Thursday, March 6, 2025

MMD Appoints New Media Director as Nevers Mumba’s Faction consolidates hold on the Party


The New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) has appointed Dr. Kafula Mubanga as it’s new Deputy Media Director.

In a statement, MMD Spokesperson Dr Cephas Mukuka said that Dr. Mubanga appointment is with immediate effect.

“On behalf of the New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD), we would like to announce and confirm the appointment of Dr. Kafula Mubanga as our Party’s New Deputy Media Director”, Dr. Mukuka said.

Dr. Mubanga who holds a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Political Science, is also the Special envoy and President for the International Human Rights Commission in Zambia.

In accepting the appointment, Dr. Mubanga said that it was a great honor to serve a party that introduced Media Freedom rights.

“I would like to thank the MMD Leadership through the Party President Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba for considering and appointing me as the Party’s new Deputy Media Director. The MMD is a special party in Zambia that not only did it reintroductuce Democracy but it also introduced Media Freedom rights and liberalized the Media Sector. I would like to assure the party that I will hit the road running and to our Media Friends, my office is open to them”, Dr. Mubanga said.

Meanwhile, the Court of Appeals last week threw out the Appeal for Stay of Judgement by Embattled Nominated Member of Parliament Mr. Raphael Nakachinda against the MMD Leadership Case Judgement that recognized Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba as MMD President, with Costs.

Mr. Raphael Nakachinda had appealed to the Courts of Appeal after Judge Sharon Newa threw out their stay of Judgement with Costs.

This morning Court of Appeals Judge Hon. Mwiinde Siyavwapa threw out the Appeal with Costs because among others the application for stay was filed In on the 11th of November, 2019 when the Register of Societies had already changed the office bearers on the 8th of November, 2019.

Judge Siyavwapa further disagreed with the applicant that if they stay is not granted his Political Career will end.

“There is an argument in paragraph 12 of the 1. the Applicant’s affidavit in support of the application that if a stay is not granted, the Applicants’ political career will be ruined. I wonder how, but even assuming that that would be the case, I would not be drawn into sympathising with a litigant’s prospective loss at the expense of applying the law as sympathetic judgments are to be frowned upon as guided by the Supreme Court of Zambia, Revenue Authority versus Post Newspapers”, Judge Siyavwapa said.

Judge Siyavwapa then proceeded to throw out the Appeal with costs.

“I therefore, find no merit in the application before me and I dismiss it with costs to be taxed in default of agreement”, Judge Siyavwapa said.


  1. useless party.. consolidating power over what? do not split the vote unnecessarily. just join upnd and let us secure the exit of the evil regime of lungu and zulu

  2. This chap Mubanga is the owner of the notorious Citizens University Zambia. At this school people dont write exams and lecturers are never paid!!!
    Higher Education Authority do your work…

  3. When MMD was being formed, God was telling Never Sekwila Mumba that Zambia was Going to be in chaos if KK did not win elections. KK lost elections and there was no chaos. We, up to now, do not know which God NEVER was talking about because what he predicted NEVER came to pass.

    Congratulations to the MMD, for the real end has come.

  4. This outfit was founded by Aka and look at the shadow of itself it has become! It’s now a vessel for failed Bemba politicians to finish off their charlatan stinking Mobutuist kleptomaniac tendencies! This outfit is finished, kufelile ka kayonge ka kasiyale!

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