Monday, December 23, 2024

The Weekend in Pictures (part 2)


Kuomboka ceremony


Western province minister Richard Mwapela welcomes President Rupiah Banda to Lealui for the Kuomboka ceremony at the weekend


President Rupiah Banda and First Lady Thandiwe are ushered at Lealui Palace by Western province Minister Richard Mwapela (r) and western Province Deputy Permanent Secretary Seth Muleya (l)


Finance minister, Situmbeko Musokotwane looks at a traditional hat with ministry of Education deputy minister Clement Sinyinda during Kuomboka ceremony at Lealui


President Rupiah Banda listen to traditional drummers with King Lubosi The Litunga of the Lozi people during Kuomboka Ceremony in Lealui.


King Lubosi The Litunga of the Lozi people chats with President Banda during Kuomboka Ceremony in Lealui


King Lubosi The Litunga of the Lozi people chats with President Banda during Kuomboka Ceremony in Lealui


President Rupiah Banda with King Lubosi The Litunga of the Lozi people of the Western Province during Kuomboka Ceremony at Lealui


President Rupiah Banda emerges out of the Nalikwanda and is helped by paddlers at Lealui


President Rupiah Banda with the King Lubosi of the Lozi people of the Western Province during Kuomboka Ceremony after his arrival in Limulunga


President Rupiah Banda and First Lady Thandiwe during Kuomboka Ceremony at Limulunga.


  1. Ba LT again it is a repeat of banda`s just like pa monday.Anyway nice seeing RB in his attire denoting his passion for his campaign against the red card.:-?

  2. Great to see Musokotwane and Sinyinda in that attire. But where’s the dancing? This is very political reporting.

  3. These guyz should be wearing traditiona attires even in their state house to look real Zambian. He must be changing attires for all tribes.:d

  4. LT – You should have just ended with part 1. This is bull crap.

    Now I believe the rumors that you are pro MMD.

  5. Would have been nice to see more of the ceremony itself. The pictures from last year’s ceremony were much better in my opinion.

  6. Ha this was good,its good to see Finance and Education ministers paddling…#4Join Lozi group on fb and you will see the dancing there….lol

  7. LT people in the diaspora what to know whats happening home? it really sucks how u put all the focus on RB? u should have show more of the kuomboka

  8. [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o< [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<

  9. LT** Why did you put these photos? no one wants to see banda anymore. the whole week you were with bandas????? Why dont you show us the photos of the new stadium which is under construction????????????? why dont you show us photos about lusaka where there were or are floods???????
    you have the whole week to show us the whole country and not these pieces of

  10. Hahahahaha am sure RB was fuming inside seeing red all over. Am sure he will persuade Litunga to change colours for the ceremony

  11. From what we have been told, white barets are won by the care takers of the King’s graves. So Zed 1 has now reduced himself to a grave care taker by doning a white baret …..:d:d:d surely the Presidential advisors could have done better. I thought Aka is at state house…

  12. #21, Bwezani, When you say no one wants to see Banda, you assume every one thinks like you. You must think you are the sun and everything goes around you. Some ego! Zambia is a free country and your opinion may not count for much. I am sorry, but it is true.

  13. A guy walks into a doctors office with a 5 iron wrapped around his neck and 2 black eyes. “What happened to you?” asked the doctor. “Well it all started when my wife and I were golfing and by accident she hit the ball into a cow field. When we went to investigate, I saw the ball in a cow’s a.s.s. I went and lifted the tail of the cow and that’s when I made my mistake.” The doctor looked puzzled and asked, “What mistake was that?”
    “I said ‘Hey this looks like yours hun!'”

  14. Ba L T naimwe muli bamulomo. Now tell the people that you are not among the MMD carders queue. :)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-

  15. He got rid of the RED BERET but could not get rid of the RED CARPET…..What a hypocrite….Get real you bloody cretins….

  16. By the way, when is it appropriate to use the red carpet? I notice every where an african leader steps, there must be a red carpet. Help me….Is it an african disease or it is just ignorance…….

  17. 30# He got rid of the RED BERET but could not get rid of the RED CARPET…..What a hypocrite….Get real you ….
    I like your observation I hope white carpet can be found soon to replace the red carpet But for how long is going to avoid red?.

  18. the jury is out. do a better job of kuomboka in pics. show the action not the politics. i am sure LT has a horde of better pics stashed somewhere but thought we were all MMD.the ceremony is not a movie about the politicians’ escape to mongu. show the educational and cultural aspects too, the entertainment, the fanfare and camaladre. that is what kuomboka is really about.

  19. LT you can’t be serious! Anyway, next year I’ll be there real live in 3D paddling the Nalikwanda!!! :)>-:)>-:)>-

  20. # 8 President Rupiah Banda emerges out of the Nalikwanda and is helped by paddlers at Lealui.

    This is not true i wish you consalted the LOZI’s ,thats a sisepe he was emerging from and not the Nalikwanda.Nalikwanda is the royal boat for the LITUNGA and not another person.Aslo i expected to see more picture of lozi’s beat the royal drums ,pictures of the royal boats,this like Lozi;s performing traditional danceses.

  21. Hello Ppl! Did you here about the discovery that Omega 3 found in fish makesd the mind sharp. Could this be attributed to the samartness of the Lozis, since it is their main dish. Can somebody do a research, as this has been proven eslewhere where poeple eat a lot of fish

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