Friday, March 7, 2025

RB’s performance impressive—BY


NATIONAL Democratic Focus (NDF) president Ben Mwila

NATIONAL Democratic Focus (NDF) president Ben Mwila has said President Rupiah Banda has outperformed expectation with economic recovery prospects and national unity forming a larger portion of his legacy.

Mr Mwila said yesterday that President Banda’s staunch critics, Forum for Democracy and Development president Edith Nawakwi and Patriotic Front’s Michael Sata lack the understanding of how Government runs when they promise that they would provide development within 90 days of assuming power.

In an interview in Lusaka, Mr Mwila warned Zambians against falling prey to mock promises from the opposition in view of the development programmes that had been initiated by the Government.

“Even a house cannot be built in three days, they don’t understand Government,” Mr Mwila said.

He said President Banda had built a legacy of national unity, tolerance and humility with the backbone being the booming economy despite the global economic recession that saw countries and companies fall economically.

“The real legacy is the one which we are seeing now. There is no tension in the country and I wish President Banda could continue with his programmes,” he said.

Mr Mwila, who served as Defence minister under the leadership of second Republican president Frederick Chiluba, said his interaction with Government systems at a high level exposed him to knowledge about how Government runs.

He said he would like to be president of Zambia just like other opposition leaders except that his colleagues were exhibiting lack of maturity in their campaigns and criticisms.

[pullquote]Meanwhile, Mr Mwila has challenged Mr Sata to produce the degree which he claims to hold because a qualification is a source of pride if one has acquired one.[/pullquote]

The NDF leader alleged that presidency under the opposition leadership would be destructive and the unity the country was experiencing would be compromised because of lack of seriousness and signs of acrimony.

Meanwhile, Mr Mwila has challenged Mr Sata to produce the degree which he claims to hold because a qualification is a source of pride if one has acquired one.

He said Mr Sata should be proud of his academic qualifications by parading them each time people asked for them.

“That is why others profile themselves because they want to show how qualified they are. Why is he hiding his degree from stakeholders when it is supposed to be part of his profile?” Mr Mwila asked.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. John Phiri in Kalingalinga doesn’t give a flying how impressive RB’s performance is. He wants to be able to buy medicine in clinics and educate his malnourished children. Action over cheap politicking is what makes key changes in any country.

  2. what is BY talking about? what about what? What sort of performance indicators has he used and how has he measured them to recklessly talk like that? That is bushit!!

  3. Ba BY nabampya bamudala balafwaya cash from RB.Honestly speaking what good things has RB done since he became the president?BY is speaking like he’s being sponsored by MMD.Am not supporting ba Sata,what we need in Zambia is the change of power from these old guys to young guys with good vision to take the country forward.:-?:-?

  4. #1 themwine

    I bet you and your Kaponyas in PF if ever you come to power, and God forbid, your 90 days economic miracle will be to print more Kwacha paper in trillions and take some to John Phiri for him to go and buy medicine in clinics and educate his malnourished children. That to you will be impressive governance, right? And John Phiri will be a happy man and the whole Zambia will be happy in the 90 days. So what happens after the 90 days, print more paper again?

    It is really scary to see the reasoning of some of you and I wonder which schools you went to. Since when it become the job of government to put food on your table and nourish your children and buy medicine. Would your wife walk with pride? This is not Dubai or oil rich state. Wake up and work!!

  5. BY Unasilanchito. all you are looking for is employment. Why should Sata show you his degrees as if he is looking for employment from you. chi color kwata amano.

  6. C’mon, he is broke. I agree, RB has kept things the same; when they could have gotten worse.
    However, BY has learnt that one cannot go against the government and come out richer. they own the money in your account and can take it away just like THAT! Thare is a lot to be learnt here. so all you COBs, fly away and make a tangible contribution to your country; not the diaspora.

  7. Ba BY ninshi bapepele abafyashi? This sounds like a speech coming from a person who hgas just finished having a session of weed!
    BY is a spent force, he should just keep quiet – very quiet actually!

