Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Simple Analysis of PF performance in last 5 years




January 2015, K7.60
January 2020, K17.80
134% increase

US Dollar

January 2015 K6.45
January 2020 K15. 00
133% depreciation

Mealie Meal

January 2015 K68
January 2020 K170
135% increase

National Debt

January 2015 $4.7 Billion
January 2020 $11.2 Billion
138% increase


January 2015 7.81%
January 2020 13.9%
80% increase

UPND President has said Numbers don’t lie and this is the definition of failed leadership.He has promised that the UPND will fix this!


    • PF doesn’t even take stock of such statis , they are too preoccupied with been humble, producing the best campaign dance songs, who is putting on a upnd T-shirt , when and where is the next bye election, which tribe is this one and that one, and driving range rovers, with the current trending Bugatti thing, watch them trying to get one from a political cadre income.

  1. This is very dangerous for zambia…why can’t Mr.Lungu just step down and let visionary people take the lead??

  2. Most parts of the world are now shifting away from fossil fuels and petrol and diesel run modes of transportation. This is because this is bad for our environment. The UK plans to ban all diesel and petrol cars by 2032. Now if you are going to measure economic performance by fuel prices then you are deluded and dull. Electric and hybrid is what we should be concentrating on. We have invested greatly in solar energy and continue to do so. Let us think outside the box and plan ahead. Don’t look at everything with political eyes. Sometimes it pays to be level headed and objective. Kz

  3. Very shallow economic analysis that ignores other economic fundamentals.
    This kind’a analysis just goes to show how there is nothing for simple h² to fix.
    The skewed analysis completely ignores important economic factors that would affect a viable economy.
    The lip service h² and his minions portrays goes miles to show how shallow, desperate and immature their analysis and understanding of our economy is.
    With h²ecomomics, it down with dope.
    These u5s must not rule!
    No no they must never rule!

  4. Indeed numbers don’t lie, let us now analyze HH’s success rate at the last 5 polls in Zambia
    2006 Fail
    2008 Fail
    2011 Fail
    2015 Fail
    2016 Fail
    2021 your guess is as good as mine but Must start with the sixth letter of the alphabet

    • Statis like this surely have a big impact on your cousin in vubwi, while you preoccupy yourself with jokes your performance is on a downward trajectory.

  5. KZ

    What has petrol prices for cars got to do with the domestic solar investments in Zambia ??? Why are you linking them ?

    And tell us about inflation , maize meal and national debt ???

    Why are you not talking about the other points , apart from petrol ?

  6. What’s the altercation about? This self confessed simple analysis is indeed definitely for simple minds, the likes of none other than the group concerned.

    Thorn, good point. This analysis is extremely shallow and deceptive from the damn word go.

  7. Thorn …

    ” Very shallow economic analysis that ignores other economic fundamentals…”

    Which other economic fundamentals ???

  8. 42 useless PF ministers, only 3 line-up good ones:
    1.Sylvia Chalikosa
    2. Olipa Phiri
    3. David Mabumba
    Unfortunately most of you never even heard of these 3 ministers.

  9. Chendabusiku

    What had HHs failures got to do with the average 100% increase in everything and almost 50 % drop in GDP ???

  10. HH cannot be elected because Zambians feel he is far from fixing the economy. He will even be more worse than PF.

    Zambians would like to have a fool for a president than a s@t@n1st who will come suck blood from the electorates.

  11. These figures were released by NDC.
    I see no wrong in the comparisons as a snapshot.
    However, there are many other in-death analyses that are written by different think-tanks which you don’t bother to look up nor read.
    I think PF would do well to address some of the extreme increments which affect the poorest.

  12. Food basket(for family of 6)
    K3,790 -January 2015
    K7,410-Januay 2020
    No even the state sponsored gassing will hide this truth.

  13. Mwabombeni ba Tata ba Lungu aka PF Father. The results speak for themselves. Everything is on the upward trajectory scoring above 100% in all KPIs.
    Uli chaume!
    Epashili pakuleka!

  14. PF and lungu have been an epic failure…

    For the first time in the history of this land , Zambians are being burned alive in streets by fellow Zambians…….

