Saturday, January 11, 2025

Nawakwi funded by some Nordic countries, Shikapwasha


Chief Government Spokesperson Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha

CHIEF Government spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha has said Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) president Edith Nawakwi has allegedly obtained money from some Nordic countries to disparage the Government and re-launch her political career.

Lieutenant-General Shikapwasha said in an interview yesterday that there was information available that some Nordic countries had given Ms Nawakwi funds to discredit the Government and campaign for next year’s elections.

Gen Shikapwasha, who is also information and broadcasting minister, said Ms Nawakwi wanted to re-launch her political career and contest for the presidency in the 2011 elections.

Reacting to Ms Nawakwi’s statement that President Banda and his ministers were confused, Gen Shikapwasha said the FDD president’s recent outbursts against the president and Government were aimed at making her sponsors believe that she was a political force to be reckoned with.

[pullquote]“She should realise that as Government, we are more informed about her being funded and she has been exposed,” Gen Shikapwasha said.[/pullquote]

Gen Shikapwasha said Ms Nawakwi should realise that Government had more information about her being funded to discredit Government.

“What Ms Nawakwi does not know is the fact that Government is aware that she has been funded to discredit President Banda and Government. The money she has been given is for use in next year’s campaign and the reason she has been behaving this way is because she wants her sponsors to know that she is doing something.

“She should realise that as Government, we are more informed about her being funded and she has been exposed,” Gen Shikapwasha said.

And Leadership in Development executive director Moses Kalonde said Ms Nawakwi would never be president of Zambia because she lacked seriousness.

The people of Zambia, Mr Kalonde said, would never risk to entrust the running of the country’s affairs in the hands of Ms Nawakwi.

Mr Kalonde expressed disappointment at the kind of politics Ms Nawakwi had engaged in when the FDD leader was in full support of President Banda in 2008.

“Not long ago, Ms Nawakwi supported President Banda and she is now showing her high level of inconsistency. It is disappointing that she has now turned round just for political mileage,” Mr Kalonde said.

Gen Shikapwasha said Ms Nawakwi is being provocative on her continued attacks of President Banda and his administration.

“Government also finds Ms Nawakwi’s incessant challenges to the head of State to go with her on a joint tour of clinics irrelevant as he has other appropriate people to accompany him if he had to do so,” he said.

He said the Government was aware of the calculated ploy by Ms Nawakwi and her cohorts to divert its attention from delivering on the national development agenda.

Gen Shikapwasha reassured that Government would continue with its core functions of providing good leadership, efficient and effective service delivery to the people.

He said while Government appreciated the enormity of the problems that had beset the health sector, it was lack of respect for Ms Nawakwi to drag the presidency into an issue which medical staff had already clarified.

Gen Shikapwasha said Government welcomed constructive criticism, but Ms nawakwi who was clearly morally challenged had no problem in distinguishing between insults and constructive criticism.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Cheap politics! If you have info, please address the matter with the Nordic country – they all have embassies in Zambia!

  2. You also get funding from the disgruntled choncho’s to put up cosmetic developmental adverts while the nation is retrogressing. Shikapwasha, your level of intelligence is worrying me a lot

  3. He said while Government appreciated the enormity of the problems that had beset the health sector, it was lack of respect for Ms Nawakwi to drag the presidency into an issue which medical staff had already clarified.
    So its actually true there are problems in the health sector,how do we caders convince the masses that our party is working when today the minister says this while just the other day His Excerlency said it was not true,thats why we are being called DOGS by PF kaponyas,instead of concetrating on campaigning we are fighting Nawakwi

  4. I did not know that one needed to be funded to discredit a failing and corrupt government. Why should she need to be funded as if she needs to launch a new party or she needed to buy ideas. This is really sill.y as no sane person would buy into this nonsense. So, who is funding MMD to discredit the Pact? Is this some confession that MMD funded Chiluba to discredit Sata? What a web MMD weaves? And foolishly they get entangled in it.