  8. @ #4 MMD Chief Bootlicker

    I bet you if a PF led govt had to print Kwacha notes and give them to John Phiri so he can see the so called 90 day economic miracle, John Phiri will be crying after the 90 days because of double digit (maybe even triple digit) inflation rates from poor monetary policy. John Phiri would even have to struggle more after the 90 days to acquire USD which would be the currency we would be using after a PF led govt destroys the Kwacha by printing carelessly.

  9. #2 Ba Mwinemushi

    There are clear international indicators that are used to measure every country’s performance and the whole world knows that Zambia is moving forward and its economy grew last year. The world does not use your PF kachasu indicators. Educate your self and stop embarrassing your self in public with such blatant ignorance. Put forward your PF Kachusa indicators that show Zambia got worse and cite any relevance international literature to back your Kachasu indicators and then lest have a debate.

  10. Is BY Mwila an MP or a party president. These are the issues the NCC should have been discussing. We need to have a clause whereby a president of a party needs not be MP unless and up and until he ceases to be one. Doesn’t this show the man is BROKE. Come 2011, Mwila needs to chose wether to stand for President or be an MP.

  11. @ #1

    Ok let’s be serious. I take it John Phiri has got some talents. Me must have at least taken woodwork when he was doing secondary school at DK or maybe he knows how to make crafts. Let us say he knows how to make creative crafts. The tourism industry in Zambia is booming. Let us also not forget the world cup is coming up. John Phiri must know a friend of a friend of a friend who has some excess cash. John Phiri can then tell this friend of a friend of a friend that he has a business proposal. He can show him his crafts and glass bids (whatever) how beautiful they are and tell him he is looking for a business partner who can invest in his new business venture. He can tell him the benefits like increased tourism traffic and the World cup [tbc

  12. Ascientist who is not acurate with measurements is not worth the name.If you see red where the colour is white quickly visit an optician.Mr Mwila is an objective politician who calls a spade a spade.Honourable Milupi said the same thing yesterday.On the economy the World Bank and IMF are vsry positive about our economy.What are Sata ,HH and Nawakwi saying? Can Nawakwi conceive today and give birth tomorrow? We must give credit where it is due. Satais not new in politics.If MMD is corrupt Sata is too.He is an off shoot of MMD.So let us be careful when choosing leaders and we should not be guided by meaningless hatred.Banda is so far doing well whether you like it or not…..The more they insult the more they expose their foolishness and their unthinking. RB work quietly people are seeing.

  13. Iwe MMD bootlicker, indeed you are a licker. The last part of yo ststement really shows how shallow your pea-sized mind works. Indeed its not the jo of the governmnet to put food on anyone’s table but what #1 meant was that your hopeless government should make it easier for people to do all the things he mentioned. Whats the government there for if they can not improve the quality of our lives?

  14. “The real legacy is the one which we are seeing now. There is no tension in the country and I wish President Banda could continue with his programmes,” he said.
    Thats BY!! No further comment.

  15. cont from #11

    and how tourists like to buy souvenirs. John Phiri can then tell him the benefits of starting a little gift shop at the two major airports being Lusaka Int. Airport or Livingstone Int. Airport where they can sell John Phiri’s beautiful crafts.

    If it is one thing that investors of any sort like to hear, it is that they can make a profit. Money speaks. That is just my suggestion for John Phiri. With the new business partner, he will be able to send his children to school and feed them. Just my 2 cents on that.

  16. BY you dont have influence on our political scene. So save your breath it stinks too much. Its not you to tell Zambians whether RB has performed or not. We have our own key performance indicators and they are showing that he has failed us. :-w

  17. MMD Chief Bootlicker
    Your language against your fellow zambian is very primitive. Surely tho you are enjoying with good cash from MMD, how do you call them PF kachasu indicators, kaponyas. Mind you those kaponyas in lima tower it not they wish to be there but coz of Unrepossible leadership.After all we are all Zambian br and sister. Be reasonable

  18. LT,

    Sorry for these long entries. The PACT circus is just getting interesting to watch every day that come by. Are you following the confusion? Thank you !

  19. This is a broke man who needs government business & the only way he can get it is by backing endorsing RB…Yah ba BY tell people who are illiterate don’t insult the learned people of Zambia with your pathetic analysis of how government works.

