Sunday, September 8, 2024

Zambia presents$ 9.5 billion opportunity for the private sector to invest in sustainable development, says Standard Chartered


The Standard Chartered Sustainable Development Goals Investment Map has revealed an almost 10 trillion US dollars opportunity for private-sector investors across all emerging markets to help achieve the UN Goals, with Zambia representing 9.5 billion US dollars of that total.

The study identifies opportunities for the private sector to contribute to three infrastructure-focused goals between now and 2030.

These are Sustainable Development Goal number six on Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 7 on Affordable and Clean Energy and SDG 9 on Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.

For SDG 9, which encourages improvement in the industry, innovation, and infrastructure, Opportunity 2030 highlights private-sector investment opportunities in transport and improving digital access.

The opportunity in the water sector is smaller, but still significant as around 66 percent of Zambia’s population on average still does not have access to clean water and sanitation facilities.

Standard Chartered Bank Zambia Chief executive Officer Herman Kasekende noted that with one of the fastest-growing populations in Africa, along with the government’s increasing focus on sustainable development, there is an opportunity to make a meaningful impact in Zambia.

In a statement issued by Christine Matambo, the Head of Corporate Affairs, Brand and Marketing, Mr Kasekende said opportunity 2030 provides an important map of the SDG opportunities for private sector investors looking to invest with impact and improve the lives of millions of Zambians over the next decade.


  1. Only once a proper new Government is in place should one think of pouring any funds / investment Zambia NOT into this Mw!b@la Kleptocracy, run by brainless thieves and Cadres who’s only achievement is Bankrupting the Nation though unfettered Corruption, Violence, lies, & record loadshedding.

  2. And some silly hyenas in opposition will say that the economy is in a bad state. Here is more evidence of pfs hard work. We invested alot in infrastructure because we knew that would drive the economy. Now we are beginning to reap the benefits. Don’t be cheated by fake news spread by one very angry loser. 2021 he will lose for 6th time. Mark my words. Kz

  3. i have never seen a shameless so called zulu like this guy, please let it be its or some fake guy, you just make the name of HE and PF dirty when it is only few characters who are messingup the country , please stay away what ever you call yourself and all of you seem to misunderstand the statement

  4. @3 KZ

    The article only mentions opportunities……..where is Zambia reaping the benefits of a $17 billion debt ???

    And you keep saying you win elections ???

    From what we can see , without brutality , shackled opposition, using grz resources, you can’t win no free and fair election.

    That is especially sobering seeing you have spent billions… should be so popular and not even campaign.

  5. The Bank should then further crystal use these opportunities highliting potential returns involved in the short to look nt term horizons. That PPP unit and LUSE and IDC should utilize this information into entities that the Zambians can participate in buy getting shares.

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