelt Provincial Chairman Mr. Elisha MATAMBO

UPND Copperbelt Provincial Chairman Mr. Elisha MATAMBO has told the UPND youths on the copperbelt at a youth provincial conference that time had come for them to rise up and defend the party as we prepare to take government from the PF.

Mr. MATAMBO, who addressed about 1,000 youths drawn from all the 11 districts on the Copperbelt, said youths in the UPND should not only be ready to defend the party but also the party president Mr. Hakainde HICHILEMA who has been endorsed as the 2021 general elections presidential candidate and sole presidential candidate at the yet to be held party General Assembly.

He said gone were the days when UPND youths watched the PF and the police arresting HH without any counter action. This time around the youths should resist any attempt to arrest UPND’s capital (HH).

Mr. MATAMBO said his leadership had resolved to protect the votes to the maximum in 2021 or any election before and he expected the same from the youths.

Copperbelt UPND Youth Provincial Chairman Kelly JIBINGA who assured Mr. MATAMBO of his leadership’s resolve to protect the votes said the Youth Provincial Conference was organized for the same purpose of sensitising the youths to be united and prepare to protect votes whenever an election was held.

Mr. JIBINGA said the youths on the Copperbelt had also resolved that any attempt to arrest Mr. Hakainde HICHILEMA by the PF government who have been setting the police on him in the recent past shall be met with sporadic counteractions.

And UPND National Youth Affairs Chairman Likando MUFALARI who was the guest of honour at the Conference said there was need for the youths to unite in the face of the higher levels of poverty and youth unemployment to ensure the PF and Edgar LUNGU were removed from power.

UPND Youths at a conference
UPND Youths at a conference

Hon. MUFALARI said he was personally impressed with the initiatives being taken by the youths on the Copperbelt.

Mr. MUFALARI said the National Youth leadership was in agreement with the resolution to endorse Party President Hakainde HICHILEMA as the 2021 presidential candidate.

The National Youth Affairs Chairman echoed the sentiments of the youths remaining united as the party continues preparing itself for the 2021 general elections or any election before.

Hon. MUFALARI who was flanked by his three deputies; Munji HABENZU (Administration), Gilbert LISWANISO (Politics) and Subeta MUTELO (Gender) said president Edgar LUNGU and the PF should not be allowed to rule Zambia beyond 2021.

He said president Edgar LUNGU and the PF have failed to prudently manage the economy thereby subjecting Zambians to higher levels of poverty and misery.

Hon. MUFALARI recounted that the PF government has been promising the youths 5,000 jobs which are never offered.

Meanwhile at the same function Hon. MUFALARI received more than 200 youths who defected from the ruling Patriotic Front citing lack of care for those who voted them into power and the failure to make food cheap in the country.

And the UPND Deputy National Youth Chairperson (Gender) Subeta MUTELO appealed to the women to ensure they mobilised themselves in big numbers to make it possible for the UPND to remove PF from government.

She said the Zambian women have suffered a lot at the hands of the PF government who have failed to reduce the cost living with the Mealie Meal costing between K135 – K175 and a litre of petrol standing at K16 while electricity tariffs were yet to be increase. She said hospital were also a shell of themselves as stocks of essential drugs were unavailable.

The one day Copperbelt Provincial Youth Conference closed on Saturday September 28, 2019 with the reaffirmation of Hakainde HICHILEMA’s endorsement as party president and 2021 general elections presidential candidate.

UPND Youths at a conference
UPND Youths at a conference


  1. We are two years from the elections and these articles couldn’t be unimportant.

    Who cares really?

    Zambians are dull .

    I hold a PhD



    • So what is the difference between PF and UPND? Both are busy proclaiming “sole candidates”! How ridiculous. Atleast ba PF have some semblence of “democracy” even though it is rigged and fraudulant. Zambia is in a terrible quagmire. I see very little hope unless God raises someone like LPM or MCS.

    • This tribal party, even at youth level; only three provinces represented alaTefintu iwe h². Sole candidate for 13 solid years. Who gives a damn.
      That observed, there is no reason to fear that your god would be arrested, let him obey the law. But if he breaks it, he will go in. If he goes in and you behave unruly thereby breaking the law, you too will go in. It is simple. Simply observe the law kids.
      Only the guilty are afraid.

    • UPND looks more hungry and disorganized than PF bandits….both parties are useless…blah blah blah blah blah no solution for Zambia…

    • Common sense would dictate that a non-threat would be a non-discussion. Folk are talking about HH quite a bit. They must know he is not a non-threat. The man actually has a well articulated sensible plan for a developing country. The alternative (dununa reverse) is what you guys are out here trying to discredit him for? The acquisition of $72K fire engines at 14X that, the run down universities and hospitals with ever increasing cost of treating PF cadres abroad? The debt that enriched these dummies while our children are expected to pay for it in years to come are why you showed much hatred towards one tribe? That is the new patriotism? That is what helps you sleep at night? That is what aligns with your Christian morals?

    • Journeyman 1.1 this is why I always say the PF and UPND are useless parties. The PF at the least has Bo Inonge and seven other functioning MPs. UPND have none, the last one that was almost there, and was smart became a ZESCO check forger. kikikiki.

    • UPND President: HAZALUZA HAGAIN (Wamuyaya). Vice President: MUTINTA. 2nd Vice President MUSONDA (woman who had one man killed and one in prison). Dept of UNELECTABLES.

  2. If you look carefully in their mouths, you see scary signs.
    Sorry HH is NOT AN OPTION. Not only trible since 2006 to date. He has failed to explain or apologise for that very important aspevt of voting in Zambia and yet he immediately responds to LGBT.

  3. truth be told pf camps shivers whenever they hear upnd coming together even for just a come together party meeting. the liars, thieves, corrupt and the economic destroyers get shivers at such news. they know things are not good for them. soon they will start scampering in all directions. better you seek for economic solution than hate your follow zambians. Amos chandas advise is the best for you.

  4. Tribalist fundamentalist extremists at work. They have loaded their head with so much lies, they have began to believe them. That’s what the jihadists do as well. This satanic party must be kept from power.

  5. UPND sure of all things you can just organize meeting with youths to tell lies that they should defend the party and HH .Problem of UPND you think violence will help HH to win elections in 2021.
    Let me tell you that if you want HH to win go in Eastern,Luapula,Muchinga and Northern provinces sale your manifesto.UPND removing PF is not so easy as you take it.Even here in Lusaka UPND will only increase percentage comparison to last elections but not win elections amid of economic upheavals because people knows how UPND tribally are .

  6. @Mushota, All Zambians? Rather “some Zambians are dull” and dullness is not restricted to a nation. Let’s wait and see. 2021 is very soon!

  7. This man needs to be detained by the police for inciting violence. Zambians might be hungry, but they know that UPND is a cult and wants to sell the children to those of the island of LESBOS and ancients Macedonia that likes 12 year old little boys. Chibwantu is a lovely drink, but UPND let it ferment way too long it became moonshine and toxic.

  8. This is inciting at its best, police be professional this useless man must arrested immediately and be charged for inciting.They are desperate but they are going to be dispointed on the day,come 2021.WINA AZALILA tribal party which will never rule.One former president said AMATAKO YABA KUNUMA and Bottocks will continue to be behind it will never change and that is a reality.

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