Saturday, January 11, 2025

Poverty levels in Zambia are still on the increase-CSPR


Some women of Munagaba area in Choma sharing goats which were given to them by the government for poverty eradication

The Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR) has observed that poverty levels in Zambia are still on the increase.

CSPR information and programmes officer Patrick Nshidano observed that an average of 85 percent of people in rural and 34 percent in urban areas is still living under the poverty datum line.

He told QFM in interview that findings of the ongoing current review of the budget from the 2006 to 2010 whose aim is to build capacity among the non-governmental organizations and the public on the budget awareness indicate that the current fiscal policy currently being used in implementing the budget is not effective.

He stated that the poverty levels in the country have continued to rise under the current budgetary implementation framework.

Mr Nshindano further explains that there is need to review and further implement strong and workable fiscal policies that will ensure prudent management of the funds in the National budget.

The CSPR has also recommended Government to increase expenditure towards capital development to at least a third of every annual budget stressing that massive capital expenditure will eventually lead into infrastructure building and improvement which is a vital component of any nation’s development.



  1. No matter what you do, you cannot initiate poverty reduction, the poor should initiate the reduction themselves which other people should come in to help.

    Even if you were to give these so called Poor Jobs, Money etc, they simply dont what to move forward. Asked Lumwana Mining, the poor left the Jobs one month after getting US$ 1,000 each.

    President Kaunda tried, this and that, he ended up draining Resources in an effort to STOP poverty. Imagine he even delivered Dairy Cattle to the Northern Province (Ku Bamunani) but all the Daily cattle ended up in the COOKING POT!!!!

  2. A REPORT of the influential Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has predicted that President Rupiah Banda and the MMD are likely to retain power in the 2011 general elections because of the influence of incumbency and the recovery in both the local and global economy,and the improvement in the lives of ordinary people who can now afford three (3) meals a day,they are employed and their children are going to school and enjoying the fruits of the current government
    CSPR is a local organization based in zambia,they get raw data from the affected poverty stricken people
    EIU an international organization,where is it based again,how did they gather data about zambia
    I would rather listern to CSPR than EIU

  3. #1 betters
    i doubt if you really understand development studies and the issue of LDCs as while as the role govt and civil society plays in poverty reduction and eradication. Its govts economic programmes and policies that ear marks positive steps to reducing its people’s poverty levels. Please make sensible comments and not just exposing your ignorance. where in the world have you seen citizens initiating poverty reduction programmes while the govt just seats waiting to here from them. Smoothcriminal in agree with you 100%, CSPR is on the ground observing and collecting true meaningful data about zambia’s real poverty levels.

  4. # 3, you are an ignorant fools, you pretend that you know it all. I don’t quote classroom theories but real time situation which have happened in Zambia. for the past 45 years class room theories have failed Zambia.

    You know most books and syllabuses for Economics, Developmental Studies and Accounts were Developed and written or have influence of Western, especially British flavour. NOT FIT 4 AFRICA

    No matter what you do, you cannot remove poverty from someone if that someone does not even know that he is poor.

    Silicon valley was developed by people who wanted to develop. so allot of capital was pumped in after inverters realized its potential.

    I still stand by my point, No body can initiate economic development of you don’t do it your self. THAT IS WHAT MAKES A WHITE…

  5. (Cont from 4)
    Why is it that an African always wants to be spoon fed, that why the IMF and Wild Bank are always bringing conditions like SAP cos we do not initiate development programs ourselves at house hold level. The story if different in China, they are hard workers.

    Japan was bombed to ashes, Viatman was torn Apart by USA but these two cannot be compared to Democratic Zambia, Infact far from any BLACK AFRICA.

    Mugabe gave blacks farms belonging to whites sometimes with all the equipment and crops in the fields. but the BLACK MONSTERS DESTROY IT ALL IN MINUTES WHY WHY WHY

    I am not being Political BUT WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE MIND OF A BLACK MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. No matter what you do, you cannot remove poverty from someone if that someone does not even know that he is poor.
    the way the government can remove poverty is by building schools,sending people to school,go to university,then the governmment creates employment,its all about priorities,a country without education cannot develop,with people like Mangani, a form five with a certificate as a primary school teacher,what kind of meaningful decisions can you expect…your thinking is typical of an uninformed person,keep on barking
    It takes a fool to notice a fool

  7. #4 betters
    ba betters i must believe you live in a world which is very separat from the global economics of this world i and zambia are a part of. i doubt if you’ve really been to school or just started business and now you are successful and think thats what moving from poverty is all about. in very society set up, there is what is called class distinction where you find those with the means of production called the bourgeoisie and those without called the laborers. automatically the laborers are classified as the poor and thus accept their place in society, thats why you have casual workers, maids, garden boys e.t.c. it would be great intellectual error and misguided thinking to reason that nobody is responsible in reducing this gad between the exploited and the capitalists. Govts…

  8. Cont from 7
    thats why we elect governments of the day..their role is to initiate,evaluate and implement economic policies which should benefit everybody. proper health facilities, affordable and good education, habitable living environments through good rural/urban city planning, affordable food, providing good agriculture incentives just to mention a few. i must say go back to school ba betters and learn a few economics!

  9. # 8
    Kenneth Kaunda tried this empowerment programs which become a disaster, he gave all sorts of initiative including soft loans, cooperative societies etc………… Mwanawasa nd RB are also trying there luck with FSP, which upto now some are not self sustaining as Mwanawasa thought they would. He planed that In three years a Farmer should be self reliant, but….

    Do me a flavor, chose anybody who you think is poor, try every thing to empower them and lets analyst the results, chances are that you PROJECT will be total failure are high
    Yes we can argue that A+Y=6 or not. the fact is that a Zambian generally is not self propelling no matter what you do. The culture and art of money making is not in the blood. Zambian do better as WORKERS

  10. I belive you are both academicians so as you present your arguments do not see your friend to be ignorant rather analyse what your freind has to say and make a good judgment. What i see from both of you is that you have a point to some extent. I tend to believe that the gov. Initiate good policies and the pipo should take up the challenge to develop themselves becuase no one can come and force you not to be poor thats why to some extent the poor are to blame for the conditions they find themselves in. i know i few who have pulled themselves out of poverty after aquiring the necessary skills.

  11. #10 I resonate with you. I think our two colleagues both have valid points to contribute to the mitigation of poverty levels and empowerment of the Zambian people. The solution does not lie in either or, but in a comprehensive approach where all stakeholders; government and the poor have to play a role. i don’t think the poor are to be blamed; there are many factors at play here which we have to continue to interrogate.

  12. I really believe that social problems can be reduced if not eliminated, the secrete is with the available policies, implimentation, monitoring and evaluation of poverty reduction programmes. a gud example is china where our friends-scholars like Sapru and others committed themselves to writting books which have provide a guide to their development. i believe the same is true to zambia if concerted efforts are used. above all greedness must be avoided-corruption $ nepotism.

    • its true most of the people in our country zambia are facing hardships in terms of survival; a situation that has made the poor families fail to send their children to schools, and if the can manage it is just upto grade twelve. this has made a lot girl children from poor families engaging in early marriage hence compounding the vicious circle of poverty
      Research conducted on child marriages.
      Zambia in the past years has experienced increased numbers of children dropping out of school due to a number of reasons of which child marriage is the most pronounced. This is seen in the face of our country as illiteracy levels are very high. This is self evidenced by the people we live with whom we see quitted school simply because they…

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