  20. #17Legacy,

    Look at #2 comment. and his last word. He asked what sort of indicators BY is using. BY is not the only one to say RB presidency has been good. All the indicators you care to measure that the world agrees on point to BY’s testimony. In fact BY is stating the obvious. Now for #2 to state otherwise it means he has indicators he is measuring and since he thinks the whole world is wrong about RB and Zambia’s performance, let him tell us the indicators he is using to come to his conclusion. Surely he is following some performance indicators and if they are not standard and internationalized in the literature of economics, then they could have only be concocted in the Kachusu beer party, hence the name Kachusu Indicator.

    SO what is primitive about asking him to bring them?

  21. The big question begs,if there’s been the so called economic success,why is RB failing to reduce poverty,create jobs,provide medicines,etc.We’ve been hearing about this economic success story even way before Mwanawasa died yet the people of Zambia are still in poverty.There’s a clear distinction between statistical economic indicators and economic development and wealth distribution.The only reason we can’t see RB take charge is coz all this economic talk is all statistics and it’s just by default,if any economic success is there.

  22. NINSALA Ba BY. #4 stop talking theory and get real. when was the last time u visied any govt run clinic? or let alon some low “komboni” u sit in your office and straightly assume zambians are lazy when bus conductors & drivers wake up at 3am and retire at 10pm, those that want to cean their tyres are up early too. Ba mayo ku ma orders needs to be at soweto market by 4am so she can get the freshest veggies, meaning her suppliers must start off much earlier to get to the market. In this country foreigners have been treated as kings and locals as trash. I say u wake up!!

  23. Here are the negatives of RB’s reign:
    1. I am scratching my head.
    2. eehh, there are a lot of things wrong
    3. there are just too many to remember.
    4. Oh! Yes, I remember now, he wanted to jail a Post journalist.
    5. He doesn’t like The Post. I haven’t heard him say that but I just feel he doesn’t.
    6. Ah! there are just too many travels, although it is budgeted for.
    7. Ok, I just don’t like him. Why is he married to a young woman? Why is he happy all the time? He is not serious.

  24. Any sane man will know that Zambias economy never suffered any harsh effects of the global crunch;reason- no tangible manufacturing or production companies. All the so called mines are nothing but primary producers whose commodity (copper) is too raw to be affected by the crisis that shook the whole world. Have you asked yourself why very good economies than Zambia suffered? Is it because the countries highly affected lack economic advisers? Nope! Just that they have so many export based investiments of which Zambia has none. We can thank the US, UK, Japan for the money they gave us thru loans and grants respectively but let us not boast that our economy is doing much better! on borrowed money sure! Fundanga must have forgotten why he did economics and why he is BOZ governor

  25. #21, i agree with you. Some of these chaps think too much theory and give them a duty to practice what they preach, hey its disaster. This is typical of a poor Zambian looking for an opportunity to be given some job. Unless we start seeing locals gaining and investing in real investments, we will continue being beggars for the coming 100 years.

  26. 8. He did not jail Chiluba. Don’t give me that separation of powers thing. We know that Presidents do influence the Judiciary.
    9. He follows the rule of law too closely. He should have ordered the DPP to appeal. Mwanawasa would have.
    10. The economy is growing. That is not good when the lazy people are suffering. They become jealous and start stealing.
    11. The Citizen Economic Empowerment Commission is Mwanawasa’s legacy, it should be scrapped.
    12. He should never be supported by Chiluba. He should tell Chiluba to shut up.
    13. He should have appointed Nawakwi as President as soon as he won the elections because, it was Nawakwi who actually won it for him.
    14. He should have nationalised The Post. We have too many independent media.

  27. BY is still a politician? Napapa sana!! And that ka ntemba party of his, does he have any MPs? He is very stranden and does not see clearly his future, so the best he could do is to praise RB even where priase is not due, with some hope of receiving some bread from RB.

