Friday, March 7, 2025

Luapula PF MPs vow to decampaign Sata


PF leader Michael Sata

Opposition Patriotic Front (PF) members of Parliament from Luapula Province have declared that they will decampaign party leader Michael Sata for allegedly trying to secretly concession land in the province.
The MPs have also told Mr Sata to forget about getting votes from the people of Luapula Province in the 2011 elections.

Speaking on behalf of the other MPs, Luapula Member of Parliament Peter Machungwa said yesterday that Mr Sata’s secret deals were likely to put the country at risk. In his reaction to revelations by former PF general secretary Edward Mumbi that Mr Sata’s US$27,000 was meant for land which he allegedly promised to give to a team of foreign business people had he won the 2006 elections, Dr Machungwa said Mr Sata should not be entrusted with the running of the nation because his actions were likely to put Zambia at risk.
He said it was now evident that Mr Sata was not the right person for the country’s highest office saying the opposition leader would concession the entire country if given the instruments of power to rule Zambia.

Dr Machungwa added that the PF leader had also told his donors that apart from the nine known Zambian provinces, there was also a 10th province called Muchinga Province in Northern Province. He said the people of Northern Province should also be careful with Mr Sata because they may one day just wake up and find that part of their land had been concessioned.
“In fact there is already a PF chairperson for Mr Sata’s Muchinga Province. According to Mr Sata, Northern Province is divided into two areas. This should be of great concern for the people in the province because something fishy may secretly have happened for the PF to come up with such a province,” he said.

Dr Machungwa, who is also spokesperson for the PF MPs attending the National Constitution Conference (NCC) declared that the MPs from Luapula Province would now gang up and explain Mr Sata’s secret dealings to the electorate in the province. He said the revelation that Mr Sata promised to give land to a group of foreign business people was sad and urged Zambians to be careful with some leaders they entrust with power to run the nation.
“Let us be careful as Zambians and not elect leaders that are fond of making secret deals to only benefit themselves. As MPs from Luapula Province we will now tell our electorate why they should not vote for Mr Sata. We will explain the secret deals Mr Sata has been making on Luapula land,” he said.
He said Mr Sata’s failure to explain the source of US$27,000 was a sign that the money was not genuinely obtained.

Dr Machungwa said Mr Sata’s exposed secret deals should be an eye-opener for Zambians and should not be taken lightly, especially that the person who disclosed the issue was a former PF general secretary who once worked closely with the PF leader.
On Friday, Mr Mumbi disclosed that the controversial US$27,000 grabbed from Mr Sata in South Africa was given to him for a deal to concession a mineral-rich piece of land in Luapula Province to a team of foreign business people had he won the 2006 elections.
[Times of Zambia]


  1. How machungwa gona do that as you are not a PF mp anymore and you not even gona be adopted by the party, just found yourself a job or join the MMD and i dont think they will adopt you too.

  2. There we go again malic among Zambians as usual. If this Machungwa never fell out with Sata, would he be telling us all this? Why didn’t he tell the people that re-elected him on a PF ticket all this at that time? I think all these people Machungwa included are crooks like their master dribller. Don’t trust anyone of them.

  3. These are machinations by the desperate MMD/UNIP pact. Indeed as #2 has observed, Machungwa cannot be trusted. Sata is making them have sleepless nights, all they dream about is Sata.

  4. just a thought, supposing the concession of land is true, which i think is true looking at Sata reaction. what would mwata say on such facts.

  5. I just like the position that those that closely worked with Mr PF/Sata MC in the past have taken. This is telling about the bad leadership qualities that Mr Sata MC has. Otherwise, how do you explain Brig. Gen. Miyanda’s working in a lonely manner and the FDD membership that could not work with Mr PF/Sata MC after the events of MMD 2000/1 leadeing upto elections where mighty UPND’s Mazoka lost is a doubtful manner to MMD’s late Mwanawasa.

    I just hope, more of those who worked with Mr PF/Sata MC and now believe that Mr Sata MC is a danger to Zambia will come out and then tell the whole Nation how dangerous Mr Sata MC is to our society.

    I also hope the UPND will manage to BUY-OUT PF members who are sensible before they possibly break away from the UPND-PF PACT.
    Matt 6:33 But…

  6. Following “In his reaction to revelations by former PF general secretary Edward Mumbi that Mr Sata’s US$27,000 was meant for land which he allegedly promised to give to a team of foreign business people had he won the 2006 elections, Dr Machungwa said Mr Sata should not be entrusted with the running of the nation because his actions were likely to put Zambia at risk” and the fact that Mr PF/Sata MC is an ex-convict at Mukobeko Maximum Security Prison, I urge Zambian voters not to remain gullible about how this man may tricky this Nation into economy death that ma take more than a decade or redo.

    Thumbs up for PF member Mumbi and others like PF MP Machungwa.

