Friday, March 7, 2025

Nsanda divorced, but rejects court’s ruling to share half his property


PATRIOTIC Front (PF) Chimwemwe Member of Parliament (MP), Willy Nsanda has been divorced by his wife, Phebby but the MP rejected the court’s ruling that he shares half of his property with her.

Mr Nsanda told the Lusaka Boma local court that he could not share 50 per cent of his properties with his former wife because the two were not staying together when he accumulated the properties.

Lusaka boma local court senior presiding magistrate Henry Mwananshiku sitting with senior local court magistrate Juliet Mwila dissolved Mr Nsanda’s marriage yesterday after the MP was sued by his wife for divorce.

Mr Nsanda said he had worked for his properties and had title deeds for the property he had acquired but was surprised to hear his former wife was claiming for the goods for which she was not a beneficiary.

“She found me with a house at Mass Media, she found me building a 20 roomed motel for my child Elizabeth because I did not want my children to suffer. I am surprised that today she is claiming properties she is never party to,” Mr Nsanda said.

He told Mr Mwananshiku that what his former wife was doing was criminal and would not let her benefit from things she had not built with him.

This was in a case in which Phebby Nsanda, 48, of house number 7660 Woodlands Extension Lusaka had sued her husband for divorce alleging that Mr Nsanda, 57, of house number 245, Zekoni Avenue, Itimpi Kitwe was causing marital disputes in their marriage.

Mr Mwananshiku granted Mrs Nsanda divorce and ordered that the MP shared half of his household goods and properties the two had acquired during their stay as a couple.

But Mr Nsanda said after the judgment was passed that he could not share his properties adding that if that were the case he would be forced to appeal to a higher court.

He accused his wife of having an affair with Ernest Mwamba an employee of the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) an allegation Mrs Nsanda refuted. The MP doubted if the child the two had was his.

Mr Nsanda demanded that the court grants him permission to have both the child and parents undergo a DNA test to ascertain the father of the child.

“I want to be clear with the court’s ruling which is saying that I share the properties that I built and gotten deeds before I met this woman?
“If that is the case I want to appeal and who can help me to appeal,” he asked.

Mr Mwananshiku, however, reminded Mr Nsanda that it would be tantamount to contempt if the MP refused to share the properties with his wife.

He said the court had made its decision and if Mr Nsanda was not happy with the decision he had the right to appeal to a higher court.

The court also ordered Mr Nsanda to pay his former wife K20 million compensation in four months installments and provide a K500,000 child maintenance to the child the two had beginning this month.

“Honourable, your job is very respected so just go and pay what the court has ruled failure to which will be contempt. The laws that you make in Parliament have today tied you. These are the same laws that we the courts follow,” Mr Mwananshiku said.

He said there was no doubt the child Mr Nsanda had with his former wife was his and to that effect the MP should ensure the child received what was due to her.

On the court granting Mr Nsanda permission to have a DNA test, Mr Mwananshiku said it was not the duty of the court to grant such permission but it was a decision to be made by the couple.

During trial, Mrs Nsanda told the court that she wanted to divorce her husband because the MP was abusive in his language and had no respect for her as a wife.

She said trouble started after her uterus was removed and after she gave birth to Mr Nsanda’s child by Caesarean Section.

Mrs Nsanda said she started staying with Mr Nsanda in 2004 and the MP paid dowry for their marriage although it was not legally binding because they had not registered their matrimony.

Mrs Nsanda said her husband also accused her of receiving K1 billion from the ruling MMD to kill Mr Nsanda and the PF leader Michael Sata.

She said she was rightly married to Mr Nsanda because he even bought her a Mercedes Benz registration number ABE 8780 as a present after giving birth to a baby girl.

In cross-examination, Mrs Nsanda denied allegations that she started staying with Mr Nsanda because she had run out of money and her companies had collapsed.

Asked by Mr Nsanda if she did not have a charm, Mrs Nsanda responded in Bemba “Imwe ba Nsanda bushe nganalikwete ilomba ama newspaper yonse ngatayaumfwa nokulandikishya mulandikisha,” which when translated into English reads: “Mr Nsanda if I had a charm wouldn’t all the newspapers have heard as you are a loud mouth?”