    All PF can boost about is infrastructure , but we all know that with the $17 billion debt aquired for that , even a primary school drop out can built that infrastructure…….nothing special if you are using borrowed money

  15. @ Chendabusiku.. You are looking at a man increasing his vote exponentially.. It’s very difficult to be in opposition in Zambia and HH has shown persistence and determination only seen in people headed for success! Like Thomas Edison, HH knows 5 ways of winning an election. He has also demonstrated in his business life how to win, unlike ECL who stumbled into the job. HH is principled unlike many POLITICAL PROSTITUTES (Muselela Kwakaba’s) whose interest is corruption.
    2006 Fail 25.32% of Vote
    2008 Fail 19.7% of vote
    2011 Fail 18.7% of vote
    2015 Fail 46.67% of vote
    2016 Fail 47.63% of vote
    2021 Projected WIN

  16. The person who wrote this said SIMPLE analysis. And it is just that SIMPLE.

    I expected answers that matched the analysis. What l read is HH this and that. And Kaizar Zulu talking about solar energy. KZ you walk around in State House doing nothing. All you had to do is call the Statistics Office and let them give you the correct information and copy and paste it here, chapwa! Whatever happened to this Country.

  17. There is no need to complicate the analysis. Facts tell the story of ECL PF performance!! What is more, look at Kaizar Zulus response that explains why I am not surprised with the figure that are worsening by the minute. No amount of witchcraft can help to run economy. At this rate, I suggest the next government installs Serious and experienced Technocrats at Ministerial levels. MP should focus on constituencies as the new blueprint for Zambia is created. WE CAN’T GO ON LIKE THIS AS A COUNTRY!

  18. Thorn in the flesh…..

    Thorn …

    ” Very shallow economic analysis that ignores other economic fundamentals…”

    Which other economic fundamentals ???

    We are waiting , kaelee….

  19. PF bloggers offer no alternative numbers. Instead they run to the only thing the have perfected – beating and insulting the messenger.

    Numbers don’t lie. People are hurting as a result of this poor performance.

    Can someone now please put legitimate numbers on governance, so that KZ and ‘Thorn’ can avoid waffling in the space of economics.

  20. You have a problem, its you blem. He said he has no VISION for Zambia. Proverbs 22:18 says “Where there is no VISION, the people perish”. Pay retirees now.

  21. pharaohs braggadosho and chedebushiku, u want to be dismissive of the statistics supposed they read Petrol january 2015 K7.60 january 2020 K 3.70
    Debt january 2015 US$ 4.7billion january 2020 170million
    Exchange rate january 2015 K6.45 january 2020 K2.90
    Mealie meal january 2015 K 68 january 2020 K32
    inflation january 2015 7.81% january 2020 3.98%
    u would have dimmised the statistics as shollow or u would have gone to town with them dont live in denial these statistics show a fleckering red light and any leader worth his salt should take note.

  22. With your simple mind can you tell us how solar panels led to the kwacha’s depreciation, inflation rate and national debt… What you guys are doing is evil! They is a special place for people like you in hell

  23. PF and President Lungu do worse than fail the country – they swindle money of the people and fill their pockets, while destroying the economy. To think there are people who defend these disgusting figures… shame on you. Do you have no pride in Zambia? Do you have no shame? Our country is become yet another joke of Africa, and you are totally okay with it.

  24. They must not rule. It’s down with dope. For simple minds, that’s all it takes to analyze an economy.
    Kikikikikikijukija, we can’t complicate this because we would confuse these folks. Let’s keep it simple.
    With that PF will win in the world of reality using complex economic analysis.
    The deads will lose in the world of reality.
    Simple minds use simple analyses and simple analyses are way too dangerous for leadership.
    The world’s economy is not simple. Zambia’s economy taps into the world’s world’s economy.
    Don’t use simple kachasu economic theories to misinform and disinform.
    I hate simple minds. Damn it!

  25. Kikikikikikijukija

    De upndeadeconomics of de simple brains.

    Can simple minds fix the economy?
    Down with dope!

    I don’t think so.

  26. what’s bothering me is not the fact that akaindes has the love for the white people, the very reason he invited himself to the independence day celebration of the USA at it’s Lusaka embassy, it’s rather the fact that Hakainde would compare a nation that has been independent and establishing itself for over 520 years to a nation that is in its 50s(Zambia) olo ni cho chise, bwana bakulu nibakulu, to top that, the nation’s he is busy praising weakened the very continten we live in through slavery,colonization and killings, after leaving this Continent by force they enslave us by conditioned aid and supply of ammunitions. hh twapapata use your medulla oblangata …. I’m breaker and I approve this message

  27. Hehehehehe

    Ba thorn…..
    Ati PF “the economic foundamentals “,

    ask him what they are, he starts waffelling about grobo economy ??


    Yaba, and the other one, KZ can not explain the other 100% increases inflation, exchange rate and starts waffelling about solar …….