    Mighty UPND Team, beware of Mr PF/MC Sata and help us destroy PF for good.

    Be blessed all
    Matt 6:33 But seek…

  7. # 5
    A Maestro.
    Sometimes i fail to understand your reason if you are a real Patriotic Zambian.We have seen of late the behaviour of Edward Mumbi and Dr Machungwa.Mumbi is a bootlicker of RB and Machungwa is a pootlicker of Ka Chikala,sori i ment Ka Chiluba and definately these two gentlemen my working hard on behalf of their gods.Let’s be real and put a leadership that will develop our motherland.its enough of these hence the Red Card.So Maestro dont be a fool in ypur own country.


  9. 8 PF in BOTS greetings. Following your “A Maestro. Sometimes i fail to understand your reason if you are a real Patriotic Zambian… So Maestro dont be a fool in ypur own country” and while Mr Edward Mumbi and Dr Peter Machungwa may be Mr President RB’s bootlickers or not, there information is good enough to invite intelligent discourse upon serious reflection.

    If what the 2 brother of mine or fellow Citizens in the names of Mumbi and Machungwa above are lies, let Mr PF/MC Sata produced evidence to the contrary.

    Yes, MMD has messed up Zambia especially the MMD of Mr MC Sata and Mr FTJ Chiluba, but Zambians can not afford to remove a better MMD of Presiden RB and replace it with a possibly worse GRZ lead by an ex-convict who has a history of doing bad things…

  10. #5
    I support what PF IN BOTS is saying.i really dont understand why you seem to have dislike MC Sata so is a well known factor that MC Sata is giving these MMD fellows sleepless nights such that they are even going back in the archives long before zambia was born searching what Sata did,his personl affairs, and so on.Edward Mumbi was rejected by the electorate of Nchanga.he is just job seaker who wil stop at nothing but bark like a rottweiler.Machungwa has not even done anything for the people of luapula province.this two chaps are doin this inorder to make pliz their Gods. alaa bee and kafupi.but all this wil not work.MMD kuya bebele.MMD 2011 ZWAAAAAAAA!

  11. Former PF secretary general Edward Mumbi blah blah blah. His new title should be job seeker Edward Mumbi. Check his shoes and belt, these are the first signs about someone struggling. Tafipwa bwino.

  12. But Peter, mwana, surely, you should have known better. With your Ph.D in psychology and former Secretary General of UNZASU under Levy, how could you sink so low as to serve under a rascal like Sata? W’a swabisa, wena mushimani, man!!! Sata stands for hooliganism – the facts are there to speak for themselves – in the same category as William Banda. Remember the violence in some Lusaka compound, the Third term saga, the billions from Parliament, the guns at The Rock of Authority…! Come on, guys!!!

  13. 8 PF in BOTS, therefore I am “a real Patriotic Zambian” who has the interest of all 12 or so million Zambians’ lives.

    I therefore repeat that Zambia does not need to bring back the MMD of Messrs FTJ Chiluba and Sata MC but needs a GRZ leadership that has been consistent in doing good for the various people they have served from their cradle — and this is where integrity of a President-to-be lies not a person with a terrible record as we are now reading.

    With respect to the above, I challenge Mr SataMC to tell the Nation what criminal activity he committed that led to his imprisonment to our Maximum security Prison and also consultancy made him to be paid USD 27,000 including why it was confiscated by SAns.

    Be blest all
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye the kingdom of…

  14. I stopped trusting Machungwa long time ago. All he does is to follow Dr. Chiluba’s instructions. and one thing he should know is that PF is strong in Luapula, NOT because of Machungwa or his fellow unknown MPs, but because of SATA. I dont think these MPs will have much effect in Luapula

  15. I stopped trusting Machungwa long time ago. All he does is to follow Dr. Chiluba’s instructions. and one thing he should know is that PF is strong in Luapula, NOT because of Machungwa nor his fellow unknown MPs, but because of SATA. I dont think these MPs will have much effect in Luapula

  16. Nothing is going to stop the “unstopable King Conbra”. Sata is being made very famous and popular. Viva Sata.

  17. # 5 and 6, Stop using the Lord’s name in vein. Do not qoute scriptures if what you say has no love in it. You have no integrity. There is no sensible PACT member who can speak ill of PACT leaders like the way you do. SATA is 7 times better than RB. Zambians will support ANY one who will contest on the PACT’s ticket. HH or SATA!

  18. #15 Hangandu
    you are right!machungwa tends to think that PF exists in luapula and strong because of him and the Boxer in praliament Elizaberth Chitika Mulobeka and the rest of the PF reble Mp’s.this guy wont even win that seat in 2011.Machungwa thinks he is more clean than Sata.i remind him that zambians hav not forgoten about the 2billion he stole from state house in the truncks,during the MMD convention in KABWE.atekanye sana mambala uyu.all he does is dance to chiluba’s cough sound.ka kafupi nga ka kola ninshi afwenkula MACHUNGWA..this funny tricks wont work.they are spending so much time fighting MC Sata instead of working hard in developing zambia.come 2011..we shall ask what they have done!nga ni mumbi him is just a non starter with no influence anywhere..he should just shut up.

