Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Zambians in SA pray against gassing and mob injustice in Zambia


Zambians living in South Africa have held a special prayer service for Zambia at the Bread of Life Church International in Midrand, South Africa.

This follows gassing of innocent people and instant mob injustices against individuals accused of being involved in chemical spraying in Zambia.The prayers were graced by Pastor Gideon Kapafu who led the inter-denominational prayers for God’s protection over Zambia.

The Church prayed for peace , love and unity to prevail in Zambia amidst the gassing and mob injustices that the country was experiencing.
And Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa Major General Jackson Miti said it was important that the country was committed in Gods hands.

Major General Miti said prayer was a pillar for Zambian’s sustenance, as such, it was important that Zambians united in prayer against recent incidences of chemical spraying and mob injustices.

He thanked President Edgar Chagwa Lungu for asking the nation to pray against gassing and mob justice.

Meanwhile, President of the Association of Zambians in South Africa(ZASA) Fernand Simanya described what Zambia was currently experiencing as disheartening.He called for God’s protection over the nation of Zambia as well as peace and unity among citizens.

Issued by
Mrs Naomi Nyawali
First Secretary Press and Public Relations
Zambia High Commission South Africa


  1. But Zambians love to pray , every thing is to pray ???

    For sure Zambia has become a Christian foundamentalist and black magic nation.

    That is why the masses belive in any hoax like the gassing hoax…….it is a hoax , there is no gas , there are no gassers , it is a hoax pushed by PF hopping the opposition will get the blame.

    Zambians belive in miracles, prayer and black magic too much , that is why con prophets find Zambia very profitable…

  2. That’s what the Zambian government would love you to do, pray for every problem. But my faith tells me faith without good works is dead. Our prayers are nothing but a mockery to real faith that brought development and real change to different parts of the world by missionaries.

    We pay the police from our taxes to protect us within then the soldiers from without. If prayer is the way then let’s fire them all and pray. But that’s sheer stupidity that many Zambians have been forced to believe by forcefully declaring a country Christian yet most have satanic hearts as seen in recent devilish ocurences. God blessed us with wisdom and knowledge, let’s use them and not waste time on our knees. The chief commander knows the truth.

  3. Wrong strategy you Praying Mantises! What Zambia needs are not prayers but a National Indaba to find the root cause of these problems! When you get the root causes to a problem, you can easily work out solutions! This is what South Africans did during the Truth and Reconciliation Commission! Be reminded about how God handled Job when he was full of self-pity because of what he had suffered. God told Job to stand up like a man and to gird his loins! (Job 40:7). If anything, the Church has contributed to the political violence in the country by playing partisan politics and telling lies in the name of prophecy aka prophy – lying (as Father Chikoya put it) instead of standing on the neutral ground of the word of God!

  4. Only Zambians think praying can solve all their problems….the same Muzungu who taught you how to pray never even goes to church….but for Zambians everything is pray….pray for Lusaka to be clean,pray for garbage to disappear

  5. We thank you for the prayers. We hope to see you all at the next day of national prayers, including upnd members

  6. Consider this 1,802 patients were divided into three groups, two of which were prayed for by religious believers in three congregations: a monastery in Minnesota, a community of Carmelites in Massachusetts and a prayer Ministry near Kansas City.
    The prayer groups were instructed to ask for “a successful surgery with a quick, healthy recovery and no complications.”
    Prayers began the eve of surgery and went on for two weeks, for each patient.
    The results, published, in the American Heart Journal showed that the prayers had no effect. There was no significant statistical difference between the groups. The unprayed-for receovered as well as the prayed-for. If God is omniscient and loves humanity, why does he need to be reminded or pleaded with to heal somebody? Does he not know they are…

  7. @ Spaka whatever you call yourself Zambians love to pray because God answers prayers and stop pointing fingers at PF like you have the evidence. If you support Upnd just support them and keep quiet. Only the devil and his people discourages people from praying

  8. Well done guys…we have always to pray for the well being of our country. Peace must prevail in our country and let all masterminds in the gassing be jailed. No mercy for these evil criminals.

  9. …. sick? Does he not know that their loved ones want them to get better?
    Why do we have to come pleading to him as if he were some oriental monarch on his throne?

  10. Deep down your hear you are convinced that there is God and you always feel his presence. Man just repent and believe in Jesus for your salvation before you die in sin.

  11. There is a time for everything.. time for prayer and time to act.. faith without works I’d dead faith we are told.
    How about our country’s president addresses the nation on current developments and set the pace?
    How about we the Zambians unite and demand what we asked for?..
    God has already given to Zambians what ever we’ve asked for.. we now need to act to realise it.. demand what you voted for!
    I thank you and God bless!

  12. When I tell people that I hate religion they think you are the devil…blind faith in religion destroys our ability to critically think for ourselves. Just look at these imbeciles in SA!

  13. Muzo

    You mavuzi , or what ever you call your self , not even the people who brought you religion pray as much as you do……thats why you are poor , no matter how hard you pray…….just work hard instead of hoping for miracles from a god that does not exist.

    If there was a god , why did he watch as 6 million of his people , the jews were being gassed by Hitler ???

  14. This is why the likes of Lazy Lungu can cower in State House when he should be making press statements and getting rid of IG and minister of Home Affair but because you perpetuate this mediocrity…his Religious Minister just tells him to just throw a prayer session to the docile morons and they will forget everything.

  15. Oh the vehicle has a breakdown – let us pray
    Oh we dont have money for food – let us pray
    Oh I haven’t received my salary for this month – let us pray
    Oh prices of basic goods have gone up due to the dollar going up – let us pray
    Oh electricity has gone up by 200% – let us pray
    Oh thieves broke into my house and stole everything I owned in this world due to lack of security by the police whose salary I contribute by way of taxes – let us pray
    Oh potholes on my street even after paying for road taxes – let us pray
    Oh I am sick but there are no drugs in hospital because somebody stole them – let us pray
    …and finally… I have died due to all the reasons above but nobody can afford to buy a coffin to bury me ….let us pray…

  16. Henry I agree with you. I am not surprised the likes of tarino are anti Christian. This nation was declared a Christian nation even before pf came into power. So if you have felt like this why do you still want to associate and comment about our Christian nation from your adopted new homes abroad?

  17. Tondo

    Those people hacking others are mostly unemployed hungry angry people who are tired of lungu and sumali calling for national prayers , yet things are not improving ???

    You meditate and pray for years and years , jobs will not be created by God….

    New learning is showing that faith based economies like Zambias continue to pray wait for development while talent based economies are thriving……

    Even if you pray for 40 years none stop , I will still be looking on at how poor Zambia is ,still dependant on western aid.

  18. KZ

    We are commenting on Zambias abysmal performance under PF because we have families suffering under the pf mess , families we have to support one stop because you can not provide jobs and are praying all the time for God to provide jobs for you…

  19. Henry – How have you concluded that I am UPND? Dont insult my intelligence.. The country is finished you think your Christians for Lungu will save you …really laughable, they are lining their pockets whilst you pray with your eyes closed like cret.ins, you never learnt anything from that chapter with the missionaries you were carrying around on hammocks. You nincompoops, you are lucky the weather is very hot in Zambia, corona would have depleted us like flies and your greedy leaders would have been hiding in self quarantine and telling you to go and gather in a stadium like Hero’s stadium and pray to your white fictitious Jesus.

  20. Spaka

    Shame on those who think theres no God. The bible call those people Foolish. The air you breath is not yours yet you still say theres no God. Shame on you.



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