Sunday, October 6, 2024

Christian Churches Monitoring Group wants clarification on the issuance of National Registration Cards


Fr. Cleophas Lungu
Fr. Cleophus Lungu

The Christian Churches Monitoring Group has written to the Ministry of Home Affairs requesting information and clarification on the mobile issuance of National Registration Cards and is yet to receive a response.

The CCMG is concerned with reports of mobile issuance of National Registration Cards exercises currently taking place in some parts of Eastern, Northern, Luapula, North-Western and Muchinga Provinces.

It says it has monitored the situation since the first allegations were made and have, through its monitors, confirmed that mobile issuance of NRC cards is underway in these provinces.

In a statement signed by Fr. Cleophas Lungu, the CCMG Steering Committee Chairperson, Father Emmanuel Chikoya of CCZ and Steering Committee member and Fr. Emmanuel Mumba of the JCTR and CCMG Steering Committee Member the Ministry of Home Affairs confirmed that they have been conducting mobile NRC issuance in selected districts of the said provinces, through the district registration offices.

The CCMG believes that the mobile issuance of NRCs is an important part of the electoral process and a critical exercise for enhancing democratic participation.

It said therefore that transparency, consultation and public awareness around the effort to promote high participation nationwide remain critical.

The CCMG said failure for the mobile NRC issuance exercise to provide equal opportunity for all Zambians to obtain an NRC risk undermining their ability and fundamental right to engage in political and electoral processes, including voter registration.

It has demanded that the Ministry release to stakeholders and the general public all the information about mobile issuance of NRCs, including the deployment schedule, Ministry’s plans for the extension of the exercise to all provinces, and the Ministry’s intended stakeholder consultations on the issue.

Further, CCMG has demanded that the Ministry immediately halts the process until such a time when there is a clear roadmap or deployment schedule, adequate publicity, publicly available targeted populations, and engagement with stakeholders.

The CCMG noted that the Ministry of Home Affairs through the Department of National Registration, Passports and Citizenship is currently implementing mobile NRC issuance without the consultation or notification of stakeholders or the public.

This is in direct contravention of the Ministry of Home Affairs’ duty to serve the public, provide and maintain internal security and promote sustainable socio-economic development for the people of Zambia.


  1. Why are you surprised by any actions taken by lungus PF ?

    Very and all actions taken by PF are meant for 2 things ….to keep lungu in power …..and to steal

    Illegal or Legal , every thing is geared towards those two things

    • Could not agree more with @Spaka, PF and Edgar are so dishonest in their dealings. They are crooked, corrupt and thieves. Lungu himself stole money from a client and disbarred by LAZ

    • How did a disbarred lawyer with a criminal case manage to file his papers and become mp in 2011?? That’s the amazing thing about you upnd twits, you actually believe your cr@p and lies and expect normal people to vote for you??

    • But why do you need clarification? Just go at chilenje Hall and you will get a reg. Nothing complicated.. what clafication do you want? Let’s discuss productive issue like what is the best energy source

    • Lungu is an illegitimate president of Zambia. He stole the 2016 elections. They buried ballot boxes in the cemetery in Ndola and stole HHs votes. Remember that some election officers died mysterious deaths in the 2016 elections?
      That’s why Lungu and the PF want to remain in power no matter the cost.

    • Everything PF does has some sinister, self-serving interest. It is the mafia mindset, manipulating their way to the top. Problem is what goes around comes around. Chickens always come home to roast as this happens and the time you don’t want it to happen

  2. Fair request. The fact that CCMG communicated with MOHA is encouraging. MOHA must act on this request as the excercise is already underway. CCMG did a good job with their PVT in 2016-their results matched ECZs, hanaluza huja….

  3. Zoona – If you have nothing to write about just keep quiet. Since when did the Catholic Church ask for funding from government.These are well established and financially sound churches that do not require donations from Lungu. These are independent churches. Only tu temba like Christians for Lungu ask for tithe from Lungu.

  4. By the way what is the relationship between getting tithe and issuance of national registrations cards?

    • Just the same what clarifications on getting the reg should govt’s simple any one who was born in zambia and has reached the age of 16. Go at chilenje and matero hall.. you will get one.. it just that simple

  5. National registration cards are for every Zambian who has reached the age of 16 years.
    The whole nation needs those cards for the young people nothing strange here just register and get yours.

  6. Matthew 16

    23 But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”

  7. You will know them by their fruit

    Matthew 16

    23 But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”

  8. The issue being raised by the church is that the mobile issuing of NRCs is only happening to some selected provinces considered PF strongholds. NRC are for all Zambians and therefore, the MOHA should ensure that all provinces are provided mobile NRC services. All Zambians who need NRC should have equal possibilities of obtaining an NRC. Those who can just go to a town hall and get the NRC can do so, but in rural areas, mobile NRC issuance services can increase the number of people who will obtain NRC. NRCs are important and necessary documents for voting.

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