Sunday, October 6, 2024

Zambia Police arrest Pilato again, detain Laura Miti and Mwewa for negotiating for his release


Pilato addressing Livingstone youths shortly before he was arrested
Pilato addressing Livingstone youths shortly before he was arrested

Police in Livingstone on Saturday arrested Human rights defender and artist Pilato and charged him with unlawful assembly.

And Human rights activists Lauta Miti and Bornwell Mwewa have also been detained by Police after they travelled to Livingstone to negotiate Pilato’s release.

Pilato was addressing scores of youths at a Church in Livingstone’s Libuyu township at a meeting dubbed Youth Insaka.

Police stormed the meeting and picked him up and later charged with unlawful assembly.

In a Facebook post shortly before he was arrested, Pilato said police had allowed the group to continue with the Youth Insaka but that someone called the police officers to tell them that he was performing.

The Youth Insaka is part of the Be Heard Zambia, an initiative sponsored by ActionAid Zambia.

“I have been picked up again by the police but this time they came with cadres. The officers have been instructed to charge me with unlawful assembly. They are now taking me to the Livingstone central Police,” Pilato wrote.

In his message during the meeting, Pilato said leaders must be transparent in the way they manage public resources and must be accountable to the people who collectively own these resources.

And fellow activists Laura Miti and Bornwell Mwewa travelled to help with the release of Pilato and arrived in the night.

They were also immediately arrested and detained and all spent the night in the Police Cells.

Pilato addressing Livingstone youths shortly before he was arrested
Pilato addressing Livingstone youths shortly before he was arrested


  1. Really? Is this the democracy we talk about? Don’t embarrass our president. Release them please! We only manage to damage our good name.

    • If time could be turned back, we Africans would be slaves again. There are no lessons we hv learned from the pain we hv suffered in the past.

    • Zambians should protest for this kind of nonsense? People can’t meet or gather just because of PF? Where has the Youth Meetings and Gatherings Gone? Do they need to get permission for such? This is a clear sign of a failed democratic REPBLIC with no Institutions.

    • You still clinging on to the same colonial laws to persecute your own people when Foote comments you cry imperialism but clinging on to the outdated laws.

    • Pilato was right when he said soon these politicians want you dull, poor and uneducated like Tayali so that when they donate bags of maize and cooking oil you will clap that so and so is a hard worker.

  2. These are tell tell signs of an oppressive and corrupt regime! They are guilty and think every gathering people are talking about their evil ways

  3. Mwembushi mwe
    Bushe ninshi yamyushupako ukonka fye amafunde ya calo nicinshi?
    Nganaba mikata mwatampa ukulila pamo na h2
    Finshi mufwaya?
    Bakapokola bakulamikata Lyonse ngatamuleufwa.
    H2 nga elamibibepa tateka
    So nga amipela amafunde muleya ceceta sana before tabalamikata.

  4. One has to justify donner funding way to go Laura banda who was turned away from SA because she « as usual » joined the queue for « returning residents » when in effect she had « left » RSA preferring to come to help Pliato. You don’t « demand » the release of an accused « at night » you wait until the morning and seek legal advise you are a trained English teacher not a lawyer yes Lucy’s shoes a big to fill

  5. Chiluba used to get arrested a lot as ZCTU president. Kaunda did not know he was turning the little man into a hero.
    Don’t be surprised if you see President Pilato in the near future or President Miti

    • You have never heard him speak that’s why. the boy is a realist and talks sense …dont judge him by his looks because you have been brainwashed in thinking that keeping beard is unclean and unwise!

  6. Yaba naimwe ba PF shuwa? The police are PF cadres inadvertently recruited into police by Obvious Mwaliteta when he was PF Provincial minister for Lusaka. Obvious did not know that he would cross to Trible UPND. Now look what minsters he has left as so called police officers!!
    But the police are under instruction by those who want votes no matter what.

  7. BBC has just released this news to the world of arrest and harassment of musician Pilato painting Zambia as a country not safe to freely assemble and discuss national matters.

    • This is the same government which blame people of painting the country black.But PF has failed, what a failed project…and somehow they expect people to vote for them in 2021,they even wonder how UPND has entered northern province…

  8. Let’s hope ambassodor Foote and other western ambassodor are seeing how their tax payers monies as donner aid is being spent by lungu.

    You give lungu and pf aid to build sewer pipes , they then have spare cash to pay for the harassment and brutallising of activists.

  9. These cops they don’t learn from their mistakes. Just a few months ago pilato, Laura miti and group were acquitted by the court on the same charge of illegal assembly and the police were even admonished for being over zealous in their quest to please their masters including the Lusaka Province Commissioner Nelson Phiri. Now they are at it again and this time they are going to be made to pay.

  10. How come the same f*cked PF police didn’t arrest that thieving Bull Lusambo when he was showing praises at the Swaziland property owner and insulting people in diaspora.They are quick to arrest people trying to shine a light on PF’s mismanagement of the country .

  11. How come the same f*cked up PF police didn’t arrest that thieving Bull Lusambo when he was showering praises at the Swaziland property owner and insulting people in diaspora.They are quick to arrest people shining a light on PF’s mismanagement of the country . This will end in failure .

  12. Zambians!!! You were told to go for a constitutional referendum. The changes to the Bill of rights included the amendment of the “Civil and Political Rights”. You now have Bill No. 10. Still more you preach negatively. When you are locked up, you blame the police. Every gathering in Zambia needs organisers to notify Zambia Police for “permit to hold a function”

  13. We still have big Zulu Kaiza in State house.Time is coming, every one is seeing this nonsense . A foolish person can Brock people from talking and assembling but he cant stop them from thinking after all the more you oppress them the more they get organised. in 2021 even my 99 years old mother shall vote. that day we shall be allowed to assemble. No more kanganja no kampyiongo God is great , Sadam came and went . Amin came and went . Mugabe came and went. and they went unceremoniously. God is watching, we shall see who is humble and who is not.

  14. Good afternoon Editor,

    This is very interesting reading and deserves my comment.

    Firstly, what is the name of the Church were Pilato was doing his Insaka because Pilato I know was a Jehovah’s Witness.

    Secondly, did the Police give a Permit if yes where is it and what was the content of the same?

    Thirdly, I can smile foul play by Pilato and my best advise is Pilato should stop playing with FIRE the Government. We know Pilato and his colleagues are funded by our former Colonialist who want to divide Zambia for their own benefit.

    Lastly, Zambia Police are professionals and I think were doing their work properly if they did not there is why we have the Police Complaint Authority were those affected could file their complaints soon (if any).

    My final advise to Laura Miti and…

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