Friday, March 7, 2025

Arrest Sata, Hakainde UPND dares police


PF Leader (L) and UPND Leader (R)The United Party for National Development (UPND) has dared the Zambia Police to arrest the PF/UPND Pact leaders Michael Sate and Hakainde Hichilema.

Responding to MMD spokesperson Dora Siliya’s call on the police to visit the two pact leaders on allegations of accusing President Rupiah Banda of planning to eliminate them,UPND Secretary General Winstone Chibwe saidc that the police could go ahead and arrest the two leaders.

He said there was nothing wrong for what the two pact leaders said by stating that president Banda has intentions to eliminate them as his political opponents.

Mr Chibwe accused the MMD of desperate and capable of doing anything that would keep them in power.

He said the UPND/PF pact is not scared of the calls by Ms Siliya to arrest the two pact leaders because such threats are expected in the political arena.

Mr. Chibwe reiterated that UPND was ready to defend itself from any form of provocation in the forth coming Mufumbwe and Milanzi Parliamentary by elections.


  1. No need to arrest llosers because time is sweeping them off. What can the country expect from political losers who cling to even an ex-communicated religious counterfeit that by his behavior, vile spirit and failed thinking has only proven that he is advancing the cause of a cult in Zambia? Ex-Priest Frank Bwalya is cult leader no different from Northern Uganda’s embattled Joseph Kony of the Lord’s Resistance Army. There are too many parallels between Kony and Frank Bwalya’s spirits.

  2. By every trait Bwalya is passionate to fill the shoes of Kony in hatred, kidnappings, killing with clubs our women, abduction of children and make them kill those who disagree with him and Sata. It’s a religious cult movement. Sata an experienced cult follower of late Alice Lenshina who he claims resurrected is offering Bwalya some hate training manuals.

  3. Spot on!


    Prince Robert Mushili the son of senior chief Mushili of Ndola rural says the United Party for National Development/ Patriotic Front pact is facing an imminent collapse.Prince Mushili says the two opposition parties have no definite agenda and that this is why they have not yet told the electorates who the presidential candidate will be.
    He further observed the two parties’ manifestos contradict each other on various issues and that it will not be possible for the manifestos to be merged because one manifesto was academic and constitutional while the other is based on a figment of imaginations.

  4. And prince Mushili who a fortnight ago defected from UPND to MMD says Ndola rural is still fertile ground for the ruling party because it is the only party that has demonstrated quality leadership.
    He has also vowed to ensure that UPND loses the little support it enjoys among the Lambas to the ruling party.
    He further charged that the UPND/PF pact has no bearing and influence on the political landscape of the country.
    The Prince Mushili was speaking in an interview with QFM today.

  5. Senior Citizen, kuya bebele mudala. No matter what you write, you are going next year. Did you see the picture of UTH in the Post? And what do you think you have done at UTH? Now namafi yayamba ukufuma mumu sebo-shameee

  6. I just like the “Responding to MMD spokesperson Dora Siliya’s call on the police to visit the two pact leaders on allegations of accusing President Rupiah Banda of planning to eliminate them,UPND Secretary General Winstone Chibwe saidc that the police could go ahead and arrest the two leaders” which indicates that the mighty UPND has been attracting northeners since it is a National party with structures all over Zambia as opposed to some known party that only have people of one region in its higher ranks.

    I trust the coming of Mr Chibwe will attract more northerner names in the higher ranks of the mighty UPND under the visionary leadership of president and 2011 presidential candidate HH.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and…

  7. Senior Citizen Chikala wanyanya! Are you the only Zambian capable of commenting on such blogs? You are just exposing your foolishness. Hardly a day goes by without seeing your STUPID comments!

  8. So Senior Citizen you’re here i’ve looking every where for you. What’s happened to your civil partner Mr Capitlist, is he expecting your child or what? I will never understand how you’ve managed to support these dogs even when they’ve said or done some really seriously s.t.u.p.i.d stuff, i honestly take my hat off. I have been researching on dogs and i thought you would be a labrador because of your tanacity and loyalty.

  9. The Senior Citizen is a very immature person and behaves like someone who is a lunatic. Stop adding your useless comments that put off many well-meaning people.

  10. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe
    cannot go without vomitting his usaul Reginal Tribe disease. Please your HH is nt like you.

