MMD national secretary, Katele Kalumba says Former Minister of Defence George Mpombo has written to his office to exculpate himself on the several charges that the party slapped on him last month.
Dr Kalumba said this in an interview yesterday.
“My office has told me that he has replied to my letter. I am yet to study the contents of the letter, after which I will inform the NEC which will decide on the next course of action,” Dr Kalumba said.
He advised Mr Mpombo to work within the framework provided for by the MMD if he wants to have a just and fair process over the charges he is facing.
“The best thing is for him to wait for that process to come through, either to exonerate or hold him accountable,” Dr Kalumba said.
He said Mr Mpombo should not make the process of adjudicating over his case difficult by his continued insults and attacks on the MMD, which the party has been complaining about.
“I have always advised him that you do not put your house on fire when your family is still in there,” Dr Kalumba said.
He said, however, that Mr Mpombo is still a member of the MMD and hoped that he will respect the rules and regulations of the party.
“ I have given him enough counsel and the party is not playing games anymore,” Dr Kalumba said.
Last month, Dr Kalumba announced that the MMD had charged Mr Mpombo with several violations of duties and obligations for a member in good standing.
And Dr Kalumba has maintained that President Banda is MMD president, contrary to former republican Vice-President, Enoch Kavindele’s assertions that only a convention can elect a party president.
On assertions by Mr Kavindele that President Banda is acting MMD president, Dr Kalumba said the fact is that the MMD constitution does not have a provision for an acting party president.
He said the NEC has powers to act between conventions and that it exercised its authority to confer the party presidency on Mr Banda and subsequently endorsed him as a candidate for next year’s tripartite elections.
Dr Kalumba said Mr Kavindele sometimes becomes selective in his statements.
“The less selective he becomes, the more steadier he will become as a politician. I wrote to him (Mr Kavindele) and I advised him that if he has reservations, there is a channel he should use to advise the party,” Dr Kalumba said.
Meanwhile, the MMD in Ndola has vowed to suspend party members who attend clandestine meetings organised by Mr Magande and former Minister of Defence George Mpombo.
Chifubu Constituency chairman Stanley Simfukwe said in a statement issued in Ndola that the party has received reports that some officials in the district have been attending meetings aimed at destabilising the party ahead of the national convention to be held later this year.
“I want to warn those playing double standards and attending dark corner meetings that the disciplinary committee will not tolerate such behaviour and will deal with such members firmly,” Mr Simfukwe said.
He said the party will scrutinise members to attend the national convention and that those facing disciplinary cases and plotting against the party risk being suspended.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
This is pointless for him to even exculpate himself, the man is with the oppositon already!
Katele Kalumba…yr time is almost over MMD as well .tukamona ebo ukalatinya nobuloshi bobe..
Mpombo its time to panick mwisho, why didn’t you copy your exculpatory letter to the almighty POST newspaper?
On “And Dr Kalumba has maintained that President Banda is MMD president, contrary to former republican Vice-President, Enoch Kavindele’s assertions that only a convention can elect a party president… On assertions by Mr Kavindele that President Banda is acting MMD president, Dr Kalumba said the fact is that the MMD constitution does not have a provision for an acting party president“, so this is the terrible provision in MMD constitution which makes MMD bootlickers behave in a monarch manner.
To bad the MMD has shown Zambians that it does not adhere to democratic elections that it professes to do.
I hope the so-called MMD conventionwill be held and delegates to attend it will be chosen normally in lieu of fixing the result.
Be blest all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye…
A learned man has suddenly become a complete laughing stock most likely to called a bootlicker with in the confines of his own party. Katele a leveled and focused man does not know exactly why these revolts need to take place in his paty.A bad apple like magande and mpombo are good for this dispensation of establishing a democratic level playing field.These things need to take place ,many are the people who will come out in the open to declare their detest for alabee to be imposed on them as party president with out a convention.Please lets harken up in a humane and more democratic way of doing these things.:-?:d/
On ““I have always advised him that you do not put your house on fire when your family is still in there,” Dr Kalumba said“, I sense a very wit message in this statement by MMD’s Nationa Secretary.
He may well be indicating that there will be a time when the statements MP mpombo is now making will be needed to be — when all the family hasleft the MMD messed up by new new leadership.
I hope such a time will come soon especially when Dr K. Kalumba is freed by our courts of law. Probably MP Kalumba and MP Magande with others can defect from the MMD to the PACT after getting their gratuity.
Be blest all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
Does Zambia lack credibile leaders? The issueof Mpondo and Magande make me sick. We need young vibrate leadres like the Mutatis of this world to steer our nation forward. There is nothing new Mpombo or Mgande for this country. HH is equally lost in the Pact, all he know is qaurrelling with chiefs and insulting pipo. God save Zambia!!
Magande can not even win his chilanga constituency seat.
If i was Katele Kalumba, i’d do what Mwanawasa did – leave active politics for sometime till some fools tainting the name of the party get out of power then go back and do things differently. Otherwise as it is, hes just tainting his name and reputation cause of rubbing sholders with brainless people everyday
It’s all politics of poverty.
