Sunday, September 8, 2024

PF says it has information tha UPND aligned PSV drivers want to cripple public transport in Lusaka today


The Patriotic Front in Lusaka Province says it has information backed by evidence that some drivers who are politically inclined to the opposition UPND are trying to incite and coerce other PSV drivers to park their buses today in an attempt to disrupt people’s daily business.

PF Lusaka Province Secretary Kennedy Kamba says written notices have been circulated by some leaders of disgruntled bus drivers, ordering other drivers to park their buses by whatever means this morning under the pretext of alleged interference of the PF in the running of bus stations and markets in the country.

Mr Kamba said maneuvers of the UPND leadership to bring confusion in the operations of the public service vehicles and the transport sector, in general, is ridiculous, insensitive and a criminal act of economic sabotage.

He said this is just about inciting people to rise against the government of the day and has nothing to do with trying to tackle any challenges.

“Country men and women, u will recall very well that the issue of interference in bus stations and markets was dealt with by the PF Government, including the Secretary-General of the ruling Party Honourable Davies Mwila who came out strongly encouraging the police to bring to book individuals who were claiming that they were collecting money from buses on behalf of the Party”, he said.

Mr Kamba said as a party that respects laws of the country, the PF went further to encourage local authorities to ensure that they take charge of Buses and Markets in the country and this was done.

“Our commitment as a party in supporting the adherence to the law in the running of markets and bus stations in this country is undoubted”, he added.

Mr Kamba said the PF is therefore perplexed that the UPND with a few disgruntled bus drivers in Lusaka want to engage in serious economic sabotage by encouraging drivers to stay away from work so that people get stranded.

He said Bus drivers have a right to belong to any political party of their choice and they are free to do that as a constitutional right but what is wrong is to use their political affiliation to try and embarrass government in the eyes of the citizenry.

Mr Kamba said the PF will not allow or entertain such kind of lawlessness, an attempt to try and sabotage the economy and bring confusion.

He said drivers that don’t want to work today have every right to stay home but should not intimidate those who want to work.

“We have a government in place that deserves respect. Zambia is a democracy and we will not tolerate schemes and machinations from the opposition UPND to cause turmoil in Lusaka and later claim that the country is becoming ungovernable under the PF”, he added.

Mr Kamba has warned the leadership of the UPND to stop issuing threats on innocent and ordinary Zambians who work in bus stations and markets saying these places are for all Zambians and there is no PF supporter or member collecting money from there.

He reiterated that the Bus Stations and markets are being managed by the local authorities in accordance with the law.


  1. It is criminal extortion for PF cadres to collect money from every single bus driver while the local council is struggling to raise funds to provide facilities such as toilets, cleaning rubbish, etc.

    PF should be mature and take responsibility instead of always blaming everything on UPND. The silence of ECL himself is what these jobless cadres are taking as approval for their criminal activities. ECL has dismally failed to deliver on the one million jobs promised in 2016, and this has come back to haunt him.

  2. We were not surprised when we received this intelligence. To the contrary it confirmed our belief that the upnd are evil sadists with the aim of crippling our economy just to get into power. This is treasonous. Kz

    • We know PF is scared and panicking because of the change in the political tide of the country towards UPND. Dead kicks and rantings of a PF dying horse.

  3. If UPND are evil sadist who are looking out for the poor driver being harassed by PF thugs….how would we describe KZ and PF?? Angels?….

  4. Kennedy Kamba, PF Lusaka province secretary: “The Patriotic Front in Lusaka Province says it has information backed by evidence that some drivers who are politically inclined to the opposition UPND are trying to incite and coerce other PSV drivers to park their buses today in an attempt to disrupt people’s daily business.”

    Well, Mr Kamba, why not hand over that information to the security agencies? Is PF a state security agency? And if Trible UPND are wrong, then you PF are also wrong to take state security matters in your hands. And why the sensitivity, is it true that PF cadres are still collecting money from bus drivers?

  5. Please PF, give us citizens some confidence that you are in charge of this country and doing the correct things. Past few days or weeks your behaviour suggests a party that is in panic mode, a party in fear of losing power. Look at Sunday Chanda with his wild allegations against fellow members confirming a party divided against itself; look at Antonio Mwanza on UNZA salaries; and now this Kamba. And of course many other PF leaders and cadres alike, it seems that they are not even sure know who they want to lead them into 2021, apart from UPND and UNIP type of tactics of “electing” candidates before they even go to a convention.

