Sunday, October 6, 2024

2019 has been a disappointing, depressing and difficult year for our citizens-VJ


Vernon Mwaanga
Vernon Mwaanga

Statement by Dr Vernon J Mwaanga-GOEZ

We are just about to bid farewell to 2019 and welcome the new year of 2020 in rather gloomy circumstances . The year 2019 has been very disappointing and frustrating in many respects nationally and globally , because there have been so many retrogressive things which have negatively impacted lives of our overburdened citizens. These include the following:

The negative GDP economic growth,

The high food prices which show no signs of retreating anytime soon,

The inability to come up with Constitutional Amendments– and not bill 10-which genuinely represent the free will of the people of Zambia, due to lack of a genuinely transparent consultative process with stakeholders,

The inability of the government to declare hunger an emergency due to drought caused by poor rainfall, not just in Zambia, but in the SADC region as a whole. Countries which have declared hunger emergencies are receiving international support to mitigate hunger.

Excessive Load-shedding, which has caused serious havoc to small, medium and large enterprises in the whole country,

Total absence of any meaningful dialogue among our political leaders, to seriously discuss issues like falling standards of education in our country, the economy, political violence involving sponsored unruly party cadres, particularly during general elections and by-elections, which prevents citizens from exercising their democratic right to freely vote for representatives of their choice because consequently it lowers voter turnout,

Shrinking space for opposition political parties and civil society organisations to freely carry out their legitimate activities, like holding card renewals, public meetings, demonstrations, all of which are Constitutionally permitted.

Misinterpretations of the Public Order Act as amended in 1996, after the Supreme Court of Zambia, ruled some of its provisions archaic and inconsistent with specific provisions of the Constitution of Zambia and the Bill of Rights, which give citizens the freedom to make political choices as well as to assemble. Parliament removed the need for permits to be applied for from the Zambia Police Service and stipulated that the police should merely be “notified”. The new law outlines specific and unambiguous procedures to be followed by both those notifying the police and the police themselves. I have heard senior officers, times without number, use the word permit in 2019. Where are Zambia police getting the word “permit” from because the Supreme Court of Zambia removed it from the Public Order Act in 1996.

Rising levels of political intolerance, particularly between and among political parties, which in turn pollutes the political environment in our country.

Breakdown of the rule of law and disregard of court judgments, as can be seen by the stubborn refusal of government Ministers, who overstayed in office after Parliament was dissolved in 2016.

The Constitution of Zambia clearly states that Ministers shall be appointed from among Members of Parliament. It there goes without saying that when Parliament is dissolved, there can’t be Ministers. This has been the case for many years. The fact that no sanctions have been taken against them for failing to obey a decision of the Constitutional Court, whose judgment is not supposed to be appealed, only goes to show that we have two sets of laws in our country-one law for leaders and another for ordinary citizens, contrary to the Constitution, which clearly stipulates that no one is above the law.

Women in Zambia and the world over are not winning the battle for equal pay for equal work and equal empowerment. The international report issued only a few days ago on the status of women, does not offer women and their male supporters of gender equality, any comfort whatsoever. The report reveals that it will take another 100 years before women can be treated as equal to men in National Parliaments, Cabinets, Courts law, Newsrooms, classrooms, professional organisations, boardrooms, executive positions, equal pay with men. It is a disgrace to society, that women are still being discriminated against in this day and age and not receiving the respect and equal empowerment and recognition they richly deserve. Women are not asking to be given favours or to be empowered more than men. They just want to be treated like men at the workplace and in terms of opportunities no more, no less. Surely, is that not the right thing to do?

Deforestation is expanding deserts at an alarming rate as scientists produce impirical evidence that our climate is heating up considerably. Carbon emissions from wild fires, charcoal, factories, mines, motor vehicles and even aeroplanes are affecting the air we breathe causing all kinds of chest infections and allergies,

Racism has come to the fore once again. Black and other people of colour are bearing the blunt of racial discrimination in sport and in just ordinary life. Black and people of colour are being discriminated against and sold as slaves for pittance yet again in 2019. Ancient people like William Wilberforce and William Pitt, Abraham Lincoln, who were among the pioneers who ended worldwide slavery, must now be turning in their graves.

The number keeps growing of journalists being harassed, arrested, tortured or killed for reporting the truth and investigating corrupt politicians and leaders-and they are many.

conflicts in the world are not diminishing as can be seen in DRC, Somalia, Mali, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon etc.

Many of our citizens are afraid even to voice their genuine grievances for fear of retribution,

Many employees of government-supported institutions live public universities go without pay for a few months,

Freedom fighters have been totally forgotten. Many of the few remaining freedom fighters, die as forgotten destitutes. Many suggestions have been presented to government as to how to assist those who made our independence possible through the enormous personal sacrifices they made. All of these have fallen on deaf ears. Our neighbours who went through similar experiences, have found imaginative ways of looking after their freedom fighters.

