Independent Luena Member of Parliament (MP) Charles Milupi has observed that the political tension currently being harbored in the country is unnecessary and a mere struggle for power.
Mr. Milupi said there are so many pertinent issues that need to be addressed in the country but surprisingly non of the political leaders are even working towards bring solutions to the various challenges.
He noted that the common enemy that all political leaders should be focusing their energies on is alleviating poverty and bringing meaningful development but it is unfortunate that attention has been diverted to insults.
He said Zambians have continued to wallow in serious poverty and issues of high unemployment levels in the country but those in leadership positions have shifted their attention to unnecessary issues.
Bo Mulipi at one time supported RB in the hope that he would become VP after the Barotse asked for a VP in recognition of their support for RB. But after it emerged that RB was undecided on who should succed GK, SC, bo Mulipi has been quite vocal …
Polish Presidents jet crashes killing the President, his wife and senior government officials. Food for thought for our own RB to slow down we dont need another state funeral to gobble the much needed K20 bn.
Just another inexperienced politician trying to raise his profile before the elections. He thought he would buy upnd and mmd mps but has probably realized that it does not work like that in zed. Does he even understand the issues at ground level. let him just enjoy his dubiously acquired finances and leave politics alone before we just eat his MONEY!
Ma Red Card chabe
I thought this MP Milupi is some ka-party’s leader.
MP bo-Milupi C, consider joining the wining team of UPND with great men and omen like:
UPND chairperson for energy Gary Nkombo
UPND chairperson for education Luxon Kazabu
UPND chairperson for lands Patrick Kangwa
party vice-president Richard Kapita
secretary general Winstone Chibwe
Lusaka provincial chairperson Sheal Mulyata
This shows that UPND is a Nationally represented political party which represents all regions as opposed to Mr MMD Acting president and Zambian President RB’s Administration which is almost entirely led by people from Eastern Province in a Cabinet of about 70 ministers.
B blest.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto…
#5 Maestro, How can one be asked to join a team whose main business is wining and what is this great omen of the UPND? Sounds rather scary!
You have a very rich CV compared to some of the geniuses we have.I get very worried when such men who are supposed to be advisors start chanting slogans.