  28. Imwe ba Che Guavara, who can buy your ‘primary products’ when they do not have money? Which Banks can invest and capitalise your mines if they are unable to give credit? Germany, is the most primary productive country in the Western hemisphere, they also suffered. If Zambia had been affected, you are the same guys who would have blaming GRZ. What I agree with is this: Zambians are not personally highly indebted people. This is thanks to the foresight of a Dr Chiluba who gave away houses affordably. If he had done what Mrs Thatcher did, i.e. sell houses at market value and let people pay from mortgages, we would have been in deep pooo! Chiluba was a damn good President, but his pride led to his fall, kind of like King Asa in the Bible. He started well and finished badly.

  29. MMD Chief Bootlicker ## 20
    I know you can’t see any wrong calling you fellow zambia such names coz all your posting is full of Vulgar language, rudeness, arrogance and an air of pride and self-importance. It you TIME as sang by MOZEGATOR time time haha time yabo. Others were there they left.Today its you TIME. Tom others will come.Swallow you pride.

  30. The 90days promise is like telling a child that i will buy you a plane when you pass number one, while me the parent i dont even drive. I find SATAs promises very rediculous to believe unless you are a fool who doesnt think. He promises low tax,free education,free medicare and the 90days saga. Unless you are a fool who can believe that you reduce your income and increase your expenditure and still sustain yourself

  31. I wish we could have in Zambia Media also programmes like the BBC’s Hard Talk, where these politicians can be quizzed. We are tired of talking in the air (I know this is bad English). Just ask BY to point out two signs of economic recovery, its bla bla bla. Muvi TV and other TV studios or Radio Stations, please Let’s have also the ‘hot seat’ hard talk the Zambian version. Just imagine RB being quizzed by Steven Sucher about zambia’s economy!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Ba MMD bootlicker. While you both eloquently and indirectly highlight a huge source of concern about Sata and co coming into power, allow me to ask you a few questions on behalf of the John Phiri’s of Kalingalinga. Who cares how much the economy grows if with it grows the wealth divide? How long do we have to put up with the lack of transparency that ensures that those that engage in bootlicking are the ones to lead? We have a scenario where incompetent, unqualified citizens that align themselves with leadership enjoy the majority of the wealth and give back next to nothing. John Kalingalinga will never leave the poverty circle weather or not he works hard for bad governance punishes hard work and rewards bootlickers. Internationally indicate that and our investment investment in…

  33. BY-mwila sucks!! =)):))>:)lol does his party exist. He is a shadow of himself. So where is BY then? Dead?

  34. and our investment in education, (or rather the lack there of). John Phiri may lack in education, (mostly due to a corrupt and failed system), but he is not so ignorant as not to recognize that while education could be better subsidized, somewhere out there are the children of ministers and the like educating their children at schools that cost no less than $25,000 dollars a year. John Phiri recognizes the unfairness in that. What Zambia needs is a leadership that can begin to address those seemingly shallow issues. $25,000 multiplied by 8 semesters by the number of children out there = a whole lot of opportunities for the John Phiri’s at a much improved UNZA/CBU.

  35. #11 Mr. Capitalist, you make a compelling argument and also give some context to what John Phiri needs to do. But you see, John Phiri doesn;t have initiative. He doesn’t know about Zambia’s booming tourism. The money he gets is used to address much more urgent needs like a meal for himself and his children. While its prudent that he looks at the future, his rumbling stomach cannot help him see beyond an immediate meal.

    My thoughts are John Phiri needs to be directed towards your excellent idea and not subjected to talk of macro-economic, FDI, foreign reserves, mineral tax yada-yada which doesnt make any sense to him.

  36. As for #4 MMD Chief Bootlicker – coming from you, thats a bit rich given that the same people you’re compartmentalizing as lazy will be expected to vote next year based on what, “the government is not responsible for your future”?

    Quite how you even manage to operate a computer is beyond me, given that your view of the world is as warped as your paymasters. In the real world, people dont get up to work hard, they remain asleep on the cold hard floors of their ramshackles in Kalingalinga because they can’t afford medicine or a meal.

  37. Given that we have free speech in Zambia, why is it wrong for Ben Mwila to give his views? Whether you like it or not the Zambian economy is growing as are many other African economies. This is good news but it certainly does not mean we should rest on our laurels as there is still a lot of work to be done. We should celebrate the positives such as reduction in the rate of HIV/AIDs infection rates, the reduction of infant and maternal deaths, good harvests and a general reduction of the absolute numbers of people living below the poverty line. However, we need to galvanise our energies to increase the general level of affluence for the whole society, and that is what our choice for president in 2011 should be based on.