What is wrong with our world and what is particularly wrong with us Zambians? Why have we become so inhuman and intolerant towards one another? Where has the spirit of love, respect and reconciliation retreated to? Where has the motto of “one Zambia, one nation” gone to? Why don’t we learn from the Kenyan spirit of genuine political reconciliation, accommodation and brotherhood? I know that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I have spent nearly six decades of my life in public service and i know that political arrogance does not pay, because power is never permanent. Those currently in power, should treat their opponents as they would want to be treated when they are out of power. They should never forget the lessons of history that what goes round, comes round. History has a cruel way of repeating itself. I hope that as we prepare for the new year of 2020, our political leaders will in all honesty, embrace each other and treat each other as brothers and sisters and stop treating each other as enemies.

Hate speeches and hate politics should become a thing of the past in 2020. All those who write and make hate speeches must be arrested and severely punished. They degrade our society and dehumanise us as a people. During the days of MMD, President Chiluba declared that our country was a Christian nation tolerant of other religions and this subsequently found itself in the Constitution of Zambia. There is nothing Christian about the way our political leaders and their supporters treat each other. Hatred and violence have become the order of the day. The current crop of leaders have rendered this declaration meaningless. This will require political leadership and maturity, which iam afraid have been totally absent. President Lungu as head of state has special responsibilities to take the lead as the person in power for now at least, as used be the case under the leadership of Presidents Kenneth Kaunda, Frederick Chiluba, Levy Mwanawasa and Rupiah Banda. Zambians want to see their leaders talk to each, eat, drink tea together and treat each other with genuine respect. They want to see their leaders come up with solutions to their many problems and pave the way for a better future for all Zambians and not just a selected few. Zambia is for all Zambians and not just a few.

History will judge and should judge our current leaders harshly if they don’t put our country first and not themselves and their narrow selfserving interests. In 2020 and beyond, i will speak and write less and less about national and international affairs, to allow for a generational change of younger political analysts and commentators.


  1. Things don’t look promising in 2020 either if we are to use 2020 as a base economically. We are heading towards repayment of the first eurobond in a couple of years and we have nothing to show about it as all economic indicators are pointing downwards- Sad indeed

    • Zambians have been disappointed and depressed since 1991 when you VJ and bandit Chiluba took office…you were busy pushing drugs using government resources…so its been like that bwana VJ….you’re part of the problem

    • Thanks VJ, I am PF but what I fail to understand is our failure in everything, be it economic, governance or even sport. And strangely we are canvassing to come back in 2021, to come and do what mwebantu, further destruction, I suppose

    • I can only see things getting worse in 2020 in regards to Zambia, I see govt and a President focused on desperately clinging on to power, I see populist policies being opted for at the expense of debt servicing hence going deeper and deeper into he red. Expect to see more Ruling party MPs donating their stolen loot to their constituents like Kampamba Mulenga Chilumba who donated a generator to Health Centre when he would have easily quizzed Zesco why they were cutting off power at a Health Centre against Presidential directive.

  2. God hates grumblers, be thankful that you are alive to complain about everything also that you are not in prison. Give space to the youth to govern, some people’s time to talk and act has come and gone.

    • Iwe dont be st**id. We were much better off during mmd than now so dont exaggerate. Also dont cover up for pf. We are suffering. Thats all. So shut up.

  3. Bo Vernon Mwanga is an acknowledged journalist, author of books and diplomat, but strangely in this article he has carefully crafted to highlight the negative aspects of Zambia’s political, economic and developmental status. Some of his sentiments appear to be extracts of UPND’s pronouncements. This is a clear case of a disillusioned politician. For instance, Mr. Mwanga is expected to be well versed on the phenomenon of climate change that has afflicted the generation of hydro-electric power – particularly on the Kariba Power Station. In Zambia democracy thrives well to allow Bo Mwanga to freely express his opinions.

  4. It might just get wors in 2021 its time for people to develop other income streams. The rains are bad and growing drought resistant crops is the way to. The worry is how to ensure our GDP is growing not falling. Bad rains coupled with bad electricity supply and growing national debt don’t give much hope of a better 2020.

    • People are suffering in Zambia, coming from UPND or not …..

      Things are tough ……and it has been proven that people can not eat roads , no ?

  5. Madison group in trouble. Depositors of defunct Madison Asset Management company demanding lifting of corporate veil and making NG Directors and management to pay them with interest immediately.
    A pack of card LSA Madison Castle about to fall. Madison General Insurance Chief Operating Officer refused to renew his contract and leaving Mad-is-on.
    Actuarial report for Madison Life is hidden for a reason?

  6. Trible HH is not an option to replace the current bad leadership. Zambians have no intention to replace bad with bad.
    In the event of Zambians (due to the short time remaining) failing to find and agree a suitable opposition leader to lead our country in 2021 Zambians will ask Our Lord to provide interim leadership from Heaven.

    On a broader level, all the corrupt and African leaders including opposition who don’t repent now will be allowed a one way trip to Heaven in their luxury jets and SUVs to go and stand trial. Lorries will be made available for their trips back to their respective countries to serve their sentences.
    This is Our Vision and Prayer.

