Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Bowman Lusambo’s remarks angers Fire Services Union of Zambia


The Fire Services Union of Zambia is dismayed with Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo’s remarks on the equalisation Fund.

Union General Secretary Clement Mulenga says they were mistaken that Mr Lusambo is a man of the people but it is suprising that he is now proposing to ban equalisation fund without establishing the facts on the ground.

Mr Mulenga has challenged Mr Lusambo to think before talking adding that a Minister of his calibre should always feel for the suffering Zambians who put him in the office he is enjoying today.

He said workers feel mocked by Mr Lusambo’s remarks on equalisation fund as they expect him to correctly inform the President on what is on the ground as opposed to trivialising the suffering of the council employees.

Mr Mulenga says the Union finds the treatment of fire officers who have now gone for six months without pay by the government for short of the way essential workers are supposed to be treated.

He lamented that fire workers feel tormented by the government and wondered why they are treated in this manner if their services are essential.

Mr Mulenga said the government refused to give back the exclusive functions of the councils as enshrined in the constitution which is a sign that the government is not moved by the challenges of the local authorities.

He said the union is worried that the dysfunctional local authorities can never in any in any way bring the much-needed services to the communities adding that the government must do everything possible to save the collapsed local Authorities.

Mr Mulenga said the current situation has incapacitated the fire officers and may not be available for emergency turnouts and other fire services.

Mr Mulenga is saddened that government has not moved in into the matter where fire officers have now gone into six months without pay.


  1. We can afford to overpay for 42 fire trucks to the tune of $900,000 per, but can’t afford to pay the workers manning them? These PF guys have failed us tremendously. Robbed us and failed us.

  2. Zambian High Commission in Canada has now failed to pay local stuff, as Diplomats continue to buy expensive cars. And not do anything for the economy.

  3. well that is Zambia for under the govt of the humble one. Enjoy the ride, then come next year vote for them again and again.

  4. After 2021 these chancers like Bowman will be on the streets after the lawyers send bailiffs for all that looted property…the man was no body before his dull boss picked him from the street to bootlick him. He has no understand of how municipals work he has never worked in govt.

  5. Look here, to expect logic, or coherence or anything progressive from bowman is like expecting water out of a rock or like expecting a donkey to speak.
    Mr. Lusambo is there only for one thing. Money. He has no loyalty to anyone or anything but money….as is the case with most people in pf.
    Sadly, the day lungu will lose power he will feel the weight of this fact. All these vultures that declare loyalty to him and lick his boots will turn on him, and insult him when he loses power. And they will look for new boots to lick.
    when you appoint people for bootlicking and not competence, thats the end result.

  6. Corporate governance is best hallmark of an effective organization………..Putting the right people in the right position can help the performance of any organization.
    LCC well managed can pay its workers well…………………. I wish I was a manager at LCC……………….
    Sad part is that every thing in Zambia is polarized with skewed politics . Professionalism is lost into winds………………. Just look at the bus stations, intercity bus terminal is managed…….very poor …..

  7. I love the carefree, unrestrained talk in this government. It seems any one can officially comment on anything even when its not close to their line of duty.

  8. @ robmwale; Miles Sampa is a trained manager but look at what we have been subjected to. He rears cows at he’s house without regard to the bylaws governing such. Residents of the greater city of Lusaka have been subjected to childish stunts by himself Evey day and you expect the city to be managed well.I yearn for the yesteryears when we had real town clerks like the late GRZimba for Kitwe, Dr Chishala chitoshi ndola, Alex Chiteba to mention but a few.

  9. Let the MP’s payroll move to the councils and constituencies they come from so they pay them from their respective Constituencies .we will see who will cry

  10. MuzoK l support u 100% let them being paid for the constituencies they belong to, then they’ll come up with new ideas to raise revenue.

  11. Why are you crying, You were declaring Dununa Reverse Gear in 2016?Go back and continue dancing
    What you declare you possess!
    Nomba ,have you ever heard ati ,ama ministers have not been paid even for a month? They are even getting their entertainment allowances on time.
    Some 2021, Remove these stone hearted , corrupt thugs.

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