  38. Satas 90days promise can be likened to a poorman who promises his child that if you pass at school i will buy you a plane, the parent takes advantage of the child,that the child is not mature or intelligent enough to realise that this is not achievable and its an elussion. Now surprising enough, SATA has also promised low tax more money in your pockets yet the kaponyas who support him do not even pay tax, the only thing they have in common is that his voice sounds like theirs and he is also lowly educated. He cheats that he can reduce goverment income by reducing tax while increase its expenditure by providing all social services free of charge, and our colleagues believe him. You do not need to go to school to know that Sata is desperate and a liar.

  39. #39. John Phiri doesn`t even need to buy drugs themwine. He should just get them from the hospital pharmacy. He lives in a country where there is the “UK version of NHS”.

    John Phiri pays tax as a malonda which should guarantee him a nice hospital bed with linen changed everyday, breakfast, tea at 10 oclock, a big lunch at 12, tea at 3 and supper at 6 oclock in the evening. When he gets discharged, all he has to do is ask his wife to pack everything up and off he goes home with anibiotics from the hospital pharmacy and a community nurse arranged to check on how he is progressing.

  40. Good Morning

    A democracy is characterised by the manifold of opposing views, so that anyone can say what they feel without being subject to ridicule. As for the topic at hand, I think that it is not always easy to have a clear picture of reality regarding the performance of a government. Another thing that makes it worse is that there is always a twofold perspective when it comes to expectations:

    First, you will always find that there are those that are satisfied with a little and then there are those (especially the ones that have been exposed to the fruits of advanced development abroad) that will always call for more. Good governance will not satisfy all expectations but it will definately provide the basic needs of a society i.e. food, clothing, health and shelter.

  41. Zambias economy is only ‘growing , on paper and by default. Chi rupiah has brought about no real change, gentlemen. No matter how much these fellows for the MMD espouse for rupiah its all
    Only a f.o.o.l will believe that this man has brought about any real change. The poor are getting poorer the infrastructure has been totally destroyed. the investors are stealing us blind, Zambia is more corrupt than ever.Zambia is is on autopilot gentlemen, sooner or later we are going to crash unless we change this rotten government.

  42. That is what happens when you get used to inciting call boys in markets with economics. You develop PF callboy reasoning regarding the economy of the country, feed everyone and give them free medicine before you get an economy that performs well. When they are asked to dispute verified economic performances, they say people are living in poverty as if this is unique to Zambia. even in India, china there is poverty. jobs are being created, granted not every one has a job, but work is there and no one dies of starvation in zambia.

  43. BY is in the shala weka party coz he is the only member of his party!The Global crunch never really affected Zambia coz we have nothing to show for that wud have been hit by the crunch. The Hospitals are understaffed and overcrowed with a lack of medicine, wat development is BY talking about?Legacy? If i had a way i wouldnt want to be a part of RB’s legacy coz it sucks!
    Chief MMD bootlicker, come lick my **s!dont pretend not to see the wrongs being perpetrated by the Frequent Flyer!Zambia is worse off now than it was inthe colonial days!

  44. #46. So it`s alright to go without food after all even neighbours are struggling!:d

    They would love you in the west with that reasoning!:d

  45. Sorry, Ba BY mwaba pameso! you guys think we are very foolish to listen to your stupid and nosensical talks. Can BY explain the growth of the Zambian economy. This is very insulting to the masses, BY wants a VP job, sorry BY RB has not done anything, and the global crises thingy did not affect Zambia for many reasons, if anything we should have benefited since we are a deveoling state, the Copper prices went down, this met that the Chinese did not leap big from us and the miners were still being paid $50 minimum wage, I hope a few smart ones there can get something from this!

  46. LATEST. Former Hume workers are about to sue BY for failing to pay them terminal benefits. So its time to be close to RB like Kafupi. Very congolese style Katamulomo.

  47. Meanwhile, Mr Mwila has challenged Mr Sata to produce the degree which he claims to hold because a qualification is a source of pride if one has acquired one.