    All they know is how to borrow money.
    No more borrowing , see them waffelling and sabailaring ati grobbo , solar

    Hehehehehe …..

  28. Thorn – you’ve been challenged to explain the economic fundamentals that show a different picture. By your thinking, can the same minds that dug us into this pit get us out?

  29. This is just not a laughing matter….you gave Baboons to caretake your maize feed and you expect bumper harvests on the farm. Its only them that have got fatter and fatter…just look at how much weight they have put on Sampa and Bowman look like they are 9 months pregnant with big lumps of Mozzarella cheese.
    We told you that chaps like Lungu can not even manage a bottle store…they would be high on their own supply with three weeks of taking over the store.

  30. Kikikikikikijukija! The sky is falling fiery tale.
    From Moody through Africa Confidential to EIA. We told you so grammer

    Do I need to teach you simple sick piglets economics?
    You had better be left alone with your simple minds.
    I reckon that taking you through economic fundamentals and indicators would make your simple developed minds more dead and unliving.
    Jay jay aka Tarino nigga, what does your incomplete quarter developed simple mind know about economics? Zero!
    Simple and incomplete analysis takes you haywire.
    Untaught little puppy chicken littles.
    Take a hike to hell. The sky ain’t falling folks.

  31. Hahahaha KZ is the best l enjoy his answers. And don’t call him names. Be respectful.

    And you KZ you use bad language sometimes. You have to stop that. Respect should go both ways. Happy Sunday!

  32. Thorn…..

    “…Very shallow economic analysis that ignores other economic fundamentals..:”


    Thorn ? We are waiting for you ?

    Which foundamentals ????

  33. Its normal to have Fiscal positions like that for a county like Zambia that has been Investing You will expect favorable balances for a country that is Investing for future returns

    Now when you run the comparative analysis with similar countries in Africa and Southern In particular,the economic indicators for Zambia are reflective and hopefully so

    So its misleading to run the lagging indicators and fail to see the future

    Its also misleading to fail to see the economic outlook and FDIs across the globe including why the euro and the USD are trading at those

  34. Then its also a misleading to present and fail to show the YOY increase in prices Global commodities an parities have been on the upward trajectory if you see across all markets but the YOY increments for Zambia have been marginal

    There is still hope as Countries like Zambia receive favorable investments including in its euros because they are attractive so in that class for those investors seeing the opportunity

    We also expect these indicators to improve and reflect the investments in infrastructure and sectors

    its normal for economic indicators to show that for a country such as Zambia in development but we expect these and the debt situations re corrected to mean…

  35. values over a period

    we have done a proper fiscal Plan and Financing for the minister to look at and without any trouble address these including the repayments of interest and euro bonds

    So show the Trading economics and them give the reasons behind those numbers

  36. Napthali

    Even me whos not an economist knows For a country that has been investing for the future, international credit agencies pick up on this and this is reflected in the ratings given to that country ………also the countries currency on the exchange market reflects the confidence in those investments for the future …….

    In Zambias case both ratings and currency are some of the worst….

    Is there a reason for this luck of confidence by the international bussiness for Zambia ??

  37. Kaizer you are a the opposite of a genius. How is your reasoning explain the shoddy performance? Fossil fuel?

    Having Kakaizer as your adviser explains the performance indeed.

    Kakaizer your days are fasting approaching, you better watch your sleazy back.

  38. I didn’t claim to be a genius. However, even with my humble education I know that those silly simple figures cannot be used to determine the performance of a national economy at macro level. You don’t have to be a genius to know that. However, you would have to be very simple minded to use that as a yardstick for economic performance since 2011.

  39. Zambia needs honest citizens for it to move forward, a citizen who are able to call white “white “ and black “black “. Zambia does not need *****s meaning a people who define life by how much good happen to them but how much people around them are able to afford life. A citizen looks forward to a future were that child in the remotest part of Zambia will one day live her o his dream. We need a Zambia which is predictable, were the average citizenry are able look forward and say yes our children will get to whichever height of opportunity regardless of where the come from and such should the debate of a citizen .

  40. Bwana KZ, those simple figures speak a lot actually about our macroeconomic as a country only if you can think and look at it from outside the box, be a Citizen

  41. If your politics wil be based on mealie meale & electricity the you are most likely to loose elections in 2021 why? this year we hav good rains & this might result in cheap mealie meal & load shading is likely to stop in April what wil be your manage to the people? We want change yes but learn to appreciat what others have done….you can stil contribute to the development of the country even without being a president…..So then the question is what are you doing for your country? ….. HH is rich but I don’t see even on prime TV my leader donating food or even constructing a bridge even in southern province his strong hold????