  11. # 12,

    Why don’t you PF cadres start your own blog if you can’t take straight talk from MMD activists and mount intelligent damage control? Its getting embarrasing maybe out ignorance that more often you are calling on opponents to quit on a blog you have no idea who owns it. Worse still is you call Honchos all the slander when they place damaging articles on Sata but not MMD.Does LT send you invitation cards to expect it to be a PF mouth piece? Owners have been insulted and dictated to but in vain. Start your own blogs. I will recommend you 2 PF blogs if you don’t come up with one soon

  12. MMD is no longer the real the hour we used to know it is now UNIP 2 , therefore, come 2011 it will be history .

  13. #9, Have you guys in the Pact decided on HH finally? What does his Pact colleague Sata say? Obviously HH stands no chance in 2011 if he stood on the UPND ticket. The much larger PF party of Sata has failed several times, so how can HH’s much smaller minority UPND succeed? Wasn’t that the idea behind the PACT? Come on guys, are you growing cold feet?
    #13 Thanks for the clarification, I was very surprised that Chibwe could be from the North when UPND jettisoned the more reputable Chisanga. Nice camouflage though, ba UPND.

  14. Mwamutengamila Senior Citizen, umwaice, imwe mwema dunder-heads. Pick on someone of your own age, Ba skanka paku seka!

  15. Am neither an MMD nor a PACT sympathiser, but objectively speaking, am so disappointed on the seemingly PACT supporters’ intolarance of other peoples’ views. So typical of Sata’s supporters, always striking but taking offence at being responded to. Senior citizen has as much rights as anyone else on this blog to express his political opinion.

  16. these funny chaps in MMD better not even try their silly gimmicks.what they should concentrate is deliver what they promised.come 2011 MMD zwaaaaa!.we need a functioning government with developmental issues at hand,and ready to impliment them.MMD has out lived their usefullness.Dora siliya should take it easy she is new in MMD and she really doesnt know this party well.

  17. take it easy everyone .it is difficult to say but the true is zambia cannot develop .not with any leader.america has a success culture.the chinese have a get involved culture,the boers of south africa were simply hardworking farmers.what about zambians.always drinking beer,womaning,taking jobs/careers casually.lacking of a defined progressive culture is the biggest issue in zambia.everyone famous in zambia is only thru politics or church .

  18. Ba Dora nabo, awe mwe kuti waseka. MMD should be scared, UNIP was brought down to its knee’s in 1991. UNIP gave the catholic church a hard time, MMD is doing the same. Catholic churches are everywhere ( hint hint)

  19. I once said that people who are paranoid should never be allowed to be in power. Paranoia is the hallmark of dictators. Hitler, Musolini, Shaka Zulu, Idi Amin, Saddam. All these thought that some one was out to ‘get them.’ KK was a good President until he became paranoid and started seing red, where others were seeing blue. Chiluba changed after Solo gave him a dawn scare. A leader who feels secure and loved by his people will always be a good leader. Paranoid people are dangerous.

  20. #2 Veteran Senior Citizen Ben Kangwa. Really you are working extra hard to maintain and retain your Embassy job. How did this discussion all of the sudden turn to Fr. Bwalya and Kony? Your daily talking points from State House are not making any sense at all. Dora your new boss at ZNBC now minister as you still wallow in mediocre lifestyle and your spokesperson has asked the police to visit the Pact leaders, who are you to change your Party and government Animal Farm policy? Soon your Government will arrest anyone campaigning for the opposition or anyone who votes for the opposition or probably the all entire nation since they have made up their minds that MMD must go. Only one province wont be arrested, Eastern Province as that is the only area were MMD and Banda exists.

  21. Mudala Ben Kangwa, your incoherence and side stepping out of topic is making your former Lecturer Edem Djokotoe look bad.

  22. Abena Kalos2020 mwanyanya nomba, why can’t you leave ba Ben Kangwa out of all these issues. Everyone knows senior citizen/veteran’s dog-master relation with RB yalibako bad, but they are all entitled to have their true identies revealed unless with their permission. I’m sure your real name is not Kalos2020, why not comeout with your real name as well. I find some of your contributions well researched, but on this issue.

  23. Does Senior Citizen have anything else to do. Probably he’s paid by George Kunda to blog, and maybe from an Internet Cafe. How much do they give you, 20pin per day. Come on get a life and start working. Wenkoko we

  24. Fact..UPND shud go it alone.. they have more following than PF and MMD.. Levy’s votes in central and rural CB , NW AND most in Lusaka are back. RB Have fewer votes than sata and HH. …Come 2011..the race is on sata vs HH…

  25. PF Kaponyas,

    Untill you realise some day that Senior Citizen is no closer to Washington DC and is a true self actualized Zambian in the Diaspora in Business Consultancy with sound financial security, you at trapped in this shame of self exposure that you are handcapped and unprepared for a vicious battle.I just wonder with this ignorance and muposa mabwe how you are going to orchestrate and win over the mighty MMD. Even the day President Banda will decide to elevate and transfer Mr.Kangwa to another mission say UK, Canada or German a man you keep dreaming about, this SC will be here in the USA just frequenting Zambia. I have no plan to relocate or take up a GRZ job. Some of you i can renumerate you your weekly wages from my daily consultant pay. Like Mwata has put it, just blog freely.