  7. Thanks VJ for being elaborate, we are dealing with a very arrogant group that does not admit anything. Strangely they cant learn from their mentor RB who cried on national television that they lost power because they had stopped listening. I can see a repeat here

  8. Which normal person can say 2019 was okay. Even without load shedding the economy was already on its knees and some mal head comes to mention climate change to us. What a load of….. Be truthful for once

  9. VJ akamba vanzelu then banthu bena bayankha mozelezeka. you are in for a rude shock, all economic indicators are worsening. ni zanu izo, us we are abroad eating real cheese. Zambia is definitely on its knees economically, I am not sure if the opposition are ready but the NAKED truth is that you need a new leadership. A leadership that is going to respond to current challenges, not this one. Mutaya nthawi – Zambians you wasting time, you are not going anywhere, Mwagoma

  10. A candid statement from VJ, as usual. The PF think they can play games with everyone. Nkandu Luo has been denied a visa to the US, more is coming

  11. The truth is we live in a divided country or society and because of that we fail to reason together and act in one accord. Zimbabwe had a bad spell for leadership for about 20 years are you telling me the people failed to see the woes they were going through, if they did why didn’t they act in one accord to boot out Mugabe? blind loyalists to a poor regime are a problem because no matter how bad things may be they still remain loyal to a dysfunctional government. even in Zambia i do not foresee any regime change because the country is divided, both sides of the divide cant see why they need to collectively work together nor co-exist. So who do we blame for what Zambia is currently going through? is it the government? partly yes, but ultimately its we the people who are to blame. We live…

    • continued- we live in fear as though we lack freedoms and rights. we fail to hold governments responsible and accountable for their destructive acts to the nation. A people’s government will act in the best interest of the people, and it is the people who must help government realize it’s sworn mandate but if the people remain silent and let government alone run this country this is the result what we currently facing. No amount of time will ever be enough for a bad regime to bring people’s desired change if that regime is careless, corrupt, selfish, destructive and abusive. only a few people benefit where there is chaos and the Gap between the rich and poor in Zambia is ever widening. The people will be collectively responsible for what happens next in Zambia whether good or bad. what…

    • – what we do now has consequences to be borne or enjoyed later on because to every action there is a reaction or counter response. When the people fail to see reason for change there is nothing that can be done to help such a people nor convince such a people.

    • well said and just to add, We speak and act on tribal lines and not for the collective good of the country. A nation divided will never prosper and this problem will one day lead to secession disputes and actual divide of the country. we need re-conciliatory voices, bridge builders, we need a government shy of favoritism or regionalism a true peoples government so that our country can forge ahead in one accord.

  12. VJ articulated points well, only for max observant he should have excluded global issues , the suffering Zambians care less about global issues, they only look at the current GRZ to take a lead in providing sources of income for them.

    Only the current GRZ was hopping for foreigners to come and provide sources of incomes for Zambians.

    According to the koswes , PF have done their jobs by building infrastructure,

    Now we are in at an impass , will our citizens eat that infrastructure?

    Time will tell…..

  13. Very well said VJ! 2019 has indeed been the worst from the time PF came into power.Buying a Presidential jet at the expense of retiress spending nights at the Ministry of Justice

  14. On 22nd August 1997, while Dr kenneth Kaunda was addressing a rally at mukuyu tree in kabwe, VJ’s government under Fredrick chiluba sent armed police to kill him. He surved the attack with bullet wounds.
    What is this chief rigger telling us today. He must just say if he has joined the cult.

  15. See this is how it works. While we worry about which tribe and which leader takes over the presidency we are neglecting the gate where riff-raffs of all hews and persuasions are coming through. We only have one country. Let’s focus and see the nation as it should be and not a bunch of fiefdoms competing against each other. We will all suffer for it. Ba kabwa.

  16. This fool called VJ must first tame his own son who preys on vulnerable young women before coming to tell the whole nation… besides getting an honorary degree doesn’t entitle one to be called Dr….. this drug dealer must just shut up…

  17. This old goat should just shut up rest in his farm.
    Bushe tukalya imisebo slogan comes from potholed brains and are used to cattle carts where you don’t need a good road but can reach your destination abeit time you take. Very sick characters.

  18. Trusted sources are speculating that Vernon Mwanga is flagging his manifesto so as to assume the leadership of UPND. Food for thought for HH and Katuka, as Hamududu consolidates hopes to grab votes in Southern Province. By-the-way, has HH reflected on the political dynamics of opposition parties in South Africa? Mussi Maimane was a close ally of HH whose attempt to demonstrate solidarity with UPND was aborted at KK International Airport. Who funded Maimane’s trip to Zambia? The decisive resignation of Maimane from DA frustrated some Western powers and boggles intellectual minds of political analysts.

  19. The real reason for the lack of investment in infrastructure, the poor pay, the destruction of the Kwacha, are the neoliberal policies followed by the MMD, PF and given a chance UPND.

    The people need someone who will stand up against the IMF/World Bank and stand with similar minded people around SADC and Africa.

    It was obvious a decade ago that refusing to tax the mines (should be owned outright) and taking on billions in Eurobond debt instead with be disastrous for the Kwacha.

    Government wouldn’t listen, because someone stuffed their ears with dollar bills. As happens around the world with neoliberal politicians. We know who benefits: Anglo, Glencore, Vedanta, etc.

    That’s why a new, 21st century socialism must return.

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