Monday, October 7, 2024

Continuous losses by the senior national soccer team is a sign Zambia needs an expatriate coach-RB


Former President Rupiah Banda speaks as President Lungu, First Lady Esther Lungu and Zambia's Ambassador to Ethiopia Susan Sikaneta listens during the Zambian's meet the President dinner at the Ambassador's residence in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Monday, January 29,2017 -Pictures by THOMAS NSAMA
Former President Rupiah Banda

Former Republican President Rupiah Bwezani Banda has called for re-organization of the Zambia national soccer team.

Mr. Banda says the recent streak of losses by the soccer team was frustrating to soccer fans.

He said continuous losses by the senior national soccer team was an indication that Zambia needed to engage an expatriate coach.

Mr. Banda, who is also former FAZ vice president and foremost football administrator said recent results showed that local coaches could not cope with expected football standards.

He mentioned that Zambia should not shy away from engaging an expatriate coach if the nation was to turn its fortunes adding that Zambia needed to work harder as football was the most loved sport in the country.

Mr. Banda noted that there was too much politics in the running of football in the country which was affecting the game.

He has since appealed to people politicizing football in the country to stop

Mr. Banda also congratulated the Shipolopolo for the good game the played.

He was speaking in South Africa when he met Zambia’s High Commissioner to that country Major General Jackson.


  1. By the same flawed reasoning, we need a expatriate president.

    There are many models of success, just learn from the models, no need to import expatriates. Foolish Africans, too lazy to learn

  2. Everything in Z is in problems. The main reason is the mismanagement of our country. When the country is managed well than everything runs well. It’s a chain reaction. Right now government has got bigger issues than football so they will give little to no money to the ministry of sport hence faz will have no money without money nothing works. Even businesses which had the potential to sponsor like the mines or big companies are grappling with the load shedding and sick economy. So rather than sponsor football they are barely managing to stay afloat. This is no time to talk about football. Lets talk about survival first. The Africa cup which Zambia one was the good momentum and policies of mmd because it was just 1 or 2 months after election. After that also soccer started going down.

    • This makaka bandit Rupiah Banda still wants to sound relevant and yet he is busy receiving stolen tax payers money from his cohort Bandit Lungu…Just shut up Pompwe and enjoy chewing free tax payers money you getting from Bandit Lungu….the Majority of Zambians cant even afford a meal and they have other important things to worry about rather than soccer…You the one that started messing up Zambia’s economy with your unnecessary globetrotting and now Lungu is doing the same

    • Bandit Rupiah Banda has time to worry about soccer because he has water 24/7, Electricity 24/7, Brown envelope containing stolen tax payers money from Bandit Lungu every month…..Rupiah needs to be investigated in 2021 when a real Political Party comes into power..His son is still hiding in South Africa

    • This business of calling for an expatriate whn things go wrong is troubling. But why football only? Aren’t things wrong in governance? Of course they are. Let’s hv an expatriate head of govt then. Chris Patten, the last governor of Hong Kong is available I believe since his retirement.

    • FAZ should be most profitable organisation in the country if it was overseen by trustworthy individuals, we have never learned from corrupt Galu days where it was managed from his blackberry phone in SA. FAZ should have had an independent subsidiary company dealing with solely tickets, retail and merchandise. They should never be going to Ministry of Sport to beg for money for a coach, so long as government is involved the dull ministers will have always have a say on who is picked.

    • I will say continuous losses by the senior national soccer team was an indication that Zambian soccer standards are very low. Imagine Zimbabwe beating us at home!! When did this ever happen before Kamanga arrived on the scene??? NEVER! Even Bruce Grobelaar and Peter Ndhlovu both knew that beating Zambia at home was impossible. Now we have coaches and FAZ chiefs who look for excuses when we lose at home. Fans are being tortured by Kamanga for five years now

  3. The streak of losses by Zambia at all levels ( except for Shepololo) is disheartening.The exit of the U23 from Africa cup was disappointing.Look at their group mates South Africa.I won’t even mention the bashing of the senior Chipolopolo home and away at the hands of Zimbabwe and Algeria respectively.