    He said Mr Sata should be proud of his academic qualifications by parading them each time people asked for them.

    “That is why others profile themselves because they want to show how qualified they are. Why is he hiding his degree from stakeholders when it is supposed to be part of his profile?” Mr Mwila asked.


  48. # 49 Ululumbi
    Every zambian should work for food not expect free handout like you are incinuating. GRZ can not afford that. Just sitting and saying there is no food ?. Became small scale farmer and you wont starve.

  49. Hunger and poverty are prevailing over Zambia then this zombie Mwila wants to convince people that RB is working 😮 ! That is unacceptable Mr BY, if you are looking for a job, please find other means other than praising nothing. No wonder you have failed politically because you lack foresight iwe ati ukwalola umwela ekomwalola ba BY. Ninsala bamudala aba no!

  50. we all have right to support whomever we like, but it is detremental to our society if some are supporting the destruction of our nation. truth is truth, facts are facts, don’t defend a party by insults or claim no those havent really done anything. we all dont fancy RB, but under his rule zambia has been very peaceful and stable. from what we’ve all seen and we all know it, whenever sata is ahead at the poles, the kwacha loses value, chinese get ready to pack and almost all over the country theres chaos (fighting, honking) just from that sign i stopped supporting sata, because i am a peace lover. hh is too tribal for me, how i wish his agenda was for everyone or if i saw that southern province doesnt just vote for tongas and tongas alone, just that was enough to demoralise me and again

  51. these people have never put forward a serious plan…all they do is make promises and react to what rb government does…how will they react when they’re in power, let them teach us today how they’ll bring quality cheap meds all over the country, how they’ll bring education and put more money in our pockets within 90cdays, not when rb gets it wrong they comment…..for a while after seeing the poor calibre of leaders we have i had decided it is better to shape myself and maybe in future stand, but i have seen that the electorate is an even bigger problem, we like to listen to all the fake promises, all the foolishness, a lady the other day even told me she wouldn’t mind giving sata a chance just to see how he too will mess up and how we’ll all turn against him and new oppositin…

  52. leaders will begin to react as well…..we need to be united, bring ideas…its only at that time that we can know really who is genuine in trying to move our country forward, not insults all the time, if you don’t have an idea of moving the country forward, then continue listening and reacting, but when you react let it be genuine, see what is really moving us forward….if under rb the kwacha has gained, that is good, lets all enjoy and accept it…not say you are just an mmd bootlicker, even kavindele said the other day that sata should be given a medal…the truth is we need new and better leaders…..bonse ni anyandule….sata(1.2billion, destruction of compounds, meds at uth), rb(sugar daddy, no serious plan, old), hh(mine collapsed financially under him, mason connection, no seri.

  53. Why is it that PF/Pact cadres dont discuss economic issues. Look at the number of comments on Pick & Pay investing $27m in Zambia.

    Some political cadres are a disgrace to Zambia.

  54. Ba Katanga Ba BY, caba shani?? A once truely rich man in Zambia you have sunk so low as to praise a sinking RB who has done visible damage to the country.

    Any way, the people were right when they rejected you (BY) when you stood as a presidential candidate .

  55. # 58 UK-ZED Observer.
    They only wakeup when Fr frank bwalya and Sata are inciting call boys and preaching tribal hate politics.
    I belive even if RB made Zambia the richest country in southern africa, they will still want his head to roll.

  56. #58 UK-ZED Observer- I dont know how much you know about economics in to day’s Zambia. We see no point in discussing such issues. You may be wandering why Iam talking like this. All benefits come only to proffessed MMD cadres.

  57. Anyone who’s happy with the performance of this Govt MUST be out his warpped mind or is simply in cohorts, busy looting with thses useless leaders. We know all those corrupted chiefs, fake pastors, NGOs and opposition leaders who have sold their souls and conciouses for a few pieces of silver. Their time of reckoning is fast approaching, Zambians won’t be trumpled over forever. What growth is BY talking about? Growth of externalisation of profits from our rescources? Growth in numbers of poorly paid people working in unsafe conditions to please our NEW Chinese masters? Growth in number of poorly maintained roads,schools & hospitals? BY please specify the growth you are talking about!!