  5. “Government also finds Ms Nawakwi’s incessant challenges to the head of State to go with her on a joint tour of clinics irrelevant as he has other appropriate people to accompany him if he had to do so,” he said.

    Probably this man has forgotten that Banda found it appropriate to go with Nawakwi to the AU conference just a some few months ago.

  6. Nawakwi has resurfaced again after being silent for so long. What’s the logic behind? Disturbing the stable MMD government and to mislead masses? We will not listen to her comments because we know her tricks towards elections

  7. What is wrong with that if you Shikapwasha and your MMD you are being funded by the Tax Payer. Why talk :)):)):)):)):((:((

  8. This is getting exremely interesting, am loving the way MMD is being punched left, right and centre. Today as i predicted yesterday the Great Dane Shikapwasha has woken up to show everyone he’s still got a louder bark than all the other doggies. The rabid chihuahua FTJ also had Red campaign to bark at after having a periodical heart massage at soweto veterinary in RSA. We are yet to hear one of the most annoying barks from doggy Mulongoti on this Nawakwi issue, time to buy ear plugs i suppose.

  9. Ronnie, its a shame you fail to address the real issues with your colleagures in govt. Why is it that this “driver” is always on the defensive? its a shame we have such nicompompos as ministers in govt. Nawakwi may be angry in her attacks but the real issues of poor health, education, or the lack of it, and wide spread poverty are not been addressed. Talk real issues, not just barking like a rabbid dog! Nawakwi has just come to realize what a useless man she helped put in power, and if God willing the curse is with her while alive, she can help remove the same character, and hence cleanse herself from the ill begotten anbd self inflicted curse! Your empty words/rhetoric will not feed the hungry and house the many flood victims country wide. You shameless dozing worm!

  10. Shikapwasha, facts speak for themselves. If your government was delivering, people would surely see and know it, and no one would be able to “dicredit” the government in the eyes of the people. But the truth is that Ruppiah’s government is a non-performer and does not deserve any time beyond the next elections. I just pray that the majority of Zambians will have both the clarity of vision and stamina to withstand any possible attempts at fudging the electoral process.

  11. It makes me ashamed to be Zambian to listen these UNIPist LOSERS! Tell your boss to do his job Ronnie, don’t blame someone on the other side of the world for your incompetence, laziness and greed!

  12. Since when did Nordic countries start paying people to trade in insults? Is this the best Shikapwashya can come up with? let’s just say they paid her for something more serious than that or worst case for her to buy fertilizer for her pakrika farm but not to demean the presidency surely? There was a time when we used to discuss serious political issues in Zambia – not the sort that these people engage in nowadays. It’s time we started giving these politicians measurable targets and to show that they have met them before seeking re-election, and to show proper accountability for Constituency development funds etc. If not, this sort of circus will continue. Ah!

  13. Do you need to be funded to see that Hospitals and Clinics have no medicine?Grow up Ronnie.RB insulted Nawakwi in Mazabuka but she has asked him to accompany her to Clinics in order for him to shame her.If the Clinics and Hospitals involved flying, RB wud have been on a plane.We are tired of MMD and its failure to perform and deliver

  14. This is the dullest government I have ever seen. But then look at the man at the helm of government. Its hard to believe we have such people running our country. Zambians please, I beseech, you lets remove these people from government come 2011 elections.

  15. “nordic countries include norway, denmark, finland and holand” i did not know that some of these countries have any reason whatsoever to want to discredite rupiah banda. i think banda and his govt have shown enough capacity to be able to discredit themselves without need for foreign aid.
    i mean even if the nordic countries were up to something, which i know they are not, this not so intelligent shikapwasha is already treading on very thin diplomatic grounds. he is so dicredited that he does not know the right channels to voice his concerns. after all the nordic countries have for a long time been funding government to develop zambia but the govt has been using the money to discredit the people. kuyabebele.

  16. It was the Catholics now its the Nordic countries. Shikapwasha politics are not permanent jobs so accept when people cricise you. Remember there is no smoke without fire.

