Tuesday, October 1, 2024

How did the impounded Zambian Mukula Wood in Malaysia leave the country unnoticed, HH asks


UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema says the impounding of Zambian Mukula in Malaysia has left people wondering how such a consignment could have left the country unnoticed and without valid papers.

A container weighing about 30,580 kilogram of Mukula pieces worth with an estimated value of US$3 million, has been impounded in Johor Bahru, the Capital City of Johor State in Southern West Malaysia, without a valid export permit.

According to details availed by the Malaysian authorities, the container is believed to have been destined for Vietnam.

Mr Hichilema says the whole process smacks of unprecedented corruption by a well organized syndicate.

He has urged Citizens to demand for an immediate independent and transparent enquiry in this scam, after which the perpetrators must be brought to book.

Mr Hichilema has regretted that Zambia is once again in the international headlines for all the wrong reasons.

He has reminded Zambians that the UPND raised alarm bells over the indiscriminate harvesting and criminal plunder of the exotic Mukula Tree in Zambia, and the subsequent illegal export to the Far East.

And Mr Hichilema says in today’s state of the nation address, his Party expects President Edgar Lungu to tackle Insecurity relating to gassing, unemployment, load shedding and the Coronavirus

He said the UPND also expect President Lungu to be succinct and clear on the time bound actions he and his Government are taking, to address these major challenges that are currently facing the nation.


  1. Some heads must roll at customs and the minister involved. If Lungu and PF are free from this, EVERYONE STARTING WITH MINISTERS WILL NEED TO BE FIRED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE! Let’s see how ECL will show leadership for once! The rest will follow.

  2. One container of Mukula weighing 30 tonnes cannot be worth $3m

    It’s worth less than $25,000

    Also note that the wood in the videos and pictures from Malaysia is Mukwa and not Mukula feel free to watch the videos


  3. HH you have information on the 48 houses and you are concealing information don’t you think you are capable of been arrested?Police please arrest this person for concealing information.ZRA as information on the mukula logs found in Malaysia any way we have important issues to talk about than Mukula,lets talk about corona virus,was it started in a Lab or what.

  4. “I think HH is to blame for the Mukula that left the country”
    Sunday Chanda
    PF Media Director

  5. To this day Mr humble has not address the nation regarding gassing how do we expect him to say anything about mukula? I give up on Zed to say the least

  6. How do thieves steal? How to criminals transport drugs? How do men and women cheat on each other without their partners finding out for long periods? Don’t be naive hh. Criminals trained to disguise goods will always find a way. You should be glad that at least they were stopped from profiting off this illegal trade . Let us not politicize everything. I am sure as we speak there are low paid workers on your farm also stealing from you. So how do they get away with it ? Grow up. Kz

  7. Ni ba King Jona Mukula 1 chabe,na ka Princess Mukula 1, aka Nyimba forest illegal fencer. That’s where that wood comes from, end of!!

  8. Who cleared Mukula at the border? Can you export Mukula?There must be a syndicate . Oppositions, do your job by exposing them.This not like smuggling in mealie meal into Congo by walking through the bush.Someone must be accountable

  9. Am still waiting for the truth to come out of this case.I know that it has taken with many lies that turns into propaganda.Please people shouldn’t conclude this matter.
    As for HH just keep quiet.Deep down to your heart you know very well how you want to turn this country this country in the hands of Anglo American.Those people who have known your SCHEMES understand that you are worse than president Lungu.For some of us can’t be cheated with politicians like HH and his UPND.greets your tribal members.

  10. HH’s comment that Zambia is again in the headlines for all the wrong reasons is irritating. Crooks are in every corner of the earth baba , so you cannot ask how the logs got to Malaysia “unnoticed” – how did you manage to get your millions of dollars out of Zambia “unnoticed”?

  11. Looking are the girth of those impounded pieces of mukula, those are very wide trees , I can bet those originated in DRC.

    such wide mukula do not exist any more in Zambia but in DRC.

    May be people who know wood and have seen the prices can tell us.

  12. HH is an 1d10t. He is always demanding instead of providing information. Crooks of today are trained and have degrees. HH does not even sympathise with Zambians. He is an hypocrite trying to pretend that he loves Zambia.

