Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The government recognizes the institution of chieftaincy as an important player in national development


The government says it appreciates the important role that traditional ceremonies play in helping the country in preserving and sharing of traditions, customs and values that define Zambians as people.

Speaking during the 38th Nc’wala Traditional Ceremony for the Ngoni speaking people in Chipata City, Defense Minister Hon Davies Chama said this is an important day not only for the Ngoni people of Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia but also for the entire continent of Africa and the world at large.

Hon Chama said the government recognizes the institution of chieftaincy as an important player in national development.

“It is important to mention that since independence, Zambia has remained a beacon of peace at regional, continental and international levels. This peace we have enjoyed came through our collective responsibility as a people expressed in our national motto One Zambia, One Nation,” he said.

“This has further emphasized in our national values and principles enshrined in our constitution. These National values and principles are morality and ethics, patriotism, National unity, democracy, constitutionalism, human dignity, equity, social justice, equality, nondiscrimination, good governance, integrity and sustainable development.”

The Defense Minister also said government will not stop talking about the need to continue fighting early marriage, teenage pregnancies and gender based violence until social vices are completely curbed.

“Hundreds of our young children, especially the girl child, have their quality of life compromised because they are either married off early or fall pregnant at a tender age thereby preventing them from developing their full potential in life. Both the girl and boy child must be well protected and nurtured to help them realise their full potential,” he added.

And Tourism and Arts Minister Hon Ronald Chitotela says traditional ceremonies are key to the promotion of the tourism sector.

He said this in Chipata in an interview with journalists during the commemoration of Nc’wala Traditional Ceremony for the Ngoni speaking people at Mtenguleni Village.

Hon Chitotela said there is no doubt that traditional ceremonies also help people to live in harmony.

“I am very proud to be here and be with our Ngoni friends who have successfully hosted another colorful ceremony. I must mention that these ceremonies help us to live in harmony as people as well as helping us to promote oneness,” said the Tourism and Arts Minister.

He said his ministry appreciates the role traditional ceremonies play in preserving culture, norms and good values as well as passing this to the young generation.

Hon Chitotela further called on parents to ensure that they pass on the culture to young people saying this will help in preserving Zambia’s good culture.

He emphasized that Zambia has a rich culture and it is here to stay.


  1. Powerful speech my brother. You did well representing his humble excellency EC Lungu. It is good when a traditional ceremony brings us all together. We will attend all ceremonies irrespective of tribe and party affiliation in the area. Kz

  2. Yawwwwwn! How boring! If it was a song noone would buy it. I can bet you your bottom dollar this speech was written in 1964 and people keep repeating it at every traditional ceremony. Yet they are paid for this every monthend. Is their supervisor, Edgar Lungu happy with such cliched addresses every day? Its a tired cabinet I think
    Ati: “traditional ceremonies are key to the promotion of the tourism sector” We have heard that 1 million times
    government says it appreciates the important role that traditional ceremonies play in helping the country in preserving and sharing of traditions, customs and values, We have heard that another million times
    Just about everything is a bore in this speech. Get another speechwriter ba minista

  3. Am I the only one who always thinks ‘thief’ whenever i read anything about Chitotela?
    Also we know that the PF has promised chiefs constitutional office by way of The House of Chiefs if they support Bill 10.

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