  26. All PF Kaponyas,

    People who are creative come up with good ideas like LT so that not only should progressive Zambians be heard but even you lazy and retarted PF Kaponyas. Lt is here so that Zambians can hear your voice and authenticate your challenges characterized with barbarious street languange free of charge because we all know you cannot come up with your own platform. Enjoy it when you can.

  27. Senior Citizen, stick to one lie. Do you recall having stated that you are an Assistant Professor at Illinois State University until I challenged you to meet me their with another Zambian who went to that university when they had a Home Coming game? What happened to the Assistant Professor position at Illinois State University? You see, you and Banda are liars. At one time you were masquerading that Banda is an Economist until I challenged you about that too. So, state the truth, have you ever taught at any university at all? Lie again. MMD women and child killers.

  28. By the way we don’t doubt your financial security. After all even Savior Chungu your former boss thought the same at one time. Guess how all those former military commanders thought in terms of financial security, just like you before the truth dawned on them. So, enjoy while your fellow thief Banda is still in office. But remember the masses that your government is letting without a meal, how the masses are suffering sleeping in filth UTH while you fly up and down to SA for minor surgeries. Remember how the education system is in the gutters while your children go abroad for better schools, remember how unemployment has reached second to Zimbabwe in Africa while your relatives are the only ones who can be given jobs despite lesser education, remember UNZA slipping below due to neglect.

  29. MMD women and child killers,

    on # 33 you state how you can enumerate people with your daily loots, unfortunately you know no one here. I want you to reflect on your statement and try to see how childish you sound. That really sound so kindergarten talk, you must be so ashamed of yourself and your childishness. That statement is mostly found in cornered rats like you

  30. Ya ba twabachiba ba Senior Citizen, nowonder we do not get our passports back even when we have paid. almsot 9 months no news from the Embassy- Ba Senior Muleya –

  31. When did Boston become Wshington DC for Senior Citizen to be at the Embassy? I have evidence that SC blogs from a Boston server.

  32. Senior Citizen aka BK is a Press and Public relations officer at the American Embassy,no doubt about that,i spent some time unearthing this person some time back, he even knows how far i went with him

  33. Veteran / Senior Citizen / aka BK … why do you bring onto the blogs Prince Mushili’s unfounded opinion? You cannot form your own opinion? Or you are one of those Zambians who belive in everything they read or hear …

  34. Senior citizen is not 15 , he is actually 8 years old. I know who he is, he is my friends son. Just to be specific, he is actually in first grade. The father does not know how to type so he dictates to him what to write. Do not pay attention to him because he is just an immature boy being used by the dad.

  35. Dora is turning herself into Zambia’s Julius Malema. Well wait until Kanitundila Neo is out of power, we shall resurrect ZAMTELGATE and you will see your day in court, and jail.

  36. As for you Dora Siliya just shut up. You are just a prostitute, who does’nt know that there is something going on with you and RB. And how you were fixed into that job by RB within hrs of your dubius aquital, you aught to be ashamed, please have a conscience and just keep quite. Shame on you and your sugar daddy

  37. I stopped reading anything by Senior Citizen,Mwata,MMD Bootlicker.They write garbage because they support garbage and they are themselves garbade.

  38. #24, by the way brethren,i know zambia is endowed with intelligent brains, and other resources to rebuild the economy apart from the current crop of leadership as in big nose.

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  41. This is the begining of the end for UPND and its childish mannered leader who does not even care about many Zambians. Why all of the sudden has HH become nonsense and sanctimonious suddenly. he has no agenda and has nothing to offer his time is gone and its up. He has no plan sata had a plan and he is the one who had the vision for Zambia nowanda why he won because he studied his opponents and played his card to the chest and became victorious. he is not a quiter like HH who backdown last minute, by now he could have been the vice president of our country by he could not fight in the vion of sata thats why God had to separate the two during because he saw that the other one had not fouhgt a good fight and would bring caos. Lets not just judge or just speak any how but should at least act.

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