Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Screen Chinese nationals in Zambia for the “mysterious” New Corona virus, UPND demands


The opposition UPND says it is concerned about the outbreak of a virus in China and its possible spread to Zambia.

“We would like to appeal to the Government of the Republic of Zambia and the general populous to take keen interest in the outbreak of the ‘mysterious’ and deadly new corona-virus in the Chinese City of Wuhan fast spreading to other cities like Beijing,” UPND Spokesman Charles Kakoma has said.

“With the United States of America (USA) screening for the Wuhan virus outbreak at 3 major airports, we urge the Zambian government to urgently look into this matter and commence screening points across all our major or high risk borders,”Mr Kakoma said.

“We are of the view that seeking quick remedial interventions by the Ministry of Health in collaborations with the Centre for Infectious Diseases Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) would help prevent the new corona-virus from being transmitted by those travelling from Wuhan City to Zambia.”

Mr Kakoma said the UPND believes that Government should take keen interest in this important issue as failure to do so would result in loss of lives in Zambia as the “Wuhan virus is very deadly.

“And owing to the rapidity at which the disease is said to be spreading, we believe that it would be prudent for the Government to engage major stakeholders and look into this matter and furnish our people with the symptoms of the deadly new corona virus and the possible primary prevention steps.”

“Further, we wish to appeal to the Zambian Embassy in China to furnish the Zambian people both in that country and here on whether there are any modalities that have been put in place to ensure that Chinese nationals intending to travel to Zambia or Zambians traveling back home are thoroughly screened to ensure that the disease is contained,” he said.

“Lastly, we pray that the Zambian government shall immediately put the nation on an immediate health alert in relation to the “Wuhan” new corona virus or risk exposing the nation to a health hazard. Prevention is better than cure.”


  1. So America leads the way….whatever they do then lets kopela….Man marrying a Man…since America is doing it lets also do it…according to UPND

  2. The Chinese screen you for drugs and Ebola.
    We screen Indians for yellow fever and Dengue.
    Upndeads have to be screened for homosexual activities especial as they come to Zambia from their extrahomos activity.

  3. Yes Sound Advice but the headline suggests Kakoma is racist. The headline makes it look like Kakoma’s advice is discriminatory or even racist. Its like he is saying Chinese must be screened noone else. Im sure Kakoma and the LT editor know that viruses dont travel via nationalities. If a disease breaks out in China it doesnt mean every Chinese all over the world is at risk of transmitting it. Should black Americans be screened everytime there is an Ebola break out in Congo since they originate from Africa? Its only those within the territory of the break out who are bound to be infectious. In this case Kakoma is saying everyone travelling from China must be screened

  4. Any traveler coming into the country regardless of nationality or status should be screened just like we had medical personnel stationed at the airport during the SARS outbreak the same thing should be done now.

  5. And check your cabinet and tell me how many Lozis ,Kaondes, Lenjes ,Lambas and Tongas as compared to Northerners and Easterners. That is the main problem with Northerners and Easterners, they think that only them must rule Zambia. UPND has never advocated for tribalism. Check some adverts which require someone to commmunicate in bemba.


  6. We are already assessing this issue with the respective authorities both here in Zambia and in China. It requires joint efforts. Thanks but we are already on it my friend. Kz

  7. If this virus spreads . I feel sorry for my people! the chinese are the majority on flights coming to Zambia.. Pray that none of them is a carrier you will be wiped out, Tefintu!!!!

  8. The United States has confirmed the first case of the new coronavirus on its territory.
    The Centers for Disease Control said the virus, which originated in China, had been diagnosed in a US resident who arrived in Seattle from China.
    The virus, which spread from the Chinese city of Wuhan, has infected almost 300 people, and six have died.
    North Korea has temporarily closed its borders to foreign tourists in response to the threat, a tour operator says.

  9. Lovely advice there Mr K, Nothing like racism remarks here, Headlines stands and its clear and loud enough Chinese Nationals should be screened, what’s wrong, small brainless people already drags politics here on something that of national hazard to come. Charles you hit it correct” Chinese Nationals should be screened for Colona Virus.

  10. Good advice but do not restrict these screenings only to Chinese nationals we also have zambian students and business men who travelled to China.

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