Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Reluctant response to Keep Zambia Clean campaign by Lusaka residents saddens Mayor Sampa


Lusaka Miles Sampa has expressed concern with the reluctance by Lusaka residents in response to the Keep Zambia Clean ,Green and healthy Campaign.

Speaking during the Keep Zambia Clean Green and Health Campaign activities in Ng’ombe on Saturday, Mr Sampa observed that residents of Lusaka are not participating in the campaign and leaving the City Council to execute most of its activities.

“It is worrying to see people who are knowledgeable of hygiene practices not participate in activities that are good for them, “ he observed.

The Mayor partnered in the cleaning exercise today with the area Roma ward Councillor Chilando Chitangala who was also recently elected at LCC as the new Chairperson in Charge of the Health Committee.

The Mayor urged Councillor Chitangala to work closely with the LCC Director of Health Mr Edgar Mulwanda who was also present to ensure Freedom Way in town and the entire CBD is ever clean.

He also reminded them that the City has recorded zero cholera outbreak in the last 2 years and the trend should be maintained jealously to the end of 2020.

The City father further stated that Council is in the process of enacting by-laws that will compel people to clean their surroundings in order to prevent diseases in the communities.

“Come second week of March 2020, there will be laws that will give mandate to the Council to prosecute shop owners and residents who will not take part in cleaning their premise” he said.

He has however applauded the few residents that have come on board in the cleaning activities so far and further called on more Lusaka residents to come forth and partipate in making the City clean, green and healthy.

Mayor Sampa with Councillor Chitangala leading the cleaning exercise
Mayor Sampa with Councillor Chitangala leading the cleaning exercise
Mayor Sampa with Councillor Chitangala leading the cleaning exercise
Mayor Sampa with Councillor Chitangala leading the cleaning exercise


  1. Of course they’ll be reluctant bcoz they see systemic LCC failures and they long got used to filthy surroundings .People are always resistant to new and more demanding ways.

    • People pay levies and taxes for the local govt and central govt to provide such services, by the way does spuki mulemwa and bright musoma pay more TV levies than other citizens? Why are they always captured by znbc?

  2. The Council should first lead the way by cleaning the city properly, redesign, construct and build and install drainage systems before spending money of over priced projects. Why do you want people to come and work for free when there projects involving money you give the over priced contracts to chinese firms that in turn pay you kick bucks. Go ask the chinese to come and work. Vama hala vinata kale bachimwene. We are singing Pitchen Kazembe now.

  3. We help by not litering but cleaning that’s the council responsibilities run it effectively and pay them and u will see the change… I won’t go for work from Monday to Friday then I should come and help us clean for free on Saturday. Since you are the only one paid at council on time Monday to Friday clean

  4. This is a timely request. We hope especially the younger generation would get on board. This is also good for the environment. Kids in other countries especially the west have really gotten on board this fight for cleaner environment. The young lady greta thunbeg needs to visit African nations to try and get our young ones thinking this way. Miles is doing the best he can and we thank him. A true patriot he is. Kz

    • When your Greta thenberg visits, take her to the once chikoleka forest between chilenje and woodlands and include forest 27 in your schedule.

  5. I have a lot of faith in our mayor. No person has no weaknesses. He needs everyone’s support. We must be a people of good reasoning and grow this trade in our kids. Do not throw dirt anyhow, we should throw in designated places then the service provider will do their part. Charity begins at home so said my father all the time.

  6. I told you , until an environmental awareness lesson , were garbage disposal, clean water , importance of trees and other environmental issues are tought in primary school to all our kids , this sparodic cleaning will not last.

    90 % of people on the streets have been to primary school , by the time those currently in primary school hit the streets , you will see how clean Zambia will be after they are tought that lesson in school

  7. Kz why is it that all the time you support negatives, you should try to re-examin your brain so as you can write more about encouraging others rather than debating all the time. You seem to old enough to know what you talk about remember its all our beloved country. You seem so happy living overseas and put a blind eye on people suffering in the country you pretend to love. I have said my own bro.

  8. The Kitwe mayor is one amazing public official. He was doing this even without the media or president urging him on. Lusaka just had to have this guy as mayor. In fact all the ones that run in the mayoral election were equally useless. The council need to continuously clean and restructure Lusaka before the just yap all over the place. Keeping Lusaka clean and green starts with them and then they can talk to it’s residence.

  9. This potbellied boy Sampa has no plan at all, he thinks being Mayor is appearing on social media and getting donations ,

  10. This Sampa like Bowman are good for nothing grandstanders. You need to understand the mood of the country under PF mismanagement before you pull out a stunt like that.. People have to put food on their tables and joining you will be a waste of time in their lives!

  11. Why don’t you guys send a delegation to Rwanda to learn how Paul Kagame has managed to keep that country clean? You need to set up an effective sanitation system in the country, and also create laws against littering. Post anti littering laws throughout the city/country, which should read something like “K500 fine for littering.” Have all the police in the country enforce anti littering laws. Cleaning of the city is first and foremost the city council’s responsibility. While the citizens can help whenever they can, you cannot turn them into a source of constant free labor, like they’re your slaves. If you want them to continue participating in the cleaning agenda, find ways to keep their motivation up. People are busy hustling, trying to make a living, and going out to clean up…

  12. … the city for free is the last thing on their mind. The citizens will help you KEEP the city clean, after you’ve set up a complete system of sanitation. For instance, you ask the citizens not to litter, and yet you don’t post trash bins throughout the city. And where you’ve posted trash bins, you fail to collect the garbage from the bins, when they’re full. That’s called foooolishness. Lastly, yes all business establishments must keep their surroundings clean, and their buildings painted at least once a year, failure to which they should be heavily fined. Same thing with home owners. Fine home owners who fail to keep their yards clean.

  13. By nature we are just a dirty people no amount of excuse will suffice for not keeping our own environment clean. It is always someone else that must keep the environment clean. At personal level we must be very ashamed of ourselves for keeping our own environment dirty. The so called freedom of throwing rubbish anywhere and everywhere is a cancer that must be steamed by all possible means. Look at the blockage of our well intended drainages it is a shame.

  14. The man is talking about hygiene but he is there wearing gloves and putting his hand on his colleagues shoulder, what polices have you put in place about for this clean campaign, what is the budget, how many refuse trucks have you got? This is just a jumpy pot bellied boy like Bowman …its only their pot bellies getting bigger and bigger by the month.

  15. At home we do keep our surroundings clean and in these other public places there are people employed to keep those places clean. Cleaning public places has to be voluntary work

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