Saturday, March 15, 2025

5 people sent to jail with hard labour for illegal possession of wildlife products


Five people have been sentenced to five years imprisonment with hard labour for illegal possession of wildlife products by Subordinate Courts in Chongwe, Kaoma and Nakonde.

In Chongwe, the Subordinate Court sentenced Clement Nyangu aged 20 and David Daka, 22 to five years imprisonment each, with hard labour after they pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of one lion skin.

Officers from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) arrested the two in Kanakantapa area of Chongwe.

In another case, the Kaoma Subordinate Court has convicted and sentenced Enock Musenge, a 37 year old businessman of Chief Mutondo’s area in Kaoma district to five years imprisonment with hard labour for illegal possession of one leopard skin.

Meanwhile, the Nakonde Subordinate Court has sentenced Joseph Simwinga, 47 a peasant farmer and Innocent Mulwanda ,27 a security guard from Mbala district to five years imprisonment each, with hard labour for illegal possession of protected trophy, namely one live Pangolin, contrary to section 130(1) of the Zambia Wildlife Act No. 14 of 2015.

Ministry of Tourism and Arts Spokesperson Sakabilo Kalembwe said the duo was arrested on December 29, 2019 in Kankonde area along Mbala road by officers from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife.

Mr Kalembwe said illegal possession of pangolins, lion and leopard skins is a punishable criminal offence which attracts a mandatory minimum five-year prison sentence for convicted offenders.


  1. Then we have a foote puking unprintables because our able courts rightly delivers justice. Bringing in completely unrelated issues sending the incompetent deads in a wild frenzy of madness.

  2. I for one support stiffer punishment for these criminals. Natural resources are a source of national income. What these criminals have done is to steal your resources as zambians for their personal gain. Kz

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