The establishment of the multi-facility economic zones is set to generate more that 50,000 employment opportunities in Zambia once the US$2 billion project is fully implemented, Commerce Minister Felix Mutati has said.
Mr Mutati said about 2,000 job opportunities had already been created under the Chambishi multi-facility economic zone on the Copperbelt while more Zambians would be engaged when the opening up of other zones across the country is completed.
Mr Mutati assured the Government was working in line with the articulations in the 2010 national Budget and would exceed the $2 billion investment attraction and create the 50,000 opportunities.
He said on Radio Phoenix’s Face The Media programme yesterday the Lusaka economic zones would attract a $300 million investment where more 2,000 jobs would be created.
Mr Mutati said an industrial park would also attract an investment of $500 million.
He described as myths and misconception allegations by some people that the Government was favouring foreign investors and discarding the local entrepreneurs.
The Government was offering equal incentives to local and foreign investors, adding that it was a myth for some people to suggest that foreign business persons were being favoured.
While the Government was attracting foreign direct investment, it had also continued to help local investors to build the capacity to be competitive and boost the economy.
Many local investors were currently producing goods not only for the local market but also for export after being supported by the Government.
Zambia was among the top five African countries that had managed to record a six per GDP, a feat he said was no mean achievement.
With the economic facility zones, Zambia had continued to attract foreign investors who had expressed interest to set up various investment of up to $500 million as well as create 2,000 jobs.
Mr Mutati said the entrepreneurs wishing to invest in the multi facility economic zones were given a minimum requirement of adding value to the economy so as they could benefit the ordinary Zambians.
Apart from the Japanese company that was setting up a plant on Great East Road, Indian experts had also visited Zambia with the view of settling down in one of the economic zones in Lusaka.
The key aspect of the multi facility economic zones was to drive forward the Zambian economy hence the need to have investors that would add value to the economy.
Responding to a caller who wanted to know how the zones would benefit ordinary people in far flung areas, Mr Mutati said the zones would create a revenue base for the country where investors would be taxed.
The proceeds would thereafter be reinvested in the communities around the country with various social problems through the rehabilitation of roads, hospitals, schools and market access.
He, however, said the Government had a challenge of elaborating what it was doing in assisting the people through its economic reforms.
Mr Mutati said his ministry would continue to promote investment – both local and foreign – as well as encourage people to participate in the economic development through entrepreneurships.
How many of these multi-facility economic zones will be set up and in whioch towns.
50 thousand jobs in food outlets and retail shops whose salaries will be far below the PAYE threshold%-(%-(%-(%-(
This is very good news. #1, I am not too sure but I think the Economic Zones are in Lusaka, Chambishi, Solwezi and Livingstone.
This is the kind of news we need.
# 3 We have been hearing about these Economic Zones for sometime now. May you give us some insight were we have positive results? Yada Yada Yada Yada. Please we need actions no talk all the time.
Government is to be congratulated. It is not easy at this economic cycle to find cash for investment. Well done. But it is possible that the Zambian people who are averse to hard work and want everything given to them on a silver platter will derail this progressive plan by bringing in a Sata nled government which promises ‘milk and honey’ in 100 days without sweat. Or, as the cruel hand of fate goes, the Sata nled government may reap where MMD sowed and get the praise.
The whole of Zambia is supposed to be an ONE economic zone. Mutati may be unwittingly be planting seeds for the breaking up of our beloved ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION!
No 6, give praise where it is due. Don’t kick the player, jick the ball. Trust people to go negative every time the government achieves something significant. Location of industry must optimise costs and be strategic in reference to markets, source of inputs, transport nodes, etc. Let’s talk substance people, SUBSTANCE
I comment when I actually see a bull doser move in. you know what they say about talk.
With $2 billion, I could create a MILLION jobs. Zambia has a 5 million strong workforce. 50,000 jobs isn’t even going to make a dent in unemployment. Not to mention the quality of these jobs, like actual wages, casualisation and labour rights.
It is time to let go of supply side economics, and start stimulating DEMAND.
And to these ministers, for God’s sake, START THINKING FOR YOURSELF.