Earlier Mr Nsanda publicly harassed Times of Zambia chief photographer Stephen Kapambwe when the photojournalist tried to get a picture of the MP outside the local court premises.

As Mr Nsanda was disembarking from his vehicle, Mr Kapambwe tried to capture the MP but he (Mr Nsanda) approached Mr Kapambwe and grabbed his camera demanding that he (Mr Kapambwe) deletes captured pictures.

Mr Nsanda asked for Mr Kapambwe’s identity, and the photographer produced his Press pass but the MP was not happy and took the Times employee to the messengers office where the camera was again confiscated by the court officials.

The MP told Mr Kapambwe that he had no right to take pictures of him and if continued he would sue him for violation of human rights.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Yes, I may agree with some bloggerz that LT often dwellz on trivialitiez instead of matterz that are bread and butter of the general citizenery. Listened to Maureen Mwanawasa on BBC this morning saying she is paid only K5000,000=00, she haz to pay US$2000 and US$10000 for her children’z school feez and that she wants to become prezident of Zambia one day.

  2. OMG! What are our politicians getting themselves into? Its really a sad development whoever it is. It’s really sad when a marriages breakdown.
    Secondly, whatever happened to the much publicised I had a feeling that their going offline was just in a matter of time. I failed to understand how people would blatantly ignore the simple dictates of intellectual property rights even if they had beef with The Post. Can u imagine me registering just to counter whatever this wonderful platform does? I mean, its has taken a lot of work, effort, dedication and commitment from to get to where they are today, its a powerful brand which informs us. I think people should think thru wat they do. It just made them seem too desperate.

  3. Its a Friday I guess we can talk trivial. Anyway, Hon Nsanda has a valid point there and this is a winnable case on appeal. It is important to establish a person wealth before they got married to prevent Gold Diggers marrying rich people for two weeks only to divorce them and claim half their wealth. No further comments

  4. I agree with MMD Chief Bootlicker. Talking about trivialities, aren’t people who preside over cases in a Local Court called Local Court Justices and not Magistrates? I have observed also how some of our news reporters write stuff without researching – peddling lies and rumors. There are also instances I have read things like “… was charged for altering a false document…” when it should be “…was charged for uttering a false document…”. The list goes on and on….

  5. Im suprised that Phebby is saying that Willy has abusive language…surely even a deaf person has heard of how foul-mouthed ba honourable is…may be she thought money was going to shield her ears from the insults !

  6. MMD chief bootlicker!!!!! congrats. Elyo mwalandapo ifyamano ba tata. The wife to Nsanda was a gold digger for sure. I have grown up in Kitwe and have seen Ba Nsanda progress. This woman is insane and for sure she is a gold digger. By 2004 when she started staying with Nsanda, he had everything and this woman was just enjoying her life on what somebody has worked for from his youth. Besides, she there is no documentation that she is married to him. Why share the property??? patali

  7. # .5 Good point. I m convinced you are just a very good person if not influenced by political affliations. Enjoy your Friday.

  8. #5 MMD Chief Bootlicker naulasa,Gents carefull when marrying if you have riches and Ba LT don’t give us half baked info,mule digger sana.

  9. “sue him for violation of human rights!” But amafontini mu Zambia! Is that the reason why we do not have recent photographs of individuals accompanying news items? Zambian media and LT as well are always using pictures from archives! A digital camera just costs $80 but being professional they could add zoom lenses so that they are not within reach of the subjects. Any photo-journalist who needs help can ask and we will help. We need good photo-journalism, even surreptitious ones to expose bad behaviours!!

  10. On the other hand, I do not agree with MMD Chief Bootlicker. Normally I do, but today I dont. One of the vows at marriage goes like ‘ALL my worldly goods with thee I share.’ The law does not separate what one earned before marriage from that after. That is why, people have what is called PRE-nuptual agreement. You have to state clearly BEFORE you marry what exactly you will give your spouse in the event of divorce. Sorry Mr Nsanda, if you did not do that, you are in for high jump. She gets 50% AND you pay maintanance as well. The only caveat here is the definition of marriage. Were they LEGALLY married. A good lawyer could go through this ‘affair’ with a tooth comb and come up with the conclusion that after all, there was no marriage.

