Monday, October 7, 2024

Let’s stop School Bullying


Lusaka mayor Miles Sampa
Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa

By Miles Sampa

Last weekend my son in grade 5 at Martin House boarding school in Chisamba opened up to me that he was beaten every night.

The Bully is another boy in his class and sleeps on the same bunker bed with him.
He continued that he does not allow him to sleep on top when rules are that they alternate. Where dows he punch you? ” Anywhere, in the head or stomach”
What do you do when he beats you? ” I just cry or just keep quite”

Why have you not told your teacher or the principal? ” He said he would come beat me even more if I ever told on him”.

That was so traumatic to hear. I felt like driving to the school, summon the father to the bully boy and punch both in their stomachs at once.

I allowed myself to cool down and only called the school Principal Mr Robby Swanepol last night. He had no clue this was going on. He promised to call me back in the morning.

He just call now and informed me he had summoned and interviewed both pupils and established that it is true one pupil was abusing the other.

He stated that he has since written a ‘Final Warning Letter’ letter to the Bully pupil and any one more such complaint on him from any pupil, he would be Expelled.

I commend the Principal Mr Swanepol for his quick and decisive approach in dealing with the matter.

I share so all parents of Lusaka City can counter check with their children and ensure they are not victims of bullying like my son has been.

Kids or pupils overly subjected to bullying tend to loose confidence in themselves and lead to poor academic grades and haze future career prospects.

School Headmaster and Teachers; we entrust our children into your care. Please curb bullying in your various schools.

If any of the parents in Lusaka City may need my intervention on matters of pupil bullying, please note that I am available to help out.

Our kids, our future


  1. As much as I feel ECL is a corrupt, weak, dishonest, lazy and incompetent leader, I shudder at the thought that this man would have been president!
    He clearly is mentally disturbed and the kindest thing we can do is to get him some help, rather than put him in charge of the capital.
    EVERYTIME he opens his mouth, he does not make ANY sense at all.
    Compared to lungu, I really thank God that this man was blocked from standing on the PF ticket, because Zambia would really have become a mad house.
    Resign and go and rest Miles. Please. For your sake, for the sake of your children, for the sake of Lusaka, for the sake of ZAMBIA.

    • Underlining factor is lack of leadership with integrity and vision.
      The rot is never ending; cash donation scandals that have plagued Kitwe PF DC Binwell Mpundu appear to be far from over.
      In June last year, the Watchdog can reveal, K90,000 was donated to Mpundu at his office.
      The background to this is that there was a fundraising dinner at Edinburgh hotel in June for restocking Buchi library.
      The Guest of Honour was Tasila Lungu.
      Various people made pledges, Tasila donated US$5,000 cash.
      The Chairman of the Buchi- Kamitondo Childhood Association Simon Kabanda and the Treasurer Chomba Chimpusa squandered Tasila’s cash and disappeared.
      The Association’s organising committee then advised the donors not to give the money to the association and appointed the DC Mpundu to be the…

    • Continue
      DC Mpundu to be the custodian of the money not knowing that they were entrusting money into the custody of an accomplished humble crook.
      When Cyme Cymz, a well known Jerabo was approached for a donation by the association, Cymz said he was on the low side financially in that week but had some loose K90,000 cash in his car’s glove compartment and this is how a handover ceremony was organised at Mpundu’s office
      Since the day of the donation last year, each time the Buchi-Kamitondo Association requests for the release of the money for Buchi library, Mpundu has been claiming to be in an emergency meeting with President Edgar Lungu at State House or in some cases the Director General of the Intelligence.
      “But he has been giving excuses since last year July. We have failed to…

  2. He definitely lacks focus!
    He should learn to follow the right channels to address personal issues!
    Running to the media to scandalize the whole school over child play sounds rather malicious!
    It’s time we rethink this Executive Mayor thing and come up with a recall mechanism! This Mayor deserves the boot! He is unfit to be Mayor for the Capital City!

  3. The man is an ***** full cycle, last time he was busy scandalizing the whole Tonga people claiming they should marry aesthetically repulsive Bisa apes like Nkandu Luonyo if they want to be presidents also! Good his bastard is being bullied!

  4. Your boy should just man up and take the beating like a man.We all went through that but we survived and we are doing fine.Babying him will only make it worse.
    Besides find a better way of addressing your personal issues than always running to the media.You are just so unfit for the office.Just imagine,this is the guy who wanted to be the president.Bushe kanshi nani alowa icalo cesu?

  5. Who sends a kid that young to a boarding school? Something is wrong here, maybe the Zambia Child Welfare Support Unit should look at this case and if possible put this abused boy up for adoption because his father has exposed him to abuse! You bet other kids are also having conjugal canal knowledge of this kid, it is agony sure!

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