  58. BY is a failure. How can a president of a party be an MP? Shameful he has shown that he is not republican presidential material. I wonder why he thinks RB’s govt has performed. BY will stop talking when he understands difference between knowledge and wisdom. We need wisdom in this country because knowledge has eluded us for development. The common man needs basic things and not degrees coupled with promisory notes. The common man needs three meals a day, medicine and clean water to mention but a few. Who is he to say things are alright in this country? Let him ask for cameras and visit Kitwe Central Hospital in presence of the press so he can justify what he is said. May God deliver him for he did not understand what he said.

  59. It is true that Zambia is doing well economically but this is not being translated to the local people like John Phiri. Zambia is benefitting greatly from the high copper prices and the export of non-traditional exports. Tourism is the sector that Zambia is doing well in. This success needs to be translated by providing quality social services like clean water, quality housing, health services and good roads. A well paid and a motivated civil service like teachers, doctors, police officers, nurses in short front line staff. Zambia needs good hospitals and schools with modern facilities. If we can’t do better at least let’s achieve the levels of the early 70s with the economic success we are haing.

  60. Or is it growth of his bank balance together with that of his sponsors? For our country to register meaning economic gains to trickle to even John in Kalingalinga, we need more than just lip service, single digit inflation, 6% GDP growth blah, blah…blah.What we need are policies that are carefully designed to uplift the lives of Zambians from a social perspective. Right now its like there is no govt, that why simple minded chaps like bootlicker have the audacity to vomit crap like govt is not supposed to provide medicine, food and whatever other nonsense! We need a govt that will derive the benefits of our resources and directly invest in our people through infrastructure, education, health, agriculture development. You can’t have investors that externalise all procceds of sale of our…

  61. I wonder what this means for MMD’s support in Luapula? Chiluba is now behind RB and now ba Mwila. Are they indirectly telling their brothers and sisters in Luapula to vote for RB and MMD? If the pact endorse Sata, then MMD might still win and Sata will only have the urban areas of Lusaka and CB as well as some areas in Northern province as his strongholds. With eahc passing day, things are not looking good for the old man but atleast we know that he will keep on trying.

  62. #67 contd….externalise all proceeds of sale of our resources. The only money they remit back home is for paying peanut salaries, a few suppliers (for whom they don’t pay for as much as120 days). And since no windfall tax, the tax they pay to govt is based on what they say they made as profit, of course which is subject to manipulation. All this happens after extensive tax holidaysm and we have ministers like Mwale and Mutati smiling that they have brought investment. For who? The Govt MUST ensure we reap what we deserve and all the copper mined from Zambia, as long as its ZAMBIAN, when sold the money has to be banked on Zambian soil! Not F****ing UK, Australia or bl**dy China, but Zambia. This way we provide cheap financing needed for growing other sectors of the economy

  63. Economic recovery of Benjamin Yoram Mwila and not that of Zambians. Or does B Y think that the Zambian people are too dull to know that the World Economy recovery was Rupiah’s doing? Insala ngayachilamo ilaleta umusebanya ba B.Y!


  65. Stop the rot iwe chi Mwila,wechipumbu we.
    Instead of keeping quiet,why should Sata lose his humilty and begin parading his degrees.Kafwileni kumbi,mwechipuba mwe,notumilomo twapya.Just eat nakasushi kanobe ka chilubi kafupi.Leave Sata alone,you are so jelous of him,you are a one party fellow. Never liked ka Mwila,he has always been akapumbu.

  66. I agree with the comments on Mwila.This man is sick in the head.Broke as a church mouse trying to milk President Banda.I feel sorry for our President,he should listen more to his one level headed son,Andrew,noti imbushi ne mbwa who continue barking.
    Why does Sata worry you so much.

  67. #73 Sata and humility have never gone together and never will. If Sata had one degree let alone two, the whole world and it’s mother would have seen the certificates. Truth be told the pact is dead. The elections that HH was talking about will kill it full stop. Whoever loses will accuse the other of rigging and the losers will defect to MMD period.

  68. To use a Zambian term, Zambia’s Godfather is “a spent force.” But he’s entitled to his opinion about his “damn good president.”

