Thursday, October 10, 2024

Take Advantage Of Day Of Prayer”, Nevers Urges Zambians


Dr.Nevers Mumba

Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) President has called upon Zambians to take advantage of the day of prayer and fasting by presenting their petitions to the Lord.

Dr. Mumba who is also a clergy said Zambia is in a crisis and must pray. He stated that he was not in full agreement with the lack of inclusiveness of the National Day of Prayer, Fasting and Reconciliation is organised but emphasised that that the calling of the nation to pray was a brilliant idea.

“Our Nation is in a crisis. This crisis has not chosen which Zambians to target but it is targeted on all the Zambians. Droughts, famine, loadsheding and economic challenges are part of this crisis which is affecting all the Zambians regardless of their tribe, religion or political affiliation”, Dr. Mumba said.

“Being a Christian Nation, Zambia must create a tradition of calling on God whenever we have a national crisis.”

He added that when Zambia lost its National Team, the country gathered in Independence stadium and raised its voice before God. He said the same God who saved the children of Israel in the wilderness, is the same God who will save Zambia when called upon.

Dr. Mumba urged Zambians across the country to participate in the day of Prayer, Fasting and Reconciliation.

“On behalf of the MMD, which through President Chiluba declared Zambia a Christian Nation, I would like to urge and encourage all Zambians from every walk of life to take advantage of this day of Prayer, Fasting and Reconciliation,” he said

He affirmed that the Bible in 2 Chronicles 7:14 says that, “If my people, which are called by my Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”


  1. Nevers pena apa mwandi mwalatwelela ko….We are no longer dull like yester years when we used to be told not to argue with things of the lord. We shall actually pray in our own time so that we dont seem to mock GOD. Its folly from the government of the day to ask for prayers when they have
    1. Raped this economy . When we ask we are told nfweti nfweti.
    2. failure to have answers on recent killings.( All cases which need answers are still on going)
    3. Public order act only favours the ruling. ( Who knows how many guns might be there to shoot thse who dont shout amen the loudest)

    So really coming from a christian background, it puts me in an akward situation coz on the lighter note i have been fasting by force due to the economical hardship, why should i again fast with people who…

    • Why the prayers of last 2 years never worked?
      And what happened to Saturday cleaning day?
      And is everybody participating in presidential run every week?

    • Ubusushi bwacilamo uyu former pastor.

      What day of national prayers do you want us to take advantage of?

      It is you politicians that need to pray and confess your sins.

      Citizens pray everyday in their own homes, but their efforts are frustrated by corrupt politicians.

      Lungu and Chitotela have been taking advantage of the peace loving citizens of this country.

      If you are that bothered, take your family and join Lungu at this day of prayers.

    • I expected Pastor Nevers to be the one condemning the snake like Pastor Sinyangwe did but he was on the forefront congratulating a man responsible for denting Zambia’s image of peace. Mansions NEVER pray because they love blood sacrifice.

    • @indigoTyrol twapapata chindikeniko umuntu wakwa Lesa. Mulekwata umuchinshi. Teti Shimapepo eo muleita CHISUSHI. Ala mukayapya kwa Lesa mukulu

    • Days for Praying are already fixed and are in the international Calendar thus Saturdays and Sundays. People can pray at their homes if they want. Why all this publicity. What are these prayers on Fridays for? Waste of time and leave Zambians alone. Going to church is at the prerogative of each Zambian individually. Just want to play to the public gallery as usual foooolish
      Mumba maybe you should pray for your MMD, a party that is only a party by name

    • Every First Zambian is a fake Christian. Only Muslim are faithful to their Prophet with 8 wives, oldest one a window 15 years older to him, whom he married for her richness, actually she was his employer and ge was her toy, and then he married at 52 years age a 7 years old best friend’s daughter. He is the role model for them. Despite all his shortcomings they swear by his name, their book is the best, openly commands killing Kafirs, mistreats women, approves slavery and forceful conversion or killing the ones who refuse.
      This is called faith.

      Christians are like Nevers Mumbai, chameleons.

  2. They call you to prayers , you close your eyes , they are busy looting and stealing….

    There is no off day of stealing for these PF people.

    Now they have turned to the last frontier to be looted and sold…….Zambias forests and game parks with the wild animals therein …….

