Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Dora Siliya’s Justifying Extra Judicial Killings is Heartbreaking-OYV


By Guess Nyirenda, OYV Executive Director

The statement by Hon Dora Siliya – the Minister of Information and Broadcasting who is also Official Chief Government Spokesperson that Zambians must be comforted at the shooting by the police of their fellow citizens involved in riotous behaviour instigated by the gassing of innocent lives is nothing but exposure of an evil mind of a leader against their people.

We have not only vexingly but also appallingly observed the escalation in numbers of those murdered in extrajudicial circumstances, and for one let alone a leader to justify such is indication enough that they are controlled by an evil spirit. This is heartbreaking, to say the least.

As OYV we are extremely perturbed and saddened that the whole Minister let alone the Chief Government Spokesperson can stoop to such levels of justifying extra-judicial killing by the police at the height of the closure of the African Union (AU) theme of silencing the guns by this very year, 2020.

How on earth does the person designated as mouth-piece of the Government utter such unwarranted and hurting remarks not only against the citizens but also against her own Government?

As young people, we are of the conviction that such is not the position of President Lungu and his Government but a mere personal position meant to discredit the government and incite people against the regime.

With the foregoing, OYV, therefore, demands that Hon Dora Siliya be relieved with immediate effect from the sensitive position of Information and Broadcasting Minister and Chief Government Spokesperson as her statement is pitting Zambia and the Zambian Government against the protocols and aspirations of the AU level of silencing the guns by this year 2020, which aspiration Zambia has fully recognized and embraced.

It is shameful and unacceptable for a Government to have a Chief Government Spokesperson that seem not to listen to themselves when they are talking to the world. How on earth does a leader at that level justify the shooting and killing of an innocent schoolboy E. Namugala by men/women in uniform under whatever circumstance? What is Dora saying to the First Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly – Hon Catherine Namugala? We must as Zambians begin to be scared of our lives. The question is… Are we any safe with leaders who are comforted at the killing of citizens by the police? No.

Therefore President Edgar Chagwa Lungu must come to the rescue of citizens by firing Dora Siliya and also distance his regime from this global misfortune of sanctioning extra judicial killings in Zambia.

As young people we shall not rest until leaders that are comforted by trigger excited police are shown the door by President Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

Zambia generally and Zambians specifically deserve better. President Lungu needs genuine people to help him govern.


  1. Taken out of context due to your political biasness. If a criminal entered your home threatening to harm you and your family what would you do?

  2. Violence breeds violence.
    Its only in backward countries like Zambia that such careless statements can be issued, and you find people that defend them.
    So corrupting is power that even those that have it only in their imagination, will do anything, justify anything to hold on to it.
    I dont see any difference between this stance by dora and pf with a person who takes up arms and starts a civil war in the country. Both justify the needless taking of life in the name of preserving peace.
    But “the mirth of the wicked is brief”.
    The wicked feel like they will always have power and money on their side. They dont know that their day is coming. The grave also awaits them. And hell shall open its mouth to recieve their damned souls.

  3. How can a person justify killing someone for resisting arrest? Really how?
    We see protests very often in the developed world(france, germany, USA). But we dont hear any of their leaders or mouthpieces saying they must be shot for resisting arrest.
    No respect for the sanctity of life. No respect for human rights.
    You fail to deal with the gassing problem and people are agitated and become lawless, and tje best you can do is threaten to shoot them?
    The president cant even address the nation or visit the affected areas. All he does issue random remarks at the airport or through his press aid. No leadership, no sympathy, no courage. Just a lust for money and power!
    Thank God that all their is a higher and final judge and all wrongdoers will finally be punished for their evil, or else…

  4. Kaizar Zulu – Did those people whose hurts you burnt and threatened with guns enter your house Chisushi iwe. Did that bus driver you threatened with a gun enter your house at night with a gun Chisushi iwe? Did junior Enock Kavindele you threatened with gun enter your house with a gun Chisushi iwe? Did those kids you imprisoned in the boot of your car enter your house with a gun chisushi iwe? and the list goes on. You are just a blood thirst criminals in government. Wait your time will come to account. I hope you are not the imposter and your the real thug I know.
    Dora is also being stupid. Does she know the implication of going public to justify killing of someone in the future? Does she know the evidence she is creating against herself in future including her boss. That is why they…

