Sunday, September 8, 2024

Plans under way to open up milling plants in all provincial centers to address the high price of mealie-meal-Mabumba


Minister of General Education David Mabumba
Minister of General Education David Mabumba

Minister of General Education David Mabumba says plans are under way to open up milling plants in all provincial centers to address the high price of mealie-meal.

Speaking during a meeting with the business community in Mwense, Mr Mabumba said currently government has no milling plant except the private sector hence the high prices of mealie-meal.

And the minister assured the local businessmen and contractors that once the Mwenda-Kasomeno road project starts, their businesses will no longer be the same as the local economy will grow.

Mr Mabumba also encouraged the contractors to start putting their documents in order in readiness for the Constituency Development projects which will start soon.

He disclosed that both Mambilima and Mwense constituencies have received a total of two million, two hundrend thousand kwacha Constituency Development Fund (CDF) and that soon the projects will start.

Mr Mabumba who is also Mwense constituency Member of Parliament said CDF and the 20 percent equalization fund empowers the local businessmen and contractors as it helps to keep money circulating in the local economy.

He requested the council secretary to prioritize the local contractors when awarding contracts and further appealed to the local contractors to do a good job if they are to be given future projects.

The minister said contractors and businessmen are the engine to the local economy in the district adding that they should implement projects which will stand the test of time.


  1. Disjointed thinking, you already have several white elephants in solar hammer Mills dotted around the country that where meant for the purpose but have failed. PF must learn to consult and listen to others, this isn’t your motherland alone. Ni Zambia ya nyoko?

  2. It seems clear that we have people running government who have no clue as to why the price of mealie meal is high. How can mealie meal be low when electricity, fuel and maize prices are high? This clueless thinking led to the purchase of 2000 solar milling plants some two years ago. Then song then was that the plants once installed will help reduce the the price of mealie meal. It was just a gimmick to siphon public funds while fooling voters. This time they want to siphon money and fool voters in readiness for 2021 about provincial million plants. Don’t believe it its just another gimmick by PF.

  3. It seems clear that we have people running government who have no clue as to why the price of mealie meal is high. How can mealie meal be low when electricity, fuel and maize prices are high? This clueless thinking led to the purchase of 2000 solar milling plants some two years ago. The song then was that the plants once installed would help reduce the the price of mealie meal. It was just a gimmick to siphon public funds while fooling voters. This time they want to siphon money and fool voters in readiness for 2021 about provincial million plants. Don’t believe it its just another gimmick by PF.

  4. Issue of milling plants again! Is high price really because of milling plants or high production? Seems even their thinking is in dununa reserve. Solar plants dotted across the country are white elephants, why?

    • There is excessive milling capacity but the maize grain is in short supply, thanks to the Paya Farmer policy of the PF. What will the milling plants process if there is no maize to mill? This is no longer a joke. These chaps must be gotten rid of.

    • What a crucible of disjointed individuals, today minister of general edification is talking about mealie flour, come twente twente 1 we need economic managers not these appalling and disgusting.

    • Docility is a curse, how Zambian are failing to make these guys account for the 2016 promises is beyond my imagination, which milling plants are these, the same white elephant solar blue tutembaz dotted along highways, which according to them was supposed to help in cushioning the mealie prices? What crucible of molten gibberish , this bus is stuck .

    • Actually, these pfs are creating an enabling environment to be insulted. The solar hammer mill plants was an excellent idea but nobody knows what went wrong

    • After wasting hundreds of millions on importing 2000 solar Hammer mills from China via the corrupt Presidential ‘Not so’ Initiative Scheme. No one has accounted for them.

  5. These morons, everything is an opportunity to steal, what happened to the solar hammer meals? Scatter teeth and his morons, only out there to steal, ka worst president on earth

  6. These guys are really clowns. Where will the cheap maize come from to feed these proposed milling plants? The only way to bring millie meal price down is when you can bring maize price down and you can only do this by bringing in put costs down. Its no rocket science. You try the solar milling plants…what happened?

  7. Great stuff my brother. We are a working party and government. We are action based party. We find solutions to problems rather than our friends in opposition who only criticize like a dumped girlfriend. 2021 ni pf nafuti nafuti. Kz

    • Your party is a party of reaction to petty things and never a party of actions to things that really matter to the people of Zambia. The way your government has blown out of proportion the issue of homosexuality and kept a deaf ear to the actual things slowly eating and killing our economy and country is astounding. We will meet at the polls next year, my greatest regret is wasting my vote on PF in 2016.

    • Kaizar, I think the Minister is politicking. The solar driven milling plants were installed against my advice and turned out failed project. There you go again planning for motorized milling plants when the cost of energy is alarmingly high. major staple food system of Luapula is Cassava, surprisingly, you want a shift to a more costly input driven maize system. Sort out the policies clear. It also seems to me that the ministers are working in silos ultimately thrusting lots of pressure on President Lungu. National calamities would require solving through complex approach to generate an aggregated solution. In absence of that, straight line thinking model from Hon Mabumba.

  8. PF are big id.iots, what happened to the solar milling plants? We need to get our act together and boot out these idio.ts. It is just too much, and they careless!!

  9. Honorable Minister the problem is not the milling plants, the problem is policy formulation and direction. I believe national milling is govt controlled but alas, their mealie meal is way expensive as compared to private. Start by reducing the prices of national milling products and then you can start talking about establishing milling plants in provinces.

  10. Milling plants?? Let the market forces be at play.. Stop using UBUNGA for politicking. The government is drowning in debt which will have to be paid by our grand children.. Some government workers are not paid their monthly dues..This is clearly misplaced priorities..WHAT AN EMBARRASSMENT. PF had hope to change things under the leadership of the late Mr Sata (MHSRIP). Edgar and his friends need to surrender to the people of Zambia. Enough is enough.

  11. I think it butter the way his excellence Dr ECL said to expand Zns in northern provinces due to the fact that it rains very well

  12. @Kaizer Zulu blogging on United Kingdom flag, shocking in your comfort to mock Zambians suffering under your PF government as a working government.
    Silence is golden than many meaningless words to ridicule poor masses.

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