Friday, October 18, 2024

Raphael Nakacinda continues organising meetings under MMD banner


Raphael Nakacinda addressing some MMD members in Eastern Province
Raphael Nakacinda addressing some MMD members in Eastern Province

Nominated Member of Parliament Raphael Nakacinda has vowed to fight for Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) which he says has been taken over by illegitimate leaders in the Nevers Mumba executive.

Speaking in Chipata on Friday when he addressed members of the MMD drawn from various districts, Mr. Nakacinda demanded that the Party should go for a Convention to elect new office bearers because the Nevers Mumba leadership’s tenure expired., and that the Party will not be sold to the highest bidder.

Mr Nakacinda said that he will continue fighting for justice to be done in the MMD to save the country’s democratic history which has a huge tag to the Party that got power from the one-party state under Dr. Kenneth Kaunda.

“Dr. Mumba does not enjoy the mandate of the the people in MMD and I can authoritatively say that today the party has no president now. This is not my fight, but a fight for the country to respect democratic tenets which my party MMD brought to the country,” he said.

“The Party is not for sale like vitumbuwa pa maliketi” meaning the party is not for sale like fritters on the market.

And Mr. Nakacinda says the former governing “Party will not be let to die under the Nevers Mumba leadership” claiming the Mumba leadership as a sham.

Mr. Nakacinda considers the 5th November judgment that gave Dr. Mumba leadership as having gone against the norms of the MMD.

He claims the Court has brought confusion in the former governing Party by not sending both conflicting factions to a Convention to elect new leadership.

“Look at the people that are in the National Executive Committee under Dr. Mumba. He has collected people from his church, people that worked for him as drivers among others as NEC Members. That’s a sham! We can’t reduce the Party to such levels,” he said.

Mr. Nakacinda has embarked on a provincial tour to sensitize members of the party that they need to go for a Convention to elect new office bearers.

He retaliates that the Court gave Dr. Mumba a term that expired and that as far as he is concerned, there is no President in MMD.

Raphael Nakacinda addressing some MMD members in Eastern Province
Raphael Nakacinda addressing some MMD members in Eastern Province
Part of the Audience being addressed by  Raphael Nakacinda
Part of the Audience being addressed by Raphael Nakacinda
Part of the Audience being addressed by  Raphael Nakacinda
Part of the Audience being addressed by Raphael Nakacinda
Part of the Audience being addressed by  Raphael Nakacinda
Part of the Audience being addressed by Raphael Nakacinda


  1. The court ruled and this fellow is blutantly defying the court ruling. Cotempt of the highest order. How is the police even giving him permits to hold these gatherings ? He is desperate to hang on to the parliamentary honey which he has tasted.
    Unfortunately it is time up somebody else must be appointed as you were expelled from the legitimate MMD.

    • Wht’s there to say anymore? But let me ask if court decisions carry any weight in Zambia. This is enough. I hv had to leave the church also because it has been corrupted too. We hv work to do to clean up both the politics and church.

    • the party is not for sale like fritters on the market.
      the party is for sale like emeralds on the market.

  2. That idyot Nakachinda should be in jail tomorrow for ILLEGAL possession of skin of endangered animal. That kock-sucker is a poacher, or he should lead ZAWA where he got that wild animal skin. Which minister is in-charge of wild life? That skin is worth more than $20,000 on Thailand’s black market….
    Animals skins only allowed on traditional ceremonies like Mpezeni’s annual thing, not on political rallies, not even ifi nyau are allowed to wear wild-animal skins.
    Fvck MMD, animals need be protected from these animal.

  3. That idyot Nakachinda should be in jail tomorrow for ILLEGAL possession of skin of endangered animal. That kock-svcker is a poacher, or he should lead ZAWA where he got that wild animal skin. Which minister is in-charge of wild life? That skin is worth more than $20,000 on Thailand’s black market….
    Animals skins only allowed on traditional ceremonies like Mpezeni’s annual thing, not on political rallies, not even ifi nyau are allowed to wear wild-animal skins.
    Fvck MMD, animals need be protected from these animal.

  4. Where is the rule of law in Zambia? Thats exactly how Edgar got into power by sidelining Guy Scott due to threats by Thugs. Why cant he wait for the convention? defies any sense.

  5. Do you people think he’s speaking on his own accord….big fishes backing him …testing the waters to see Mr Mumba s popularity I guess

  6. ‘Nervous’ Mumba legitimate President of MMD, are you bonkus? You have not read his history from the time that he first wanted to sneak into politics under cover of the National Christian Coalition?
    Nervous is just using the cover of MMD hoping to be invited as running mate under either PF or Trible HH’s Trible UPND. He is not sure which of the two may form the next government as the political climate does not seem clear who will be the popular party for 2021. So he waits on the fence.
    But I can help him clarify the political landscape, neither PF nor Trible HH will make it in 2021. There is a completely new leader under manufacture in Heaven right now, last time I heard that leader was undergoing final touches to his brain and heart in order to lead His people properly. In this new…

  7. ……. In this new leader the genes of corruption have been completely removed by Heavenly scientists. When he comes to earth he will be reincarnated into one of the existing patriotic and intelligent Zambians, could be you or me. Could be Sishuwa, uuuhhhmm, now that is not a bad idea Lord.

  8. Sad to see a former ruling party in such a mess. My advice to my young brother is to respect the courts ruling and respect mr mumba. Work together with him as that is the only way to ensure survival of your party. I know the mmd very well as I had to study them obsessively to secure a pf win. Seek counsel my young brother. My doors are wide open in a personal capacity. Kz

    • Nakachinda, though you are a lost soul, please don’t go to this chap who is volunteering to give you advice, these are chaps who overate themselves despite the mess they have put the country in. Third worst performing currency, no reserves, inflation ni chigamba, exchange rate is exposing them daily, your MMD left the kwacha to a dollar at K6 and the ka stubborn chap can still blogg

  9. This is why the useless moron in State House nominated him, he didnt nominate him to sit in National Assembly from 9 to 5.


  11. “Nominated Member of Parliament Raphael Nakacinda has vowed to fight for Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) which he says has been taken over by illegitimate leaders in the Nevers Mumba executive.”

    The High court ruled on this, and gave they gave the party to its rightful Nervous Mumba. I really do not agree with Nervous, but he is a more stable individual than this Nakachinda charater. Zambia first always.

  12. Double standard of PF. Why are they allowing him to hold meetings. Reflections of failed leadership in PF. Their faction in MMD lost and now continue to destabilize it. Where is Nakacinda getting the money? Zambia indeed has become a failed state.

  13. A country where court rulings are not respected. Where is law enforcement? If the head of state can misinterpret the law and later refuse a court ruling, we can’t be surprised by this idi.ot’s actions

    • Hahahaha…….PWII you have hit the nail on the head! True that if a Head of State can ignore a court order(a lawyer for that matter) what more for other ordinary citizens? Yes the Nakachinda faction lost the court case and are now venting out their frustrations.

  14. I really fail to understand this guy? The PF adopted you why not just join PF since your faction lost? This make me wonder if he has something to hide that he did to MMD and is scared that the matter will soon catch up with him. Yet again i wonder why the PF would let him mobilize a party they overthrew while he is on their books as an adopted person?. Lastly why is he not pursued by the court or police for contempt?. Indeed we have become a lawless country.

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