  19. Dr.Machungwa we know you, You are MMD and a job sicker. Shame to you. In the first place we will not vote for you, even if you stand on MMD ticket. Your time is up imwe bacisanguka mwebasuma nomunwe ulemilisha.

    Come 2011 Zambia will be for HH or Sata not MMDs.

  20. 18 Red Card Free at Last can you please substantiate your “# 5 and 6, Stop using the Lord’s name in vein” or remain perplexed to your detriment due to your failure to understand Holy Scriptures.

    As for your “Do not qoute scriptures if what you say has no love in it“, what is love? Is there love shown in God my Creator’s plan to destroy the DEVIL time at the time of ending sin when He shall come to make things anew according to his initial plan for humans?

    Stop showing your ignorance of Scriptures by defending evil or sin just because you think the person you support is doing good when he has actually done bad which he is not ready to confess.

    Have a nice day as you reflect on this aboove words to you.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye the kingdom of God and…

  21. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe
    No brain this Chap. Sata never said he was convicted for commiting a Criminal Offence, that issue was brought by your fellows and they should publish a conviction record to nation and not King Cobra. Please dont pretend as tho you are mad

  22. Come 2011, we can’t wait to start implementing our 90 day programs, meaning that the first 5 years will have 20 phases (20 90-day phases). We will have projects for the first 90 days, second 90 days. The man of action, supported by the passionate HH will surely deliver!

  23. Maestro hatred will consume you, which evil is any one defending. Allegations? He who has not sinned let him be the first to cast a stone.

  24. Could Peter Machungwa be brave and man enough and resign from PF so that we go for a bye election.
    How can he forget so easily that he only won the lection because of MC Sata and would not win as an individual.
    So, how does such a person decampaign his benefactor and expect to succeed.

    Mwe ma REBEL, just resign to prove your popularity.

  25. Even if Macungwa saya that, HHA&Sata will win next elections, do not worry so much. Machungwa to hell with you.

  26. Sewage politics in Zambia. That is were time meant for development is spent. LT Can we have project time frames to see which is the most useless MP at completing projects instead of making us debate this matuvi politiking.

  27. Lived in Luapula for a long time and saw all those elections, these MPs got a boost to win because of Sata. Let them try to decampaign him if they can. They are just toothless dogs, snakes in the grass, money hungry, power hungry cheap politicians. Even with his doctorate Machungwa comes out so DULL!! VIVA PACT:d/

  28. People who live in luapula province know Sata ,no one can tell a story about him, and his capacity to develope a nation

  29. Here we go again. Look who is talking. Machungwa is a sell out just like any other MP/minister who served under Kafupi Chiluba & left to pursue a political job to feed their pockets rather than serve the people.

  30. Here we go again. Look who is talking. Machungwa is a sell out just like any other MP/minister who served under Kafupi Chiluba & left to pursue a political job to feed their pockets rather than serve the people.**==

  31. An educated Dr of psychology coming out with grade 7 thinking …… Zambia at great risk of being concessioned….. Do these people really make such silly statements ?

  32. Luapula people are not stupid. Go and try to turn their thinking around at your own risk, they do not appreciate people treating them like puppets. You have been warned!![-x

  33. Machungwa was probably wanting a high post in Satas eventual government. Mumbi Phiri is getting a commerce or other high ranking ministerial position due to her fighting antics. Maestro hehehe my brother without PF upnd shall only master a few seats and votes nation wide let the pact stand. Sata is a greater adversary for RB, even though my choice is non other than Miyanda for president in terms of moral fortitude. Let the opposition not be split by us the people either.

  34. Machungwa and Mumbi are finished political prostitutes products who will dance with the devil as long as they are paid and promised jobs. These amature political assassins could learn not to follow Chiluba blindly. Chiluba is a political opportunist and a chameleon who will change to suit himself. Mumbi and Machungwa are like a blind leading a blind. The more they use MMD schemes to discredit Sata the more the people become more determined to bring change to the govt. If we are to look around we will acknowledge that the 1990 political wind of change is blowing no matter what MMD and their hired political prostitutes will initiate to bring Sata down. Infact Sata is just there to help and drive this wind of change. Indicators are there, MMD & govt assault on the Catholic, political opponent

  35. selective prosecution of political opponents, political character of assassinations, bribes of political destitutes, stiff neck to viable views & criticisms. Political propaganda and schemes to silence the maginitude .Using govt machinery to silence critics through propaganda programmes and individuals .
    or briefcase or family BNGOs or FNGOs that have no heart to the oppressed, voiceless, poorest as long as they are given money by this govt govt.
    What reminds me of all the things was that, KK underestimated the influence of the Catholic and this is the true picture we are all witnessing where the govt has embarked on. KK tried to intimidate the Catholic church but killed himself with the sword he was using against the truth.