  69. Uko! Luapula is going back to MMD. Chiluba and BY behind Banda, wapya munzi. PF will lose Luapula, so no seats for Sata-HH pact from Luapula. A mistake to make Sata president of The Pact will mean Southern Province will join MMD. Tizaonako, wina azalila. MMD will form the next government.

  70. give praise where its due-dont be like isrealites in the Bible RBs government has tried lets back him with support

  71. Mwila finished politician only after money mind you RB can pay him back for the loses he suffered in 2001 elections

  72. There we go! Luapula is going back to MMD. Chiluba and BY behind Banda, wapya munzi. PF will lose Luapula, so no seats for Sata-HH pact from Luapula. A mistake to make Sata president of The Pact will mean Southern Province will join MMD. Tizaonako, wina azalila. MMD will form the next government.

  73. We all know that BY is a boot licker, its irresponsible to behave in such a manner even if someone is desperate. Does this man live in Zambia? I wish I could see things differently and how impressive they are looking.

  74. If we are not careful Zed will be just like Zim, Mugabe has his roots so deep in that country that everytime you ask a Zimbabwean what they are doing about it, they answer “we are just waiting for him to die”.Look at BY nobody even knows where he came from, he just wants to get his hands in the governments pockets AGAIN.

  75. This is bootlicking of the worst kind really. He can support RB we don’t care about that but for him to condemn the opposition that is so, so, so, cheap even for someone who wants to bootlick especially if you have been minister before.

  76. People like chileshe#78 are so far removed from whats pertaining in Zambia. You think some of these people have either not been to Zambia in the last 20 to 30 years or just absolutely mad and dettached from realty. Zambia has not improved an iota economically and thats for the poor. 80% or so people live in abject poverty. You see poverty all around you. The government has completely abandond the poor. The fight foer independence was about addressing the inequalities of the time, but that has am afraid not change a bit . We for a bit enjoyed some amount of prosperity and freedom under Kaunda and that was right after independence. MMD came in promising a new despensation, alas but wht do we have now, the worst government that Zambia has ever seen headed by Rupiah.

  77. BY Mwila is Kafupi’s auncle,a man of double standards.What can you expect from Kafupi’s auncle anyway,these guys are just plunderers looking for a sympathizer.I don’t understand why he wants to be a president and an MP of his dead party at the same time.Their time is passed,we need new blood with Zambia at heart.

  78. #11 Mr Capaitalist, you talk about how tourism is booming in Zambia. Could you please let us in on actual figures of how much Zambia is benefiting from tourism, or how much forex we are making from it. Tourism is a very omportant sector in our economy, but sorry to say you MMD guys have ignored that sector dearly that professions in that industry are as good as not having any. For example jsut look at things like the Zambia Tourist Board, (i wonder if it still exist or its just on paper) this is one of those boards that needs funding from the government to promote tourism, with qualified personnel. Without qualified personnel you cannot promote tourism, inturn loosing much needed forex in Zambia. Does your high commission even have qualified personnel in the tourism department?

  79. Mu Zambia we waste so much time personalising issues, Our universities are are managed by some of the most educated but look at the state of UNZA! Reading hard and working hard are too different things, the moment we remove laziness in our society, one would definetely see change in this country but if we continue with workshops , seminars and paying ourselves for dozing, loitering and boozing then we are doomed!

  80. Even David Cameron should be praising Gordon Brown because the economy is improving bane, but politics don’t work that way. David Cameron wants the keys to number 10 coming May 6. PaZambia tikali muconde bane.

  81. stability,peace yes.i am one supplier to Govt dept and payments have been a problem since early last year fom home affairs,i hope my chidren will not be chased from school and my rentals are money is stach and how do i avoid going into poverty when someone is paid behind the door and say pay the others later.the effects of corruption can be seen even when environmental isues are straight forawd but someone decides to go ahead in the name of investment(Kafe steel plant,have you seen the pollution and residents in the west part are affected)lets wait for 10 yearsa and hear mediacl conditions.
    God help us

  82. This dude B.Y is a jocker.He should come out in the open and tell R.B that he needs a job instead of talking about things that the populace hasnt seen apart from himself.

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