  11. I stand to be corrected; there are grey areaz in marriage law with regard to “proof of marriage”, that az long az a man livez with a woman, for a period under one roof, performing all “matrimonial functionz”, then they are man and wife?

  12. Seems ba Chief bootlicker is now slowly moving to the center 🙂 I doubt if ba Senior Citizen can learn from him. We can debate anyhow we like but let’s avoid extremism. One Zambia one Nation bane… l-)

  13. Nsanda appeal. Those local court justices are being unfair with you. That woman knew what she wanted when she married you —-GOLD—— Let her not reap where she did not sow. it is good that it was a civil marriage. Go Go Go Nsanda go:d/

  14. Ba Nsanda how many children do you want, you already have many children. Your grounds for wanting more children are very childish, and it’s people like you that Zambia can’t develop. Share half of your property so that you learn not to divorce…useless man:-l

  15. It is a shame that the divorce rate is high in this country. # 3 tks for your contribution about Maureen where she was saying she is only paid K5,000,000. This woman shud know that there are alot of retirees, widows and Zambain workers who dont get paid that kid of money.If she cannot afford to pay sch fees for her kids let her put them in government schs/colleges. There is nothing special about her or her kids. About her ambition for the presidency, she just wants to come and resuscitate the family tree.

  16. How can the court say there is no doubt the child is Nsandas? What proof do they have to say there is no doubt? Zambian Justice. If the marriage was not legally binding just what exactly was being divorced? The court will give a divorce certificate where there is no marriage certificate.

  17. Please we not interested in private affairs of politicians-let us not waste time LT let us have better news please

  18. #23 this is the main story in the times of zambia today were LT copied the story from.So you can see how the government media is currently being abused to just sort out PF financiers,so sad that a noble profesion like journalism has gone to the dogs in Zed.

  19. This shows that Local courts do not have any references. It is now attempting to imitate English law. As far as Zambian customary law goes the woman never receives anything material in a divorce. The two just part. In some cultures where the children will go is what matters

  20. This lady was just Nsanda’s girlfriend, there was no marriage certificate to prove that she was married to him. What a waste of time.

  21. Lol…people would never complain if the story was carried by the post. bunch of hypocrites. even British law has a provision for definition of marriage after cohabitation. and we follow such.
    sadly there is no news in zambia but just a tabloid and government propaganda.
    LT is just a mirror of what happens in the media.sad

  22. This is the problem of marrying “vultures” who go into marriage because of material things.
    Naiwe mudala should reduce your yearning for amaule.
    Anyway, on a more serious note, you are have a right to appeal this judgment and should get a favourable hearing and reduced compensation for this “Gold Digger”.

  23. This is the problem of marrying “vultures” who go into marriage because of material things.
    Naiwe mudala should reduce your yearning for amaule.
    Anyway, on a more serious note, you have a right to appeal this judgment and should get a favourable hearing and reduced compensation for this “Gold Digger”.

  24. It’s the first time am agreeing with MMD Chief Bootlicker ! Indeed Nsanda is right infact what i know about Zambian marriage law is exactly what Nsanda has said,his ex wife can only get 50% of the assets they or he acquired in their time together as a married couple and that the person that usually sues for divorce normally bears the cost of the dissolution unless their is a mutual agreement that the marriage be dissolved.

  25. let the women get what belongs to her. 50% 50% This man keeps on using women like tools. he should be made to pay. this should teach him a lesson and maybe he will start respecting women and regard them as people. foolish man

  26. # 5 MMD chief bootlicker today i agree with you ,it is a Friday so let us talk talk trivial.Well i should admit that am enjoying the drama in this case .But am just also wondering if it is fair that the wife should part away with half of the estate when it is apparent that she did not help build it,i mean laws should be made ,to make things to work evenly for all pipo, but if the same laws allows others to use Gold digging methods to get access to other pipo`s benefits from years of hardwork and sweat then i have a problem with that.After all the marriage was not legally binding so it is as good as co-habiting.:-?