  43. Is @Napthali the best PF blogger on economics? He is just misusing unrelated terms.

    It’s like a guys who goes about naming different parts of an engine then claims to be engineer. Kikikiki

    There is little hope for Zambians future under PF

  44. For those looking for fundamentals, here are some.

    The economy has seen a drastic slow down such that the per capital incomes since 2011 declined.

    Investment has slowed due to policy uncertainty, load shedding, and climate change. Note that growth comes from investment.

    The debt has not provided returns as infrastructure takes time. Also, Eurobond was misused. Boma continues to borrow and spend while revenue has fallen.

  45. Good governance is measured through Voice & Accountability, Political Stability and Lack of Violence, Government Effectiveness, Regulatory Quality, Rule of Law, and Control of Corruption.

    PF has failed.

  46. Pf and ecl dont understand these numbers, they are perhaps thinking that is the amount t of cash stolen by them so far

  47. It’s a simple shallow analysis and misleading without basis and reason Trading economics is not a commentary its ignores reasoning and does not give the market outlooks But what should have been done best in price contagions increases was not to price as in open markets given the economics of our people and households But the good point is prices will reduce
    He should have given a commentary analysis 2011 with unique discussions and reason why YOY ……..The Zambian economic growth was trending at YOY…………..and expanded at YOY Primary demand YOY was at……………. However the prices of services and commodities YOY rose by ………… 10 years since 2011’s BUT ONLY IN five…

  48. five years did prices ,,,,,,,rise and should have given reasons as to why
    The case of ratings It’s only an opinion that is taken but fails to see the REAL OPTIONS Zambia this year 2019 to 2021 is poised to perform Investors currently are looking to Investments in markets such as ours except for the returns


  49. Classic failure, in the meantime, not salary increments can match this level of falling trends. PF accepting failure at time can be a sign of good character and in this pointing time is what can serve you.

  50. KZ explain ur complex economic theory which we the simple minds can see so that we tap in and know that this economy is performing

  51. m HH pays taxes to GOVT and it is the duty of GOVT to build bridges in southern province becoz the pipo of southern province pay taxes and if i may ask show me one structure that President Lungu built before he was President.

  52. Its very very shallow and show of numbers and misleading also to say without reason One would have expected those numbers to have been backed up by carefully historical economic data and fiscal global monitor and not simply those numbers without the events that shaped them be it markets or commodities
    Interestingly also issues of factor productivity and others cannot be seen in there and see what the GDP PRICE INDEX we should be talking about because It’s those that will reduce the prices if well productive given the emerge financing and infrastructure development’s that have one into that for projected economic performance even debt reductions to 56 % the preferable…

  53. Those numbers have not explained the economic conditions and changes and are that impacted those numbers For instance look at also the 10 yr Treasury note since those numbers that are been copied from trading economics The imported cost of Crude oil from the refineries is reflected of those prices including the nominal exchange rates
    What we expect and what to see from leadership is reasoned analysis and commentaries that will win votes and not only commentaries but those that have basis and could be used to add value for the long-term performance of our economy Zambia

    It will get better with good ideas and mind-sets There has been progress made but lets increase on factor productivity…

  54. Napthali 

    “..Those numbers have not explained the economic conditions and changes and are that impacted those numbers…”

    Lungu and Pf violence , corruption and zero integrity explain those numbers…….

    You can not have favarable economic numbers in a country divided by political violence and corruption…..

    After 2016 , we told Mr lungu that ruling over a divided country will not be easy. Instead of reaching out to the opposing groups , lungu and pf perpetuated political violence by brutallising the opposition and deny them most basic tenants of democratic rights of expression and gathering……..the only way Zambia will get favarable numbers is to work as one….

    PF and lungu , if you are to win elections , just do so without violence and denying opposition free…

  55. The very fact that we can have technocrats who are encouraging economic growth through diversification on one hand and using the other hand to stifle it with tools like SI 90 leaves much to be desired. I call that day light robbery. There is nothing worse than being stubborn when people are trying to correct you. I know one president who dressed almost all the trees with chitenge campaign material and still lost in 2011 due to stubbornness. When people say things are bad you should start making changes before it is too late. PF wake up and do the right thing.

  56. Numbers don’t lie
    Politicians do
    I don’t trust any of these aged politicians who don,t know what the next generation and current generation wants.
    you guys only have your belly intrests in your minds.

  57. PF says simple minds ok, Complicated minds like those of the PF can’t run anything in the right way that’s why they don’t even understand what they do.

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