Friday, October 18, 2024

Umulandu Taubola : Tribalism in PF


Every Citizen has a right to report anyone suspected of committing a crime

I have read a number of articles and social media posts on the issue of tribal hate speech by PF cadres namely, Chanda Nyela and Bizwell Mutale. Nothing wrong with writing such articles of condemnation but just writing will not achieve anything if the perpetrators of tribal hate speech know that there are no consequences to their criminal behaviour.

My plea to Zambians is this: DEVELOP A CULTURE OF REPORTING SUCH CRIMINAL ELEMENTS TO THE POLICE. Lay a complaint, provide evidence and have a docket opened. It’s mandatory for the police to open a docket for any genuine complaint presented before them.

I have noted with dismay the culture Zambians have developed of saying that the police will not do anything because its ruling party cadres and officials involved. This is understandable but let us all remember that ruling parties do not rule forever. Let’s have these complaints filed and if the police don’t perform their job the next government will prosecute. Remember the saying that ‘UMULANDU TAUBOLA’, well this is more applicable to criminal cases as there is no limitation of the period in which a criminal suspect can be prosecuted. Nazi holocaust criminals are still being prosecuted once caught even up to this day.




  1. Reporting to the police? For them to do what?! Tribalism is not a criminal offence in Zambia….so what will they possibly do? No legal frame work!

  2. My plea to Zambians is this: DEVELOP A CULTURE OF REPORTING SUCH CRIMINAL ELEMENTS TO THE POLICE. Lay a complaint, provide evidence and have a docket opened. It’s mandatory for the police to open a docket for any genuine complaint presented before them.
    Remember the saying that ‘UMULANDU TAUBOLA’, well this is more applicable to criminal cases as there is no limitation of the period in which a criminal suspect can be prosecuted. Nazi holocaust criminals are still being prosecuted once caught even up to this day.

    this statement is so true, have heard about cases revisited by police even after years have past.

  3. The Limitations Act of Zambia will of course need to be brought into contemplation of such an interpretation of
    “Umulandu ta ubola “

  4. After 2021 , Tribalism in any form or on any platform will be criminalized. This issue has gone out of hand under the PF.

  5. FACT IS when corrupt african leaders are planning to rig the elections , again and again, they bring confusion in their countries, like staging of ritual killings in Zambia and rumours of vampires in Malawi etc… Their Citizens start suspecting and killing innocent fellow country men, then the police and soldiers start pretending to bring order by intimidating their fellow citizens with more violence ,and causing fear and confusion amongst their people

  6. Under this lungu GRZ , at no time in Zambia’s history has there been as much corruption, tubalisim , political violence, as of now , is it a coincidence that only when lungu comes along do we see a spike in these vices ????

    • Spaka you are spot on! You forgot to mention that poverty levels are at their worst in the country’s history. I miss the MMD, they looked after us very well

  7. But UPND were pioneers of hardcore tribalism examples are there to point out..

    No wonder Europeans have no tribal tags on whatever only race supremacy.

  8. Prosecution is just one weapon to counter such things. The school system is also an option by putting certain topics in history and civics syllabi so that people learn. Journalism is also letting us down. Such people as Bizwell Mutale can be invited for a long interview so that they’re exposed for wht they’re.

  9. But why bring upnd? The subject is PF and it’s tribalism, curruption, violence? Let’s deal with is issue first, then if you insist, we can then look at your perceived interest. ,

  10. The negative tribal sentiments by party cadres is a reflection of the leadership of the day who have failed to unify the “nation under one Zambia one nation”, instead they thrive on division by fanning/entertaining such extreme comments that are toxic to the nation. Its inflammatory and careless statements of this nature that triggered the genocide in Rwanda. Lungu should quickly and vehemently condemn such extremist and offensive attacks before they escalate into violence. Most of all he should disassociate himself from such pronouncements lest the public believes its the official party position.

  11. Hogwash!

    Only a tonga to rule upndead.

    What are you yapping about? Even your voting pattern is tribal. Even this article is tribal.
    But my comment is not tribal.
    Wendoshi niwe!

  12. But why bring upnd into the discussion? The subject is PF and it’s tribalism, curruption, violence, Satanism, etc? Let’s deal with these issues first, then if you insist, we can then look at your perceived interest of smearing upnd.

  13. @Thorn in the Flesh
    Grow up! You are a core tribalist. If you had power, you would extinguish other ethnic groups.

  14. That’s the shame of tribalism.while economic hardships ravage these men have plenty of time spreading hate.Shame on you Mr mutale & mbewe.

  15. Recently we had radio mano hate speech and chilubi is not even fully unraveled.Mr Mbewe trek of shameful tribalism has not fully been digested mutale unleashed his tribal venom.Now we know this tribal cancer requires voting this party out of power.

  16. Who said only a tonga can be a president of upnd please we need a video to prove this who said that am sick and tired of these people who are promoting tribalism if bembas and easterners think there are superior than others let’s cut Zambia in two full stop we are tired of you see how bembas have gone so low promoting tribalism so that they can remain in power and keep on stealing nonsense.

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