Look at Mpombo. Look at Katele. look at how MMD is handling RB’s party presidency and candidature for 2011. It’s survival, all over.
Katele the “scientist” isnt witchcraft in Zambia? There is plenty of evidence against the man.I doubt his intelligency,the man is just desperate
Katele the “scientist” isnt witchcraft a crime in Zambia? There is plenty of evidence against the man.I doubt his intelligency,the man is just desperate
So anyone wishing to contest for the MMD presidency is wasting their time coz yours truly has already been endorsed as president? And the convention will be a waste of time and resources for MMD coz they have already riged the process!
mmmd wawa…viva mpombo!!
A sorry Sata on the POST front page today, he should have known chiefs have ‘national’ duties to do when they travel to Lusaka. Because of poor planning he was left ‘chi robot’ by chief Mwape outside the hotel room. No amount of fidgeting with the phone was going to make him look cool. The chief was probably having an early morning final round with his ‘take away’, there was no way he was going to loose out on his ‘pay as you go’ top up by dispatching too early just for the sake of meeting the overzealous serpent. Hope he had the courtesy of spraying airfresherner when he finally let poor Sata in..after a possible couple of hours of relentlessly rocking the machine….
There is no institution that thrives on lawlessness and impunity but strict codes of conduct. MMD as a ruling and pioneer of democracy in Zambia has stood the test of time through systemic approach and strict codes of conducts. It has seen many misfeets kicked out o retain order and good practices. No outlaw is indespensable in democracy. Start your own parties and let impunity be the hallmark of your politics in that party if you think democracy means impunity. Look at the US DNC on Senator Lieerman of Connecticut.
Sen. Joe Lieberman, the self-described “Independent Democrat” who caucuses with the Democratic party in the Senate even though he has endorsed Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz, got some tough talk from Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, yesterday about his advocacy for the presumptive Republican presidential candidate and the general tone of the campaign.
Democracy does not mean condoning apostasy and impunity. It is wishful thinking to think there is any party in Zambia more democratic than the ruling MMD. We have seen Ichilema who assumed the UPND Presidency on the concept of “only tonga for Presidency” has single handedly kicked out the party Secretary General Kahaye for advising him to shove off after 2 fails on the Presidency and open the space for competion. We have seen Mojor Chizyuka on suspension. We have seen Sata as a Defacto PF President for 10 years no challenge, no convention and no rebuke. Any challenge, its murdered or cadres sent to assault it. RB has taken insults and personal abuse yet he never turns to his overbearing powers to deal with opponents. He retains his natural smile and accommodation for all.
I advise all trolls here chaeting yourselves that MMD should be promote a culture of impunity and apostasy to start your own parties or join internet parties like that of Henry Kyambalesa, Frank Bwalya, Sata, HH, Nawakwi, Ngondo, UNIP, National Party, the Citizen Democratic Party, revive late Chama Chakomboka’s party or join Miyanda and Ben Mwila. Open up those parties to indiscipline.
Read from the American democracy
On Vermont Public Radio with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT), during which the senator broke from the pack and said that Lieberman deserved to lose his chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee: I’m one who does not feel that somebody should be rewarded with a major chairmanship after doing what he did. … I felt that some of the attacks that he was involved in against Sen. Obama, whom I did support — I was one of the first in the Congress to support him — I thought they were personal and unacceptable in democracy.
Katele Kalumba does not believe in witchcraft, but does practise the African Black Magic scientificaly and is now working together with Bill Gates on the best way to improve the latest Laptop Tech 2010
Hey Blogers, Find a Google search spot provided on the right side of the page. On this, you can still comment on a past article by typing in a few words and this should bring it up for you.
Ba veteran, I don’t know but your comments always make me feel like puking, and I have puked before. #-o
Kalumba we ndoshi iwe.
Saying that R.B will be the nominated Person to be MMD presidential candidate is NO DEMOCRACY!
Veteran your Party has seen to be a FAKE democracy and now your convention will be FAKED too.
Ba Veteran IULE
I like the POST’s data ““I know honourable Ng’andu Magande is doing that, honourable George Mpombo is doing that, I have not sanctioned them in any negative way at all. What I do is to insist they stick with civility in their public utterances, respect for each other and respect for the basic interest and the integrity of MMD as a party because we need to remain united,” he said. “It’s not about war and destruction , you do not burn your house and flame your family in it. Those that go to that extreme I come very heavily on them otherwise they are within the ball games.”” attributed to clever MMD National Secretary MP Katele Kalumba.
I hope he will continue to promote democracy in MMD that is under threat by those that think it is a MONARCHY. I urge MMD to emulate…
Katele Katele ever since his operation in india the man has turned himself into a dancer. Lets hope his operation was sucessful or it has left him a MP(mental patient)
Insala ya suma. Amatolshi ya amb ukula.
Hahah. Ya Kuti wa sek Pa Zedi!!