  4. We like quick fixes pa zed. The quick fix we look for football is replacement of coaches. Have we thought about other factors such as the quality of our league and quality of of our players? Do we do good friendly matches as preparation, etc, etc, ?

  5. Unfortunately I have to disagree with RB. Chipolopolo reached its peak under the local coach the late Samuel Zoom Ndhlovu when they performed wonders at the Seoul Olympics in 1988. When Italy was bashed 4 – 0 with King K scoring a hat trick they went and disbanded the their National Team. The problem is more administrative than technical. This is the misconception that has continued to draw us back. It’s not everything foreign that’s perfect. Let’s learn to believe in our own. I get shocked sometimes to see people fly all the way to India just to go and buy dust coats! People go to South Africa to buy stationery! State House full of imported furniture and fittings. Can’t we make our own? We have made these things before

  6. Remember how we used to harvest soccer and other sporting greats from the Copperbelt when the mines were doing their corporate social responsibility right? We had good facilities so the “foreign” coaches always had some good resources to work with. Iyi nkhani yakuti mwaononga dziko then start blaming it on a lack of expatriates si vintu! Just start correcting the country a mambala. Mubisanji?

  7. Privatisation killed football in Zambia. All those parastatals (FAZ, ROP, Vita, etc) that were heavvheavily investing in football were killed

    • Parastatal made teams very lazy teams were practically spoonfed look at ZESCO, if we carried out an extensive audit of its books you will find its bankrolled by your tarrifs you are lucky there is no Financial Fair Play (FFP) like there is under UEFA in Europe.

  8. Yes, if we fail to run entity like that of soccer as locals, how could we reasonably manage to run a gigantic institution like the complex and complicated Country, a nation-state? We really need an expatriate Republican President and Expatriate Cabinet to run the governance affairs of Zambia!

  9. I thought Kalusha Bwalya was an ‘expatriate’. He lives in South Africa. Zambian are still live in the cotton picking minds! Expatriate is not a term that is relevant now in the 21st Century. Get rid of these terms like ‘servants quarter’, ‘second class trading’ , ‘high density compound’ , ‘ku ma yard’ , ‘ku township’!!!!!

  10. What kind of logic is this? It’s like planting a lemon tree and expecting to harvest oranges! You can change the fruit pickers as many times as you want and even bring in expatriate ones…. they will still pick up lemons! And to think this is coming from someone who was once the president and there are people agreeing with him just shows why the country is in a mess

  11. Speaking in SA, does this probosis nose monkey ever stop globetrotting sure? And look at Lungu in this picture, so subservient, can you imagine he is the president if you didn’t know, never! Ba-Fikaler!

  12. Analyzer, spot on my brother. But the fooling Rupiah rwa Bwezanyo opts to harvest the effects and not the real cause! Imagine that a fool like this one was ever president of a country, the damage is colossal.

  13. I was excited to read the heading: “Continuous devaluation of the Kwacha is a sign Zambia needs an expatriate President -RB”. With what is going on in the country anything is possible except to ask for an expatriate coach – do you have the money???

  14. Yesterday he was advising young people to farm today he is recommending a foreign coach for a ball game. Is this old man serious?

  15. Zambian football is sad these days if you remember olden times, of our lost football team in the airplane crash (may the RIP). They lose most of the time.

    Foreign Coach? Maybe…….or we would should get a medium to hold a seance to get some good hints from our boys in heaven.

  16. I would not be surprised if the Dude has a foreign coach in mind whose signing would make him a few Kwachas richer. At the time of economic distress we need leadership that can say enough is enough of the chaos, lets live within our financial means. Firstly Lets invest all our energies into sorting out this load shedding and everything will fall into place.

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