  3. The Bible says, ‘if my people who are called by name HUMBLE themselves and pray, turn away from their WICKED WAYS, then will I Hear from heaven and restore them ….

    As a nation we have made a mockery of God, we have used his name in vain to con people, we have been deviant, God’s name is used in vain with politicians and so called prophets invoking his name, just because. It’s one thing to pray in sincerity and another to blind people.

    The current problems Zambia is facing are self inflicted, how is loadshading God made? Politicians steal money intended to uplift the livelihoods if people. Please focus on that. Shameful

  4. The same politicians who are refusing to return money they accrued while working illegally, will be lifting up their hands tomorrow. The same politicians who bought fire fighters at inflated prices will be lifting fake hands tomorrow. The same politicians who have hidden acquisition of 48 houses will be busy pretending tomorrow. The same politicians who have caused mayhem by killing innocent citizens will be busy shouting at the top of their voices tomorrow. The God, I know, cannot be mocked. Whatever you sow, you will reap. God will only accept a contrite heart-a heart that is yearning for him like a deer that is thirsty. I hope after repentance, they will return what they have stolen from the poor people of Zambia. We are not judging anyone. All the nation wants is justice and equity.

    • If HH repents he will bring back the money from PANAMA. What is the reason of taking money to a Tax Haven? Stollen and fear of repossession, RIGHT?

  5. the problem with the day of prayers is that there is a lot of toxic elements involved. it is prudent for one to stay away… is like you are going to listen to a sermon from a man who has an intimate relationship with your wife .He vows that he will never stop till dead does them apart…

  6. If we need 300 MW of power from SA and a solar plant set up to produce 50 MW cost $70m. Sell the $135m gulfstreem plane to proproduce 100 MW. Cancel international trips and stealing like buying of fire trucks, ambulances, shoddy road projects etc and we will have the 300 MW. I only wish leaders could sincerely repenrepent tomorrow

  7. It’s Satanic to shun or oppose a call to Prayer to our God the Father of Jesus Christ. Those doing it may not even know that it is a demon in their lives that is offended by the call. God does not invite us because we have clean hands and even Jesus said I came for sinners that they may be reconciled to God.

  8. Sharon God will punish you and your generations are you not scared of God what Dr Mumba is saying is what we need in Zambia I wish if HH can attend too it will be good.

    • Anyone is free to come for prayers including HH the only problem is that the antiCHRISTs see no need for prayers because they prefer meetings where they sacrifice something to their god.

  9. On the National day of prayers, nothing wrong with it but let me drew you to a scenario in the bible – Jonah was sent by God to go to Ninive but opted to divert to Tashishi. This action angered God who sent a strong wind on the sea. During this confusion, the captain of the ship asked each and every person to pray to his god. amidst all this, the trouble maker was asleep. Someone managed to fish him out and asked him how he was able to sleep amidst this confusion? Jonah realized he was the causer of all trouble and told them to cast him in the water instead of everyone perishing because of him. We have the Jonahs in our midst, as we go for prayers tomorrow, please come out & save us. You know yourselves – Fire on all Jonahs

  10. James 4:1-3
    What causes fights and quarrels among you? Aren’t they caused by the selfish desires that fight to control you? You want what you don’t have, so you commit murder. You’re determined to have things, but you can’t get what you want. You quarrel and fight. You don’t have the things you want, because you don’t pray for them. When you pray for things, you don’t get them because you want them for the wrong reason-for your own pleasure.

  11. Why is GRZ sending us these SMSes?

    October 18th 2019 is National Day of Prayer, Fasting, Repentance & Reconciliation. You are invited to participate in various locations throughout the country.

    Is it a forcing matter?
    I’ll open my Tavern at 04:00am tomorrow

  12. Days for Praying are already fixed and are in the international Calendar thus Saturdays and Sundays. People can pray at their homes if they want. Why all this publicity. What are these prayers on Fridays for? Waste of time and leave Zambians alone. Going to church is at the prerogative of each Zambian individually. Just want to play to the public gallery as usual foooolish
    Mumba maybe you should pray for your MMD, a party that is only a party by name

    Mutati what do you think???

  13. Lungu please invite Mumba for a snake dinner at state house or in your private jet. The man has nothing else to do

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