  27. this justice is not informed. the first thing he would have done was to ask the wife to state the properties and wealth that mr nsanda made while with him. them let mr nsanda confirm. thereafter let those items be mention in the ruling. in the issue of mr nsanda denying the paternity of the child, the court should have adjourned the case and send mr nsanda to the clinic for DNA test. this case is not yet done all because of the ignorance of the justice. this is what is making cases drag in Zambia. there is no law that makes a woman share the wealth that he found with the husband already. in fact there could be another woman who is a share holder in them already because some of these guys are just too much. it was a poor judgment. send this justice to NIPA again.

  28. Nsanda should get a good divorce lawyer and this Gold Digger will be sorted out with what she deserves.Infact,this ruling is a good lesson to us.To those castigating LT or TZ for carrying this story,they are not being truth.The Post reported on Elias Mpondela’s infidelity when he was flirting with the late MoFNP seniour Economist and he was just an MMD Lusaka Chairman.I remember seeing Bivan Saluseki at Chilenje local court and they even reported his alleged wife-battering ans subsequent divorce.How about Nsanda,an MP? even in the West,it will be newsworthy.

  29. LT – What development will Nsanda`s Divorce bring to ZED.You are after discrediting UPND/PF Members.we are watching.Be Rest assured come 2011 even you should cease

  30. Even if the woman is a vulture, Nsanda was also unwise to marry her. Anyway, the law must take its course.

    If by custom or tradition this woman is married to Nsanda, then she is entitled to benefits – whatever is lawful.

    Child maintenance is a must. We have so many fathers in zambia who have abandoned children without supporting them. This must end.

  31. Such hatred for women? Co-habiting is no legal term. One should not use wealth to entice women, perpetuate thuggery in a home, bring harlots in a matrimonial bedroom & get away with. If there were no prenuptial agreements & knowing that sexual slavery & raping is illegal, rules of divorce should apply. I agree with bootliker ALL the time but he just sounds uncivilized this time around. There is no such thing as gold digger. Only immoral men taking advantage of weak position of women & spreading AIDS along the way.

  32. Let us take this as an example guys.By Signing a Prenuptial agreement you can avoid some all these things….Gold diggers.

  33. There were not even a marriage here atleast legally enze chabe girlfriend.If i was Nsanda i can only say she was just my……

  34. There was not even a marriage here, atleast legally enze chabe girlfriend.If i was Nsanda, i can only say she was just my……

  35. Some things that are not trivial at all about this article are the precedence that the outcome of such a ‘high profile’ divorce sets, and also the faults in our reasoning that it brings to light. Our women must continue to be protected from our unjust biases that have put them in a place of disadvantage for several years. I agree with #15 for the most part, and would also like to add that we watch our words for they say a lot about what we are as people. It is not by proclaiming we are a Christian nation that we can be seen to be setting an example for others to follow, rather it is the way we empathize or sympathize with fellow citizens, in this case our women. The law should protect married women by being consistent and fair. This sounds like a very fair outcome and sets a great…

  36. Wow!!! I think the most exciting point about this blog string is the overwhelming endorsement Bootlicker’s comment has attracted. If the same comment came from anyone else no one would have even bothered….that is except if the same comment came from Senior Citizen, in which case the blog would crush all together

  37. Mister Nsanda if you used condoms then you are not father of child. If you did not maybe it was your intention to be father.

  38. So ba Phebby 48, pa South Africa kuti balebomba game shinga? What i mean is lower league yapa SA tale itampa R10, then premier from R100?
    Kuno UK kukosa, non-league £20, elo ninshi ni 30 minutes

  39. Love love as they wish for it. How can you love your friend if you can’t even love yourself. Let the law prevail in this matter. If Nsands was a good man he should have not remarried in 2004, these are the outcomes. Good on you woman 50% of Zambia bostwana buses awe ulimo.

  40. A gold digger goes gold digging, finds the gold and digs it, then you say she can’t have it. I think this is unfair. The punishment may be excessive to Mr Nsanda but generally our women have had a raw deal – reason why we have so many stret kids pa Zed. Mr Nsanda wanted to milk a cow for free – no. Pay the departure fees baba!!

  41. the best line in the article was the laws you make in parliamentn have tied you today. MPs should know the silly laws they pass in parliament eventually affect peoples lives in unimaginable ways.So pay your gold digger her dues since its Zambian Law!:)>-

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