Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Given Lubinda to meet stakeholders to discuss the Constitution Amendment Bill number 10


Justice Minister Given Lubinda will today hold a meeting with various stakeholders to discuss the Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019. The meeting will be held at 09:00 hours at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka.

According to a statement issued to the media by Permanent Secretary in the Vice President’s office, Stephen Mwansa, Mr. Lubinda will interact and exchange notes with all stakeholders on the Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019.

Mr. Mwansa said all stakeholders are invited and free to attend the meeting.

Meanwhile, former Information and Broadcasting Minister, Newstead Zimba has urged Zambians to actively take part in the Constitutional Amendment process through their Members of Parliament.

Mr. Zimba said that it is for this reason that Parliamentarians should not shy away from their responsibility of making laws.

He has told ZNBC News in a walk-in interview that the amending of laws is not just unique to Zambia but other countries as well.

Mr. Zimba said it does not make sense to keep the laws that are not helping the community hence the need to support the enactment of Constitution Amendment Bill number ten of 2019.


  1. The best minister of justice in the world. The only reason bill 10 is still at this stage is because the baby hyenas did what they could to make it impossible to pass.they shunned the NDF but now in parliament they want to keep walking out and prevent it from passing. Come rain sunshine snow bill 10 is coming. So just prepare yourselves. I don’t lose . Kz

  2. What do you need a constitutional amendment so soon after Hamble read it carefully, checked it, and signed it? Waste of time and money, that bill 10 will be amended again by PF as soon as it is passed and signed. You can rest assured that yet again, PF dont know what harm they are doing to the nation.

  3. Does Lubinda know that courts belongs to Ministry of Justice? He thinks he is Minister of parliament.
    Lubinda’s education is in animal manure, he used to be a good minister of Agriculture. His talents has turned Zambian courts into animal farm.

  4. There is one pro PF NGO that paraded hungry street vendors on the Copperbelt on the pretext that they were discussing bill 10 and then told the nation that Copperbelt overwhelmingly supports the bill.

  5. Nuisance Zimba is really suffering and will do anything! He is talking from his belly just like his friends who jumped from MMD to hijack PF! Please ba PF, help the needy!
    As for Bill 10 of 2019, it’s a mischievous bill aimed at legalizing an illegality of a Third term! Bill 10 is all about overthrowing the Constitution to usher in Industrial scale Lawlessness! Bill 10 removes all the checks and balances the Constitution places on a president to prevent excesses by the Executive! PF has been singing the song to restore the one party dictatorship. This is the only hurdle left to legitimize the illegitimate! The sad thing is few Zambians are able to see through these PF schemes with their X-ray eye of the mind! By the time they wake up, it will be too late!

  6. Can the following be included in bill 10:
    1. Every serving minister linked to corruption or is being investigated should step down.
    2. Government and parastatal employees or officials and their close relatives should never be suppliers or shareholders of companies that supply government or parastatals. It should constitute corruption.
    3. MPs term should restricted to three 5 year terms only. This will help others with fresh ideas come on board.
    4. Introduce age limit for presidential and parliamentary aspirants to 70. Anyone above 70 is disqualified.

  7. @AK, While some of the points you raise have some merit, the partisan manner we have gone about Bill 10, including the main motive behind Bill 10 of putting excessive powers in an individual makes the whole exercise dangerous! Remember that when you want to poison rats, you don’t use poison in it’s pure form alone. You add some nice things to make the whole thing palatable. Bill 10 is therefore a poisoned Chalice! What is required is to discard the whole thing and start afresh! Our fellow citizens in the villages need to participate in the Constitution making progress of the country! Whatever Bill that replaces Bill 10 must be translated into local languages! Consensus building is very important! The Process is more important than the content as the process protects the content!…

  8. “Stakeholders” in the Constitution making process does not mean only the literate who can speak English! English is just a language. Being able to speak English should not be used as a measure for intelligence and wisdom! We have very wise illiterate citizens who need to be part of the process!

  9. PF has never accepted advice from other stakeholders or political parties and has said they have money and everything to manage without outside help. Call a meeting for yourselves. When PF is out of power other stakeholders will participate in the governance of our nation.

  10. @ Advocate you are right. If genuinely Mr Lubinda desires to carry everyone along he can come up with another bill representing the aspirations of most people .

  11. @ AK, I agree with you. In addition, (1) article to challenge presidential candidates Shud not be removed (2) Coalition govt Shud not be considered (3) presidential candidates Shud participate in live TV/radio debates on economy and governance issues for presidential elections (4) president Shud address press conference at least once every quarter (5) cabinet to be appointed outside Parliament.

  12. Lubinda you are a dog ant you iwe chikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaala you ben part of this for years we mbwaaaaaaawe and yet you behave like a kangaroo iwe chikaaaalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Fuuuccccccckkk you tombaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nokooooooooooooooooooooo

  13. What discussion??? Everybody has rejected this bill. Just withdraw it and stop wasting everyone’s time. You dont have the numbers to pass it.

  14. Even the ones that thought they will never loss at some point they were humbled God never fails to neutralize people who thought or think they are powerful especially those that torment other people, the poor, time is coming for sure coz when man fails God intervenes and when he does the end is disaster. Who ever thought Bin Laden will be found and be killed he thought he is the master of all things but today gone. Am just watching and waiting.

  15. No Bill 10. It’s designed mainly to put corrupt Lungu in office indefinitely, and turning Zambia into a one party State. Echo akoselapo Given. We’re locking all you PF thieves up in prison once you lose the election next year, Prison time next year for all of you bamambala in PF. Bapompwe imwe. No Bill 10. .

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