Monday, October 7, 2024

Davies Mwila warns PF Members forming Parallel Structures in the party


Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila
Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila

Patriotic Front PF Secretary General Davies Mwila has strongly warned party members in Masaiti district who are secretly forming parallel structures.

Mr. Mwila has been informed that some party officials have started forming their own structures working against the members of Parliament.

He has also directed Masaiti district chairman David Kalutwa to take legal action against all those working against people in structures.

Mr. Mwila was speaking in Masaiti during a PF mobilization meeting which was attended by selected PF members of Parliament.

He, however, called for unity and discipline among party members ahead of the 2021 general Elections.

And Provincial chairperson Nathan Chanda took a swipe at undisciplined party members.

Mr. Chanda also advised members of Parliament to embrace new members and those at the grass root.

Earlier PF Central committee chairman for party mobilization Richard Musukwa said the mobilization strategy ahead of the 2021 General election must be arched on embracing new members.

Mr. Musukwa warned party officials who have a tendency of insulting members of Parliament to stop because indiscipline among party officials will not be condoned.


    • Just be blunt, why are you scared?? Just say ” Lusambo, Tutwa, Tembo and those who launched campaign in Kabushi in Ndola, need come in open and state who their preferred PF presidential candidate”.
      The rally in Kabushi was very strange, there was no Provincial or District leadership present or support. Not even that MP Chanda… All those who accompanied MMD-Diehard Lusaka gang-minister where from Lusaka”.

    • The rise and fall of PF bandit rebel group…..PF is on life support…Zambians will switch off the life support machine in 2021….Lungu straight to Jail

    • One of the most useless individuals around Lungu with minimum value added. Jail material along with Lungu. A disgrace for a nation. Get rid of this nonsense please!

    • ‘PF youths demand change of presidential candidate, as Davies Mwila insists ‘it’s Lungu’’/ I really don’t know who Mwila represents. As far as I know he was rejected even as an MP. Waste of space and oxygen.

  1. When a wise leader is faced with a possible revolt he does not go about issuing « warnings » he calls for a closed door meeting and asks « what’s the matter? ». We all know there is a split for those for kbf and those remaining undecided for fear of losing favors. Open your eyes!

  2. Wow cracks in their party, it’s all because others are eating while others suffer. The MPs are eating forgetting their constituencies and the locals expect more dissidents as the suffering continues. So instead of the warnings call for a meeting to sort out the issues let those at the bottom be heard

  3. It has started again. Do you guys remember how lungu came to be a candidate? All the confusion and violence at kabwe Rock. Is it any wonder that his reign has been characterised by violent thugs and failures at all angles?

  4. PF is a big mistake Zambians made! If only RB had continued in the footsteps of Mwanawasa! How sad! It will take many years to undo the damage they have caused!

  5. Now that PF have failed to live up to their promises, they are behaving that a wounded buffalo with no escape route!! Zambian people are tired of hardships day in , day out and they realize now that they are not doing themselves any justice by keeping a useless bunch of thieves and fraudsters in government. These PF thieves came in with nothing and now that they have managed to steal everything hard working people worked for, they think that they can continue to manipulate and lying in broad day light. Africa please wake up!! We are a rich continent and we need to realize once and for all that the only reason we are so poor is because we keep on supporting incompetent and corrupt leaders who don’t care.

  6. PF is naive flying to CB avoiding to experience the terrible state of the road to CB with a long huge snake like structure in the middle of the road. Pathetic, because of PF corruption quality of road making in Zambia is so poor. Proudly calling it development – a visit at some shopping Malls in CB are empty shells – no business.

  7. Proverbs 29 v 18 says where there is no vision people cast off restraint (run wild) but blessed is he who heeds the law. Am sure people have now come to accept that mr lungu has no vision according to his own words hence the prevalence of PF officials doing whatever they feel like doing.

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