Over 5,000 residents of Chelstone township have sued Patriotic Front (PF) general secretary Wynter Kabimba and three others for allegedly constructing a toilet on prime land meant for a shopping mall.
The plaintiffs have also sued a Mr Zulu of Chelstone, Sard Tech Company, and Lusaka City Council (LCC).
This is according to a writ of summons filed in the Lusaka High Court principal registry by the residents’ representative Dauzeni Tembo.
Mr Tembo says Mr Zulu, Sard Tech and Mr Kabimba are allegedly working in league to commission the unplanned development while LCC, which is the city’s planning authority, is not doing anything.
“The first defendant (Mr Zulu), second defendant (Sard Tech), and third defendant (Mr Kabimba) have commenced construction of a toilet on a prime land of Great East Road in Chelstone area, upon which the community desires that a shopping mall be constructed as none exists in the area,” Mr Tembo says.
He adds that the area is too prime for construction of a mere toilet ‘as the said area is a gateway to the capital city and therefore desires a better structure’.
Mr Tembo says Mr Zulu, Sard Tech, and Mr Kabimba allegedly have no legal documents to support their action.
“In the meantime, the fourth defendant (LCC) has taken no steps to stop this nuisance despite a committee of residents making a representation (to the local authority),” he says.
Mr Tembo adds that it has now become prudent for the plaintiffs to seek the court’s indulgence for the sake of Chelstone and Lusaka, as such a development will only add to the city’s ugliness, especially that the toilet is being built on prime land.
He has since asked the court to declare that the first three defendants’ action to construct a toilet on prime land designated for a shopping mall is wrongful and illegal.
He is further seeking a court order to direct LCC to take all steps that will ensure that the said piece of land is not subjected to activities that are contrary to its approved use.
The case has since been allocated to Judge Munyinda Wanki.
Meanwhile, Government says it will not entertain cadres from any political party that will engage in illegal allocation of land.
Minister of Lands Gladys Lundwe said illegal allocation of land is rife in Lusaka, adding that those who will be found guilty will face the wrath of the law.
Ms Lundwe said this in an interview in Lusaka yesterday following allegations that some cadres, including those from the MMD, are involved in land wrangles in Ng’ombe township.
She clarified that Lusaka MMD chairperson William Banda was engaged to help establish whether it was true that party cadres are engaged in illegal allocation of land.
Ms Lundwe said a taskforce was formed to stop the culprits from continuing with the vice.
Ms Lundwe said this is contrary to claims by Mandevu Patriotic Front (PF) member of Parliament Jean Kapata that Mr Banda is the master-mind in the fracas.
“When the ministry got reports and claims that MMD cadres are grabbing land from residents of Ng’ombe township, we thought it wise to engage Mr Banda so that he could ascertain whether it is members from his party who are involved in that activity.
“The police are doing a good job but we thought it will be more appropriate to involve Mr Banda so that he can identify the people involved,” Ms Lundwe said.
She said it is not right for political leaders to publicly accuse one another of allocating land illegally as this has potential to cause confusion among their cadres.
Ms Lundwe said her ministry has received a number of reports of leaders who are allegedly involved in illegal land allocation and that the cases are being dealt with administratively.
She said leaders will not be able to control their membership if they cannot conduct themselves in an orderly manner.
Ms Lundwe also advised members of the public to be honest when submitting information to the ministry.
She noted some people have gone as far as pretending to be displaced when in fact not.
“I recently visited a site near SOS Children’s Village where I found women who pretended to be squatters and needed land, but it was later discovered that they were actually just ferried there by some unscrupulous people.
“Their plan was that should they have been given land, they would have later demarcated it and sold it to other people,” she said.
Ms Lundwe said the ministry is trying its best to resolve land problems but that it is saddening that some individuals are not being honest.
She said the MMD is a Government of laws, adding that those found wanting will not be spared by the law.
Ms Lundwe has since advised affected people in the Ng’ombe saga to dialogue in trying to resolve the matter.
She said her ministry is ready to meet all the parties to settle the matter amicably.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
OK, You’ve got to be kidding me. Are they seriously building a toilet? Someone needs to fill me in here. What type of toilet, how much economic activity is the toilet supposed to bring in Chelstone, how much value will it add to the area in mention.
I can see the residents concerns here. If it is the toilet I think it is being constructed, property value in surrounding areas will go down. This will make it even more difficult for those residents who wish to obtain loans for other activities as the land value will be low. A toilet? seriously. This has to be a joke.
I know this plot is just next to the chelston tank (taxi rank) and this is a serious nuisance. That land surely need to be developed into something that will ease the chelstone peoples` trips into town/arcades/mandahill (morden complex)
Abbash Wynter and PF!
What is the greatest need for the Chelstone community?I believe there is suppose to be a residents committee to decide on the area’s needs.If they need a toilet let that be built,if its a shopping complex, then go for that but make sure its an ultra modern one and not tu ntembas.
As for Lunbwe, what special skills does she think that thug William has?Dont take zambians for a ride especially where land issues are concerned
Well I think lusaka needs alot of toilets, Last time i was Home in October last year I walked along cairo road there was no toilet, the only thing I found was something similar a toilet and thats a capital city my a. .s.s. I think building a toilet is a very good idea it does not matter where, nature allows us to do that. For me the whole story is rubbish and foolishness on those who took the case to the courts of law. I think you are used ukusundila kufimuti nukunyela mumifolo, what matters is the type of construction that will be put up, a toilet can be built in such away that it looks better than your planned shopping what ever.
How many people buy from such big places????? this just some big joke where did the 5000 people come from?????? to sign that pettition?? I think its Willy at it again this sily wily awe mwe let him go back to Malawi
William Banda has more power than the POLICE OF ZAMBIA in identifying land theft?