  5. when you ask for something that is not approved by Jesus,the Providence allows your wish to be granted so that you see folly of decision. Bad leadership is not from GOD……. A good gift comes from GOD….. GOD cannot tempt anyone but men are drawn away into sin because of their own desires

  6. There are other ways to disperse an unruly crowd than shooting directly at them, warning shoots and tear gas have proven to be the best tactic to disperse a violent mob. Preservation of all lives is important and Police must observe human rights of everybody

  7. The shooting of unarmed citizens must be the last of the last resort after all efforts have failed and can only be done if more lives are in danger. The police are trained in Riot control. They are supposed to be equipped with riot guns to fire tear gas, rubber bullets, plastic bullet. The Police riot squads may also use Long Range Acoustic Devices, water cannons, armoured fighting vehicles, aerial surveillance, police dogs or mounted police on horses. So, in the end, you will not need to use live ammunition to kill a fellow citizen.
    The problem with our Zambia Police Service is that it is full of untrained, heartless, violent and marijuana smoking pf cadres. Their only training they have specialised in is beating and killing the opposition members during elections.

  8. In Zambia convicted murderers on death row are not being executed because Presidents are reluctant to sign the death warrants in line with global move to abolish the death penalty. Why then should anyone sanction the shooting of an unconvicted civilian under any circumstances??

  9. It is shameful to hear this coming from someone who not only claims to be a Christian Lawyer but is also under Oath to protect life and property!
    If you can make life then take it! If you can’t make life, then you have no right to take it regardless of the gravity of the alleged crime! That is what makes life sacred! Haven’t we shed enough innocent blood?

  10. Christian nation with Christian leaders. Joshua Banda what has he got to say about sanctity of life. Mob justice must be stopped! Police extra judicial killings are not justifiable.

  11. The generation of Disinformers and Misinformers skewing the narrrative of a humble statement that was devoid of malice.
    In this time and era, mambalaz will bring about a mountain out of a sand heap.

  12. We can reply in anger, but the reality is that Zambians are becoming violent, ururly and demonstrate a lack of respect for authority/ laws.

    If the act is in protection of ordinary law abiding citizens then it is justified. It is the city of govt to protect and preserve life.

    This happens in all countries. In the West end see the ki?ling of out of control terrorists (which is what Zambian opposition tactics are). No one fails to see the logic behind that. Gassing people….Hitler did that to Jewish people. Who thinks in this day and age it can be acceptable? WAKE UP.

  13. Kainyo MalyaMungo Zulu and his sister Clidoris Slit must know that when this break up in law and order takes hold, they will be among the very first to be shot dead! Mark my word, we know where you live and work.

  14. Patriot abroad, you need to be the one drinking all the medicine you are making your patients swallow, wakula mwa toho kanamunungu tuwe!

  15. Autocorrect….! Should Read is the DUTY of govt to protect and preserve life.

    This happens in all countries. In the West we see the shooting of out of control terrorists (which is what Zambian opposition tactics are). Plain manipulation of impoverished citizens into being overly politically active to point of civil disobedience for the benefit of a wannabe Presidential punter.

  16. @Amwapeeling February 28, 2020 At 7:49 pm

    You are a pointless Hater contradicting yourself. You seem to be arguing against Hon. Siliya but then you illogically warn that you and your kind will be killing Hon Siliya and other politicians and citizens who support them; when you win elections (which is never). So what are your plans for taking some of that medicine yourself! You are confused and that is what Zambians should note about your ilk. A bunch of thugs.

  17. The police are just otchestrating second stage of this hysteria where people’s power verses State police. The history has it, which side wins the battle.

  18. I had been asking about her because she had been quiet when i saw her on telly spill out her nonsense i could not believe how heartless she was. How are the families of the innocent souls going to stop mourning when the hear such things?God help us

  19. Dora is the same person who insulted Micheal Sata a man who was old enough to be her dad and called him a homo sexual useless man That was in Petauke when she was in the MMD govt how she ended up in PF founded by the same Sata( May he rest in peace ) beats me . This woman has no integrity at all. She is corrupt she had a big case with Lap Green, she transferred money to the Caymen Islands. Rupiah Banda who has not said anything about the happenings in the country recommended Dora t Lungu. This woman is as evil as hell, you want police to kill suspects? No regard for human life , all you want is to stay in power at all cost . You day is coming .

  20. When government stops working for the people it’s time to change that government that is the reason why we go to elections every five years said Sangwa.

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