  17. Well bloggers you need to know that politics is a game.Each one plays a part.relax and take it easy guys

  18. Which countries in particular. If you start pointing the accusing finger you should be able to be factual and not just make allegations that hinge on treason and espionage. Those are not claims for politics. If you don’t have anything to say just keep quiet. I thought VJ had taught these chaps on foreign affairs. And Shikapwasha being former Air Commander should know how to behave.

  19. Nawakwi is cheap politician who doesnt even deserve to be discussed. Just as she steals husbands she also can steal some lime light, I wished i could sleep with her and teacher her lesson. Maybe a Bemba bull can do better.( SORRY BLOGGERS WHAT IS THIS ABOUT LAMBAS THREATENING EVERYONE THAT THEY WILL NOT VOTE FOR THAT ONE OR THAT, ARE THE LAMBA VOTES FOR SALE NOW) this is the problem with infiriority complex.

  20. LT, foul language is defeating the good intentions of a meaningful debate/contributions on this blog. Your disclaimer says “All Rights Reserved” so please, take control.

  21. Ms. Nawakwi does not run an NGO. This is subversion and needs to be charged as such. On the other hand, if this is not true, Ms. Nawakwi needs to sue. We have a country to run and we cannot allow foreign forces to determine even our political destiny. If this is what Ms. Nawakwi is doing – charge her immediately.

  22. # 10 and 20, sorry guys. In fact I did not leave the blog. I was a bit busy with books. Sorry I scratched your hearts. How is your MMD lately?

  23. This are the type of foolish and unsubstantiated wild accusations of the Nevers Mumba type that almost brought problems between Zambia and Zaire. It was also such alarmist acrobatics that Sata engaged by alleging KK was arms piling in Sindamisale but failed to show us these arms caches when challenged to do so. It is no doubt highly injurious to the fabric of cordial diplomatic relations for the who minister of information and chief government spokesman to be making such foolish accusations without showing evidence. Besides, Shikapwasha is always SLEEPING, when did he wake up to see Denmark, Sweden, Norway or Finland santa clause Edith with grudas?

  24. Well, every time these chaps are sick, off they go to Morningside. Even for very well known incurable diseases like the one that Killed Nawa, Tetamashimba and Bonshe or the same one sweating George Kunda, they fly to South Africa. They do this for one reason, there is no medicines or doctors in Zambia, period. Had there been medicine, would Banda be flying to South Africa even for minor knee operations resultant from fair wear and tear (uchembele?), NO. You see, even people like Chiluba feigning sickness everytime they have to appear in court for plunder, they are airlifted to Morningside because our hospitals cannot treat even ailments that do not exist where the doctor just has to say you are ok go back home. So baba, leave Edith alone. We also know Katebe Katoto is totolitoling you.

  25. I am a medical doctor in diaspora. I do not support any political party in Zambia. I have yearned to go back to Zambia and work in our hospitals and have visited again and again over a period of 15 years now and I see the same pathetic state of the health services. I am sorry that Ms Nawakwi is politicising this now but it was even worse when she was in government with Chiluba. Each successive govt. since the 1970s has neglected this sector. There are no drugs to talk about in hospital. Your Excellency, visit these hospitals un-announced and you will see the truth for yourself. I am not saying that the govt. is not doing anything, but don’t say things contrary to people’s experiences otherwise they will brand you a liar.

  26. # Naba 11… Brilliant analysis….Perhaps the question we may ask our selves is ” who really let these doggies out” I was actually wondering the breed The doggy FTJ was, now I know it is a chihuahua and rabid for that matter…I will appreciate if you can disclose the breed for the rest of the gang. from my guess most of them are Bull doggies:o:o:o

  27. Just provide good leadership and solve some of the critical challenges people are facing and she would have nothing to say

  28. oh Shikapwsha you such an beginner in politics look around you, what have you don thats made Zambia a happy nation, nothing at all only leading Zambia into a pit. all you interested in is your self. looking into you eyes all we see is corrupt morals. stop it. [-x

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