This government is a continual “Comedy or Errors”.
Source of story is untrustworthy,why didnt they report on William Banda grabbing land in Ng’ombe compound?:o:o:o:o
Ilyashi limbi kutiwaseka, like capitalist has put it, for real are they seriously building a toilet?
Ba kaponya you monkeys go back to pinka and the food you like.you will never rule this conuntry.Bakaponya yielding pangas can be allowed to disrupt peace we have enjoyed in zambia.
Ba kaponya you monkeys go back to pinka and the eat food you like.you will never rule this country.Bakaponya yielding pangas can not be allowed to disrupt peace we have enjoyed in zambia.
I honestly don’t know what is wrong with us Zambians. Why do we let foreigners ill treat us in our own land. This silly william banda, the Malawiam hooligan has gone too far. This william is putting the last nail in president Banda’s coffin.
is it his own personal toilette or public toilet:-? I dont understand the confusion. Is there nobody thats authorised to allocate land for building whatever? If there is then thats the person who should be sued….Next case please!!![-(
YABA, icumbusu kuntanshi ya CHELSTONE along Great East Road? Zoona ninshi twaleka ukunyela mu mu folo, No. 4 I support you very much sir, Kabimba and team, well done, build more toilets in Zambia men, infact, I need four of these toilets just at my gate, so I do not have problems when my wife refuses to open the gate at 02.38hrs in the morning from a belekede spree.
Even if you put up a modern complex, you still need ukunya so you need that toilet. 5,000 residents? Its alie by MMD. This Tembo isnt he the same one who wanted to petition the Pope? He is just using the other first name( He has 3 1st names)
Excuse me Ms Lundwe, but in what capacity is Mr William Banda assisting with reclaiming illegal plots? When did he become a police officer? The LCC and Ministry of Lands need to take the bull by the horns and sort out this mess. The mess was created by cadres. How do you expect the same cadres to sort it out?
From now on, he shall be called WYNTER CHIMBUSU KABIMBA.
Who’s laying the foundation stone?
#4Red Card-Walyako, Chelston is 15km from the main CBD. The ‘Tank’ where the toilet is being built is 1km from Chelstone market. It is surrounded by residential housing mostly and a very big roadreserve. Check on Google Earth 15°22’31.99″S 28°22’49.75″E.
I can imagine having to drive 15km to use a toilet! Wow! Your thinking is impressive my friend.
can some one explain this. LT why dint u ask Kabimba, one certainly cant go any place and start building a toilet!!! for what, whose benefit! unless ofcourse its the councile building for public use, ot an individual!!! Whats all this??? For gods sake LT why not make your own stories that you can have answers to???
So tabasekelamo ukunya aba bantu ? life is all about eating and ukunya so why ignoring the other sapect of it.:-?
Spot on # 18-I guess it is not all about ukusekelamo but not minding where one lays off his package.Hope an amicable solution will be found to this artificial problem.
@ #17 ZUZE
I concur with you. Even I want to know why Mr. Kabimba was building a toilet. It is very strange more especially in a residential area. A toilet seriously, LT you need to follow up on this. Maybe a telephone interview.
LT, immediately fibre optic is complete in Zambia which is supposed to make internet connection cheaper, you must use that extra cash to hire some journalists. I don’t even read stories from here anymore because I can go straight to TOZ and Dailymail Zambia. I just come here to comment. You need to start writing your own stories. Just a suggestion.
something is missing here, how can a land enough for a shopping more be take by a toilet. a mall cant exist without a toilet so what a hell are these 5000 people talking about. i think all we need to LCC to come in and explain finish.
something is missing here, how can a land enough for a shopping mall be taken by a toilet. a mall can’t exist without a toilet so what a hell are these 5000 people talking about. i think all we need is LCC to come in and explain this mess here. why are they keeping quite?
i thought this chap lives in woodlands, why is he building his toilet in chelstone? thats quite a drive to wee…
No wonder Zambia will never be clean, guys, public Toilet you still complain, all you want is ukunya mumusebo? Wahh, we need toilets too- he knows why he came up with toilet. Even people-or workers who will be construction that mall, will need a toilet. Remember in Kaunda Square, Toilets where built first before houses- so what is wrong with this?
Comedy all the day, evey day. Bushe kwena won’t the public restrooms come in handy when they build the shopping complex. Common sense is not so common these days.
Viva to ukunya bwino:d/
Balefwaya ukalanyela mumpanga:o
#24. Nipa Zambia. Pa comedy bad! Actually, the man thought wise. I was in Zambia a few months ago. There’s reasonably big business going on at chelston tank including the selling of imyungu, ifipushi, roast corn, kapenta, cibwantu and green and dry vegetables (name it). There’s also a very big taxi rank. However, when patrons of the place feed on whatever is sold around and feel pressured to go to toilet, they just deficate and urinate behind the tank or small bushes if its in rain season. Flies feed on the same human waste and in turn go to sit on milisi, ifyumbu, etc, which the people eat, again. I think its a bright idea someone thought of a public toilet. But, as you know nipa Zed-balefwaya fye ukunya kulukungu.
As someone has already pointed out-how can a capital city not have public utilities such as toilets? Once I needed to use the toilet in down town (Cairo Rd), I couldn’t spot anything looking like a public toilet but after asking I was told to go Building Society buldng where I found at the entrance an attendant who was charging K1000-after paying he gave you a two-piece toilet paper. To cut the story short I couldn’t use the toilet (with my child) and am sure you know why. I had to book a cab to Sandie’s Creation where I found toilets in the real sense of toilets. Now even toilets you need foreign investors, shuwa?
How do you plan to build a shopping mall without a toilet?