  13. We must just continue to do our best possible and pray that at God’s own time he will raise a genuine opposition political party leader that will provide genuine checks and balances for the development of our great nation. For now the young man in the name of Sunny Chintombwa Hakainde Hichilema has just added to the noise in the political sphere of our great nation. This country has numerous challanges that need to be addressed, but the opposition that is supposed to provide checks and balances has no clue and is selfishly engrosed in childish battles for state house. Even if the problems persisted for the next 10 years at the current status Sunny Chintombwa remains far behind for plot 1. Hakainde has had numerous opportunities in which he would have redeemed himself to the electorate…

  14. Henry – you want HH to provide information instead of government people employed to do so??? Absolutely shocking!!! How can we hold our leaders accountable if we have people who reason like this? Just because criminals are sophisticated doesn’t mean we should cease to demand that those who we have engaged at tax payers’expense shouldn’t rise to the challenge and respond to this increase in sophistication. If you read some of the comments above by Kaizer and his cabal, you’ll understand why corruption thrives in Zambia. Just because it is HH saying it you would rather turn a blind eye to obvious corruption instead of demanding that the powers that be up their game. Good grief!!! How far do you people want us to fall??

  15. HH pretending like he doesn’t know how to steal….you know how corruption works in Zambia so stop pretending and acting holier than thou….you also part of the problem Mr HH…remember what happened to mines

  16. Anonymous

    Can lungu explain how he sold cold storage board of Zambia to foringners who stripped all the equipment and shipped it out of the country , devastating whole communities in Lusaka who depended on that company ??

  17. How did money from our mines end up enriching a once peasant h²?
    What happended? How the hell did he do that?
    How did our money end up in panama? How did your name appear in paradise papers?
    There you are h²; exactly how filthier you dribbled your way to your ill earned wealth, thats how.
    It is preposterous to urged citizens to demand for an immediate independent and transparent enquiry in this scam, after which the perpetrators must be brought to book before starting with you. YES, you heard me. You first then the rest.
    It takes a thief to catch one.

  18. whats wrong with his name appearing next to these earth shakers and movers?

    Hakainde Hichilema, businessman and politician[102]

    Entertainment personalities
    Nicole Kidman
    Amitabh Bachchan
    El Cordobés


    Michael Hutchence, singer[103]
    Nicole Kidman, actress[103]
    Keith Urban, singer[103]


    Avril Lavigne, singer[104]


    Shakira, singer[105]


    Jean-Jacques Annaud, film director[106]


    Amitabh Bachchan, Bollywood actor[107]
    Manyata Dutt, actress[71]


    Bono, singer[108]


    Akira Toriyama, manga artist[109]


    José María Cano, painter and former member of Mecano[78]
    El Cordobés, bullfighter[110]
    José Frade, film…

  19. @Spaka
    As for me Lungu and HH are both Politicians and are the same…it makes no difference…they have their best interests before they think about you and me….HH is not a saint neither Lungu….all Politicians are Bandits just look how corrupt the US elections has become

  20. Heads of state
    Queen Elizabeth II

    Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms[2]

    Former heads of state

    José María Figueres, former President of Costa Rica[3]
    Juan Manuel Santos, former President of Colombia[4]
    Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia[5]
    Petro Poroshenko, former President of Ukraine[6]

    Heads of government
    Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder

    Former heads of government

    Shaukat Aziz, former Prime Minister of Pakistan[7]
    Jean Chrétien, former Prime Minister of Canada[8]
    Alfred Gusenbauer, former Chancellor of Austria[9]
    Yukio Hatoyama, former Prime Minister of Japan[10]
    Paul Martin, former Prime Minister of Canada[8]
    Brian Mulroney, former Prime Minister of…

  21. Unlike pf cadres who when they get a little bling bling and political fame, will start rubbing it the faces of the ordinary citizens, HE DOES”T.

  22. The cartel is now going to find it difficult to sell their illegally acquired timber abroad as different law enforcement agencies of different countries have been made aware of these transactions through the EIA and are keeping an eye out for them.

  23. Failure to stop the illegal harvesting of trees in Zambia will affect the global warming. Remember the harvesting of teak, ” off course the Rhodesian time ” at onetime we called the wood, Rhodesian teak, was harvested at no mans business, what next, areas are affected without rains rerecorded for a very long period of time. we have to act, No trees to be cut.Period!

  24. The teak wood, “Rhodesian teak” was harvested without the blessings of the Head of state, im just saying!, so what next, as well wishers, we will look onto the possible of engaging the locals onto the ways to stop the cutting of wood at a very serious level and find a better lasting substitutions and work with the local community if the power might be will allow us and we hope they will admit this! all the best

  25. This time around God will give us Sherphards who will lead with knowledge and understanding the should pray and fast over this

  26. Zambia remains what its because it lacks selfless leaders that can advance programmes to benefit the majority than a
    few individuals.

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