Wednesday, October 2, 2024

It’s not true that defense forces are arbitrary assaulting members of the public-Inonge Wina


Vice President Inonge Wina says it is not true that defense forces are arbitrary assaulting members of the public at various road checkpoints in the evening.

Mrs Wina says the soldiers deployed in the night are briefed on human rights and the need to protect and not harass citizens.

She acknowledged that there could be isolated cases of harassement but indicated that defense forces are deployed to protect members of the public.

Mrs Wina was responding to Kaputa Member of Parliament Maxas Ng’onga who wanted to know if it is true that defense forces are harassing Members of the public.

Recently, President of the opposition Patriots for Economic Progress Sean Tembo said was disturbed by the various reports of the defense forces arbitrary assaulting members of the public at various road checkpoints in the evening.

Mr Tembo alleged that other reports include elderly women being beaten in the compounds as early as 19 00 hours in the evening.

Mr Tembo has also observed that the Zambia Police are too focused on apprehending the perpetrators of mob justice than they are in apprehending the perpetrators of chemical gassing.

He said this is evidenced by the fact that up to now, more than 3 months after this terror first began, the Police still have not apprehended all the master-minders of this chemical gassing.

Mr Tembo said it is clear that the Police have their priorities upside down because the problem of mob justice is a direct product of the terror being perpetrated on innocent citizens by chemical gassing.

He said the Patriots for Economic Progress expect the Police to prioritize the primary problem without getting carried away by the secondary problem.


  1. What is the VP saying to those people who have been assaulted? A wrong is a wrong and it mus be condemned. The hungry lion employees who were taken out of their staff bus and made to roll in mud wont agree with you Madam VP

    • Our MPs should also ask well researched questions. If you ask a politician; “Is it true defence forces are harassing members of the public?”, the obvious answer from the politician will be “its not true”.
      If the question was asked differently: “There is documented evidence that innocent members of the public knocking off late from work are being harassed by defence forces e.g. Hungry Lion employees on date XX at place XX at time XX hrs and innocent motorists are being harassed at road blocks e.g. Mr X at X road block at time X hrs …..etc are these officers following government directives, if not has government failed to control these officers and therefore failed to uphold the rights of its citizens?”

  2. Sadly the “defence forces” in Zambia are poorly trained when it comes to respect of human rights. In fact they are trained to abuse them.
    In fact most military organs in africa are no more than instruments for uses by politicians to oppress and exploit the general populace. We should be thankful in Zambia that we have been so far preserved from being fully exposed to this.
    I urge goverenment to invest in training our military to respect human rights and understand their role as PROTECTORS and not OPPRESSORS of the people because they may one say find themselves on the recieving end.

  3. Soldiers are soldiers they are not civilians to play with, however they are keeping your enemies away from you just obey them they mean well.
    They are not the police whom you call sorts of names and keep quiet, be careful they will not tolerate your civilian behavior how ever they will discipline you like a child.

  4. I dont think the grandma knows what’s happening on the ground…when did we even see these people even visiting people in these places

  5. Her memory and morals are failing her now. What is she saying about video evidence of abuse of Hungry Lion employees? Is this not evidence enough that her mental faculties are failing? She is showing early signs of incapacity exposing herself to public ridicule? Is she not a candidate for consideration for discharge on medical grounds? Must we wait for her to do the unthinkable in public?

  6. There is no Zambian soldier who can beat up an elderly women, never.
    Zambian soldiers are trained as “peace keepers”.

  7. Gogo Wina, what is the truth to gassing and mob justice mated by citizens in Zambia today. 43 Zambians have died todate is it true?

  8. One of the latest video trending this week is, where a policeman is seen manhandling a young Zambian woman, almost undressing her in public before he slapped her hard and throwing her at the back of a police pickup van.

  9. Mr Tembo has also observed that the Zambia Police are too focused on apprehending the perpetrators of mob justice than they are in apprehending the perpetrators of chemical gassing.

    I thought am the only wondering why this is so and why names of perpetrators of mob injustice are been given out but no names of those arrested for gassing.

  10. The other day you were speaking about gassing your homes and not sleeping, the reason they came is to guard you if you ask them to go they will go anyway those are not the police but men of war, just do what is right they wont bother you.
    You know even in the Bible they asked John, how about them, he said be content with your wages.
    Now these people have all that it can take to do anything so stay a distance from them and you will be safe.

  11. @ Me7 and Mulenga Tembo what would you expect from some of our representative elected officials whose capacity to raise issues intelligently falls on the marginal understanding! I do remember another question and answer session in the house where a very senior MP in trying to be relevant to discussion on funding tsetse fly control wanted to know how many tsetse flies were in a particular mentioned area! To the MP this was a relevant intelligent question but I won’t ask you what your thoughts to this would be.

  12. When Inonge cheated Guy Scott into believing that no conference was taking place at Mulungushi international conference center, which she later chaired leaving Guy Scott in the cold, I thought this was a one off, little did I know that it was her nature, currently is has now come to show with her declaring emergency hunger situations where ever their is an election, and she is so viper like in her approach that people don’t see it coming until she has bitten a chunk out of you. it is quite shameful to have old ladies who behave like she does Yaba, but I bet she was never like she has become, I think she is working under a very good tutor, who has shown her the benefit of deceiving humbleness.

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