Friday, October 4, 2024

The Chinese National rushed to UTH from the KKIA has no coronavirus-Dr Chilufya


The government has dismissed reports that a Chinese national admitted to University Teaching Hospital (UTH) is a suspected Coronavirus patient.

Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya said that the Chinese national was taken to UTH just as a safety precaution to protect the public, adding that coronavirus has been ruled out in the case.

His comments come after a Chinese national was rushed to the University Teaching Hospital for treatment, from the Kenneth Kaunda Airport today with flu-like symptoms.

Dr. Chilufya said that heightened surveillance at entry points in Zambia will ensure the country continues to be safeguarded from the deadly coronavirus.

Dr. Chilufya said that this may result in a serious probe into anyone displaying some symptoms similar to the virus.

The minister has since called on members of the public to desist from alarming reports over the Coronavirus issue as it can cause public distress unnecessarily.

The Chinese national who is admitted to the institution had not traveled to China recently.


  1. Thank you doctor chilufya for your timely announcement. We are glad that your very hard working ministry has taken proactive steps during this epidemic. You are showing the true values of the pf party. We are just disappointed with our friend in opposition who spread fake news last week stating that south African authorities had discovered a case here in Zambia. Why would people go the extent of lying about such things. Very evil upnd party. Kz

  2. Zambia should wish for coronavirus, it will be a chance to clean out Lusaka from all those PF viruses.
    Shut down Lusaka for a week, fumigate all those dirty PFools from mouth to anuses. idyiots.

  3. Zambia should wish for coronavirus, it will be a chance to clean out Lusaka from all those PF viruses.
    Shut down Lusaka for a week, fumigate all those dirty PFools .

  4. Zambia should wish for coronavirus, it will be a chance to clean out Lusaka from all those PF viruses.
    Shut down Lusaka for a week, fumigate all those dirty PFckers .

  5. Why do we as Zambians always think in terms of party lines. Look at the comments from @KZ and @Nostradamus.

    When do we draw the line and grow up. Regardless of your stripe we are all Zambians just trying to make a better future for our families. Some struggling more than others.

    We have a real threat on our lives as our health systems are weak and will not stand the impact of corona virus without external support.

  6. I do think that instead of just denying this and that. The national needs to be informed of a ‘whole of government’ readiness strategy in place as this goes beyond Min of Health.

    We need Cabinet Office, ZNS, army, Min of Fin, Education and others to be fully on board with a plan. Have we procured masks, tents for quarantine, medicines, etc?

    Zambia wake up.

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    Do they even have equipment and know-how to detect Coronavirus in Zambia? Other countries are now either quarantining or banning travelers from China completely.

    Rushing him to UTH just risked spreading the disease if he was indeed infected. And he had not traveled to China why then did they suspect him of Coronavirus? Where did he come from when he was at the airport? So many unanswered questions.

  8. This chinese must be quarantined for 14 days. Stop playing games. May be you are not able to identify the coronavirus in your lab. ANY BODYCOMING FROM CHINA WHETHER CHINESE OR ZAMBIANS MUST BE QUARANTINED. ONCE PEOPLE START DYING FROM THIS VIRUS YOU WILL NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO.

  9. You can not trust a man like Chilufya or shambolic deceitful Lungu govt with such an epidemic, I mean even if someone was infected with the disease what is the procedure as the people taking the patient to the hospital will be infected, people the person came with will be infected…where does the ambulance even go to UTH or Miana Soko Military.

  10. ”The Chinese national who is admitted to the institution had not traveled to China recently.” LOL!!!

    when the sh!t hits the fan hopefully there will be enough ambulances to rush infected Zambians to hospitals

  11. This is not funny, you suspect coronavirus and you rush the victim to the hospital? Are you serious? Do you rush cholera victims to the hospital?

  12. This KZ monkey doesn’t work what he’s talking about. PF working hard my A$$! Your fate is here and everyone is sick and tired of of your corrupt government. Stay working on your exile than post crap here monkey with big nose

  13. Purified we all came from monkeys including whites. The entire human race are practically monkeys. So what you are saying is not going to annoy me in anyway.if anything I wish you all the best. Contact me to engage me in things of national development. Kz

  14. Rushed to UTH? Is this Fake news. Should NOT have used UTH for tests/ observation.

    Govt must locate emergency shelters for quarantine Immediately. In fact should not have driven him through Lusaka at all! Helicopter suspects to remote areas away from the city.

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