  6. Who, how and where does the money go which is collected in these bus station. Because just by lumumba station you will find these guys who collect monies from drivers having many so called receipt books…no proper date or duplicated receipts not even carbon paper…the accountability is pathetic. Its public knowledge that pf is still running these stations and markets.

  7. This is what is missed of Sata’s leadership, even in his sickness he tried to discipline his cadres. He didn’t blames the opposotion like the case now and he wasn’t so unconcerned like Lungu. Kaizer with his unruly behaviour did not survive long enough. PF has surey been hijacked by thugs like Kaizer and other useless people who can never take responsibility for anything except blame others

  8. If PF caders are not paying them selves from extortion of bus drivers and the public , instruct the councils to publish how much levies are collected from each bus stop and to account for those monies.
    But they can not do that because extortion of the public is the jobs lungu promised his thugs….

    We even have PF rats on LT like citizen and cader who claim there is no crime called extortion in the Zambian penal code…….

  9. If PF caders are not extorting the public as part of their jobs promised by lungu, PF should challenge the council’s to show accountability of levies fro bus stops and markets like how antonio mwanza challenged UNZA to show accountability regarding monies from assets.

  10. The deads are so disgruntled that disruption fills their oval heads.
    So disgruntled, infact extremely disgruntled cry baby wasp nests developing cry babies.
    Extremely under5.

    ECL 2021.

  11. PF know the extortion of the public by their thugs is payment in kind for their harrassment of the same public to vote for PF……….a quid pro quo in crime by a sitting GRZ to get elected.

    Without the violence and harassment of the public by these PF thugs , PF can never win a free and fair election.

  12. I have never seen these cry babies in the name of PF ever since 1964. Remember this is a party that has to blame another person, or UPND or Climate on anything. No responsibility no accountability at all. I am PF but yayi baba, this is another

  13. PF blame every one but themselves, it is seriously becoming boring. I will not be surprised if they blame HH for the recent floods experienced in Lusaka.

  14. Last week they claimed it was Panji Kaunda and Mangani in eastern province
    Now it’s UPND with Bus drivers wanting to do fimo fimo
    When will these Kachepa stories surrounding the general public come to an end?

  15. Its seems UPND is becoming a force to reckon with . Even the bus drivers association which was known for supporting the PF has been taken over by the UPND.

  16. Those old enough will remember how in the Kaunda regime everything was being blamed on South Africa. The mealie meal riots were blamed on South Africa!
    Now the scapegoat for everything is UPND.For the last few years PF has minted millions from bus stations why Kamba has become a millionaire from the failed PF youth empowerment project of Higher buses,all the money from the project went into his pockets and his associates with no punishment or reprimand, so he can lay prostate before the PF money minting machine

  17. RB a trained economist though with a corrupt tag did better by far. He even allowed Political parties to assemble freely. You could tell that the man was in charge of the economy. But these PF chaps, the failure is alarming. Very alarming actually. I love PF but the truth is that they have not passed the exam, and I don’t think if they repeated they would pass, the school authorities(Zambian people) will have no choice but to expel them in 2021

  18. Cry baby kry babe.
    Listen to how funny h² sounded.

    August 12, 2016…

    “The ECZ (Electoral Commission of Zambia) is somehow conniving with people in the political arena to delay the release of results so that PF thugs armed with guns take over the polling stations at night and write fake results,” United Party for National Development (UPND) candidate Hakainde Hichilema told journalists.

    “They are tryinna generate the results.”

    Kekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke! U5 goon. Miserable loser. Pathological liar.

  19. We have information that UPND connived with the heavens last rainy season to create a drought so as not to fill lake Kariba with water in order to force PF to introduce load shedding and make them unpopular.

  20. It’s shocking how PF Thugs have taken over the running of bus stops by collecting money. This extends to taxi ranks of any kind, when the council must be collecting the money. The receipts are rather dubious.The solution is to make it digital with money going directly to council coffers with no exchange of cash.. Create a card linked to each bus and put a gate with camera’s that will only open when the correct number plate passes the boom. There is free advice KZ.

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