  36. i like what vundu vundu wrote .what is 27000 dollars-130 000 rands .i think about 60 million kwacha .which mineral rich land can one give for 60million kwacha .do we know the value of this cant even build a typical servants quarter with this money .and a doctor is telling the people that.surely a person who can be president should consider that money -pocket money.machungwa i cannnot honestly understand your thinking.during the 91 campaign u were sold to us as a very intelligent man.what a fool we bought into .sata has never stood on your platform ,so stop wasting our time and resign ,we show you where you belong .polishing chilubas shoes

  37. thankfully all you expatriate cadres dont vote. if you didn know machungwa is well supported in his constituency. sadly even if he talks nonsense, he will still carry the day.
    Nice to comment from afar, ask maestro, this is zambia. we dont operate on logic. we vote haphazardly….

  38. The MPs have also told Mr Sata to forget about getting votes from the people of Luapula Province in the 2011 elections- WHAT UTTER RUBISH! I WILL VOTE FOR SATA SO WHAT WILL MA ORANGE DO?

  39. Brother Machungwa, dont waste your time. Dont think the people of Luapula are that stupid, in fact you are not the only educated person from there. We know Mr. Sata and you cannot decampaign him here. The only person we will deal with is yourself and your double standards. Up to now we don’t know your political party. We are sick and tired of you. You cannot tell Mr Sata to forget about geting votes from Luapula Province. You are not my spokes person Mr Machungwa and I dont even know where you got the courage of speaking on behalf of all the people in the province. If you are not fighting for change, we will sort you out because we don’t want people like you who cannot deliver. Start packing because your days are coming to an end.

  40. Look at the caliber of our MP’s, and you honestly call him Doctor. Machungwa. I dont understand his thinking. You think one can buy a country with $27.000? What is 27.000 US Dollars? He thinks it is a lot of money. I just bought a house in Mansa at that much. Mr Machungwa, you cant decampagn Mr. Sata with such silly accusation. The money you are talking about is nothing compared to the money Chiluba stole from Zambians. You and your friends from Luapula who are in Lusaka representing yourselves and wasting your time listening to Chiluba, will loose your seats because we don’t know your political party and what you are doing. Remember Mr. Machungwa that you dont represent the whole province

  41. UPND?PF PACT will sweep Luapula Province clean. The People of Luapula are cleaver pipo. What more even Katele Kalumba is on the PF/UPND side, wait until the last minute intresting things will unfold. Katele will defect. Chiluba never improved Luapula, infact he inpoverished it and used it to steal it’s resources with Moses katumbi. Rememeber all the fresh fish was being ferryied to Congo by cargo plane, Tambabashila from the Zambian side to Lubumbashi. Zambians Machungwa has been in parliament for over 20 yrs, done nothing to improve his cnstituency. Dont buy his stories.

  42. You are very ignorant Machungwa and Mumbi and your likes. We are aware that PF has in plan to divide Northern Province into 2 one of which will be called Muchinga Province. The reason is very simple and should be supported by any well meaning and sensible Zambian. Northern Province is vast and therefore difficult to deliver meaning development. When the province is divided, it is easier to reach the the whole area and make impact in terms of development. The motive is good and so you cheap politians don’t politise the issue you good for nothing jo seekers from RB.

  43. George kunda and RED CARD Crystal clear, stop hallucinating and come to reality.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  44. maestro hehehehehehehehehehehe why do you think the whole of grz is always talking about Sata and not hh? The way Sata is giving grz sleepless nights is the same with you.Your hatred for Sata will land you in a coffin. Whatever did he do to you?

  45. If machungwa, wants to decompeign Sata why is he clinging on the PF mantle. Let hi join FDD or MMD or UNIP. The man is scared of loosing his seat once he leaves PF. He knows that his popularity in luapula is as a result of Michael Sata.

  46. #47 Nkani= Infact Luapula was part of Northern Province although we were already calling the area along the river as Luapula.At independence that part was officially delinked from NP and became LP. At the same time Mwense became a District from Kawambwa where all admin work was being carried out for areas from Musonda Falls to Kawambwa. Its a good idea to work from a small area just as having a small family as compared to having 12 children who you cannot look after properly.

  47. guys machungwa is also looking for an appointment as provincial minister for northern province just like chimbaka.these are plolitical vempires looking for oppoturnity to grab funds.machungwa and mandandi where is a k2billion scandal.let him be the last to talk about morality .why hasnt MMD convicted sata all along sure?mumbi,lifwekelo,cifire,dora enjoy dirty money

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